Dragon Prince Yuan Chapter 234: Play 1 group

As soon as Zhu Feng’s horrified voice came out, everyone except Gu Hongyi was incredulous, and looked at w..lā in astonishment

“How is it possible? In just a few days, how could he put Void Transformation Technique 1st-layer cultivate successfully?!”

“But… the body can be void transformation, obviously Void Transformation Technique 1st-layer can do it!”

“It is only in this way that he can hard-wire Zhu Feng attacks with fleshly body.”


Qiao Xiu and Shen Wanjin also froze, immediately look at each other in dismay, Void Transformation Technique is a popular source technique in outer mountain, many disciples will choose, because this technique is indeed quite powerful, as long as its cultivate successfully, the security will be greatly Promote.

So Qiao Xiu, Shen Wanjin is also very familiar with it, but although there are many people in cultivation, but it is really rare to be able to repair it to 1st-layer, as for less than ten days, cultivate successfully 1st-layer , That is unheard of.

Moreover, they are all very clear, Zhou Yuan cultivation Void Transformation Technique, but they have not received the slightest instruction, all by their own power…

“Could Gu Hongyi really be able to repair Void Transformation Technique so fast because he was by his side?” Qiao Xiu and Shen Wanjin mouth could not help opening slightly.

Because before this, they actually thought that Gu Hongyi would put aside Zhu Yue and chose to follow Zhou Yuan cultivation which is too weird. If it were not for them to understand Zhou Yuan and that Gu Hongyi is not a **** girl, I am afraid they would really think that the two people Is there something wrong…

The Zhu Feng complexion turns blue and white alternately, and there is horror in the eyes.

He never imagined that Zhou Yuan was really cultivate successfully Void Transformation Technique 1st-layer

When Zhu Feng was shocked, Zhou Yuan was in that gaze, gently flicked the chest, and the voice was calm without waves: “Just talked to you just now, let you go together, You want to come by yourself…as it is…”

When the Zhou Yuan voice fell, his figure moved sharply.

I only saw half of his body, as if it were void transformation a lot, and it took a step out, and there was a faint mist emerging, and its figure was like the wind carrying the fog and looting out.

“Quick speed!”

Zhu Feng‘s heart bursts with Zhou Yuan’s speed, so fast that even he can only see the faint afterimage.

In the face of the weird Zhou Yuan at this time, Zhu Feng no longer had the previous arrogance, the soles of his feet stepped on, and his figure was also abruptly retreated.

However, his speed is far less than that of Zhou Yuan at this time.

Zhou Yuan is just a step out, it is appear(ance) in front of Zhu Feng, shaped like demon.

No matter how Zhu Feng avoids, Zhou Yuan’s is like a tarsal maggot, follow closely.

“This speed…” Qiao Xiu and Sun Jinglei looked at this scene, they were slightly moved.

“You leave me!” Zhu Feng was also stunned by the soul flies away and scatters at the demon speed of Zhou Yuan, and his heart was extremely ashamed. With a roar, the source of violent erupted from his body and flew in all directions.


However, there were several flashes of the Zhou Yuan’s figure, which was the breakthrough of the source gas impact, and then there was a purple golden scales film on the palm of the hand. A flash shot shot, instantly penetrated the defense of Zhu Feng and fell on its chest.


The source gas exploded, and if Zhu Feng was hit hard, he flew out directly.

However, his figure has just flown out, and he has not yet landed. The Zhou Yuan has a slightly void transformation figure, and appear(ance) is under it, and the leg winds roar with the source gas.


The whip leg tore the air and kicked on the belly of Zhu Feng, screaming came out. ..

He flew out again.

Ah! what!

Then everyone saw their eyelids beating, and the figure of Zhu Feng flew around in the air continuously, and it could never fall to the ground, and it was extremely embarrassing.

In the mountain stream, there was also a silence. Everyone couldn’t look at the Zhu Feng that was generally kicked and kicked by Zhou Yuan as a ball, and even couldn’t even fight back. A chill.

Especially those disciples who came with Zhu Feng, they originally thought that they would come to this trip, and they will definitely be able to defeat Zhou Yuan in a destructive way and make him more interesting.

But everyone didn’t expectZhu Feng with the strength of Absolute Beginning Realm 3-layer Heaven, can’t even touch the shadow of Zhou Yuan’s, it is purely played as a ball.

“What are you doing stunned! Come on together and beat him!”

In the air, Zhu Feng, who was beaten dizzy and eyes blurred, roared abnormally.

At a glance, those disciples look at each other in dismay finally did not care how much to bully, and immediately went out violently shoots with a scalp, and squashed against Zhou Yuan.

“I said earlier that you are all going to ink.” Zhou Yuan saw everyone attacking, with a little laugh, the whole body was thicker and the speed was soaring again.


He was like a shadow like demon, rushing into the ten disciples.

Boom! boom!

In the battle circle, there is chaos. Although the disciples have good strength, they can’t even touch the Zhou Yuan’s clothing corner. On the other hand, when looking at Zhou Yuan, the fist covered with purple golden scales is carrying a strong body The source of the air, a polite punch hit everyone’s body.

Fisting to the flesh, fierce and abnormal.

