Dragon Prince Yuan Chapter 232:

In the next few days, Gu Hongyi, who tasted the sweetness, will come to the river bank almost every day. Zhou Yuan will help him cultivation Void Transformation Technique.

With the help of Zhou Yuan’s, Gu Hongyi’s Void Transformation Technique is also advancing by leaps and bounds, but in just three Four Heavens time, the acupoint that got through was changed from ten to twenty-five.

Be aware that the acupoint is more difficult to sense as it gets to the back. The time of the three Four Heavens, if it is in accordance with the normal situation, I am afraid that the Gu Hongyi can only get through four or five at most.

However, under the guidance of Zhou Yuan’s, the speed of Gu Hongyi Void Transformation Technique, even she herself has been shocked, so even with her proud temperament, when I saw Zhou Yuan in these days, there was a touch of respect in the speech .

It’s just that Zhou Yuan didn’t care much about her attitude change. After all, he wanted Yuanyu, which he had already got…

But what bothers him is that there is still a big gap between this source and the high rank Lesser Heaven Origin Technique he wants to exchange for “Nine Dragons Manual“.

The gurgling mountain stream.

Zhou Yuan sits azure stone, eyes closed cultivation, not far from him, Gu Hongyi is also here.


Suddenly, Zhou Yuan opened his eyes, and a mass of white qi spit out slowly from his mouth. At this moment, a peculiar fluctuation came out of Zhou Yuan’s‘s body.

After that, I saw half of his body gradually become void transformation, with a touch of transparency.

“You, are you cultivate successfully Void Transformation Technique 1st-layer?!” A shocked voice sounded from the side, only to see that Gu Hongyi opened her beautiful eyes and looked at Zhou Yuan, her small face was full of shock.

Having half of the body can be void transformation, obviously you have to reach Void Transformation Technique 1st-layer to do it.

The look of Zhou Yuan hasn’t changed much. She glanced at her and said, “You have already got through 25 now. Is it weird to fix 1st-layer?”

Gu Hongyi was sluggish and bulged, because she also felt that this shock was a bit silly, but it is normal to think about this conditioned shock, after all, it is possible to repair Void Transformation Technique to 1st-layer in such a short time. It’s too rare.

Void Transformation Technique 1st-layer cultivate successfully, any attack that falls on me will be resolved by nearly 30%.” Zhou Yuan looked at the palm of void transformation, and his eyes were full of satisfaction.

Mo Xiao looked at these 30%. In many cases, this is enough to reverse the situation.

Of course, this solution is not absolute. Some special measures can still restrain it. Otherwise, the Void Transformation Technique level is not only middle rank Lesser Heaven Origin Technique, even if it is a true Heaven Origin Technique.

But overall, with this Void Transformation Technique, its own security will be greatly improved.

“You are quite low-key…” On the other side, Gu Hongyi looked at Zhou Yuan and suddenly smiled and said: “Although you seem to be only Absolute Beginning Realm 1-layer Heaven, but after these days of contact, I think it has just been released You should be seated in the top ten of outer mountain.”

It’s been almost half a month since many disciples came to Blue Profound Sect. Those who have adapted should gradually adapt, and where there are many people, there will naturally be disputes and comparisons.

So, after some calculations and the approval of everyone, among the outer mountain disciples, the so-called top ten outer mountain disciples were selected. These two days have been spreading, which is the biggest topic in outer mountain.

The head of the outer mountain disciple, no one’s surprise, is the Lu Feng.

Gu Hongyi ranked second.

Of the top ten outer mountain disciples, seven of them are chosen child from Saint Province natives, while only three, from other continentZhou Yuan know Qiao Xiu, just ranked tenth.

As for Zhou Yuan… obviously no one counted him at all. After all, his Absolute Beginning Realm 1-layer Heaven seemed to be too far away from the disciples who stepped into 3-layer Heaven.

But apparently Gu Hongyi doesn’t think so, so she will say the previous sentence.

In her view, Zhou Yuan will hide his strength too. If he really wants to fight, the top ten outer mountain disciples must have his place.

Zhou Yuan hearing this, also smiled and said: “What is the point of competing for the top ten? selecting mountain ceremony, don’t look at this.”

He really did not have any interest in the top ten outer mountain disciples who have been circulating recently. After all, the ranking is even higher. In case selecting mountain ceremony is defeated, is it more shameful?

And the so-called top ten outer mountain disciples didn’t even include Yao Yao, which made Zhou Yuan scoff at its gold content, because he knew that if Yao Yao were to start, even if it was Lu Feng, I’m afraid it wouldn’t be Her opponent.

Gu Hongyi‘s ruddy little mouth said, “Everyone are young people. If you have a low heart and a strong spirit, how can you rush to the peak? It’s you, a young man, like a little old man.”

Zhou Yuan can’t help but rolled the eyes. I don’t want to play this kind of boring ranking with you.


Just when Zhou Yuan just wanted to speak, his expression suddenly moved, and his raised the head looked out of the mountain stream, where there was a rushing wind breaking sound.

A figure hurriedly rushed by, and the round figure let Zhou Yuan know the person in the first place.

Naturally, Shen Wanjin.

At this time, Shen Wanjin, sweating all over his face, shouted at the sight of Zhou Yuan: “Little Brother Yuan, then Zhu Feng brought a lot of people to this place! It seems that the comer is not good.”

Zhu Feng?” Zhou Yuan narrowed his eyes. The brothers couldn’t bear it anymore.

He knew that Gu Hongyi was snatched from Zhu Yue, and that guy could not swallow this breath.

“Are Zhu Yue coming?” Zhou Yuan asked.

If Zhu Yue comes, then he has to go and bring Tun Tun first. After all, the hero doesn’t eat the loss in front of him. No matter how arrogant he is, he won’t fight against Zhu Yue who is already a disciple of inner mountain when Absolute Beginning Realm 1-layer Heaven .

“No.” Shen Wanjin shook his head.

Zhou Yuan didn’t care about the smile. If Zhu Yue didn’t come, a Zhu Feng wouldn’t be able to turn the waves.

Shen Wanjin is very worried about the indifferent appearance of Zhou Yuan. After all, although Zhu Feng is not just the top ten outer mountain disciples just released, it is definitely among the first class disciples, and its strength is far from that of the previous Han Shan.

When they talked, there was already a sound