So, in just a few minutes, the ground was covered with figures, all with swollen noses, blood on the corners of their mouths, and groaning all over the floor.

In the middle, Zhou Yuan stands with his hands down, and the body of void transformation gradually recovers.

His expression is indifferent, without any ups and downs.

He looked forward to the ground, where Zhu Feng staggered to stand up. The former latter, who was mainly taken care of by Zhou Yuan, looked extremely miserable at this time.

Zhu Feng looked at Zhou Yuan and couldn’t help trembling. There was a look of horror in his eyes. He was really didn’t expect. More than ten of them besieged Zhou Yuan at the same time.

cultivate successfully got the Zhou Yuan of Void Transformation Technique 1st-layer. Not only are they so fast that they can’t reach them, but also the defense is extremely terrible. They don’t even care about their attacks.

You know, among these ten people, there are two other first-class disciples, but the strength of Absolute Beginning Realm 3-layer Heaven!

But even so, a group of them was easily solved by Zhou Yuan

How fierce is this?

Even Qiao Xiu and Sun Jinglei, their top 10 disciples in the outer mountain, dare not say that they can easily solve the first-class disciples without damage.

“After today, the top ten outer mountain disciples should have a seat of Junior Brother Zhou Yuan.” Qiao Xiu could not help sighing.

The previous Zhou Yuan was too low-key. Although it won the battle with Han Shan, it just made people feel that he was qualified to be a first-class disciple. Among the first-class disciples, many people think that Zhou Yuan should It’s the one that ranks extremely low.

In today’s battle, I am afraid that no one will continue to say such words.

This battle is enough to make him move outer mountain.

That Sun Jinglei is also complexion dignified, staring at Zhou Yuan with dazzling eyes, before he did not take Zhou Yuan too seriously in his eyes, so when Zhu Feng came to ask him to fight, he agreed without hesitation.

But now, he regrets it a little bit.

This Zhou Yuan is obviously not as simple as they seem, but for no reason is offended now.

Snap Pā!

Behind that, there was a crisp applause. I only saw Gu Hongyi looking at this scene with a smile, and I saw Zhou Yuan’s‘s eyes, which actually had some appreciation.

This person Zhou Yuan overturned a group of stern gestures, apparently very appetizing for her.

Zhou Yuan smiled, but he was more and more satisfied with this Void Transformation Technique. If he had never been cultivate successfully Void Transformation Technique, although he was not afraid of the other party, he would definitely need a firmly resists game.

Void Transformation Technique, void transformation had fleshly body, so that his speed soared, movement also became extremely sensitive, coupled with the defense of Profound Python Scale, the strength of 3-layer Heaven, could not break his defense.

His raised the head, looked indifferently at the embarrassed Zhu Feng and others, saying: “Your big brother Zhu Yue, although he is a disciple of inner mountain, but his mind is very narrow, it was only a little conflict, he wanted to join Other inner mountain disciples are not allowed to teach me the source…”

If it weren’t for him who owns Barrier Breaking Saint Pattern, maybe it would really cause him some trouble. After all, no one would give directions, and by relying on his own exploration, the efficiency would inevitably slow down.

Zhu Feng heard Zhou Yuan blame Zhu Yue, but he didn’t dare to respond, but he snorted.

After all, he is a disciple of inner mountain after big brother. Even if Zhou Yuan is cultivate successfully, Void Transformation Technique 1st-layer~IndoMTL.com~ he dare not touch it.

Zhou Yuan, we recognized this time, but you don’t want proud, you offended me big brother, you have no good fruit to eat!” Zhu Feng gritted his teeth.

Zhou Yuan hearing this, with a slight smile, said: “This sentence should actually be better for me.”

Although Zhu Feng is embarrassed, he still shows sarcasm and sneer: “Oh? Do you dare to go to me big brother trouble? “

Although Zhou Yuan cultivate successfully has Void Transformation Technique 1st-layer, this is obviously not visible in the eyes of Zhu Yue. After all, the latter is a inner mountain disciple anyway.

Zhou Yuan seems to be smiling.

And seeing his look, Zhu Feng suddenly felt a little uneasy, but didn’t know what Zhou Yuan wanted to do.

Zhou Yuan’s looked at the disciples who followed Zhu Feng. These people followed Zhu Yue cultivation Void Transformation Technique.

“From today, I will also teach people cultivation Void Transformation Technique, as for efficiency, Gu Hongyi can be used as a reference, I can guarantee that all people can be within a month, cultivate successfully Void Transformation Technique 1st-layer.”

“As for the price, then Zhu Yue charges five yuan jade a day, then I will be cheaper, three yuan jade a day.”

“If you are interested, you can switch over.”

In the mountain stream, there was a silence, even Qiao Xiu and Sun Jinglei were staring at Zhou Yuan.

Everyone is didn’t expect, Zhou Yuan wants to recruit students discreetly, cultivation Void Transformation Technique!

Zhu Feng was staring blankly at Zhou Yuan, and suddenly his scalp was tingling, because he found that if Zhou Yuan really did this, then he big brother Zhu Yue, I am afraid his life will become extremely bad!

After all, even Zhu Yue does not dare to say that in a month, people will put Void Transformation Technique 1st-layer cultivate successfully. ) Download the free reader!!

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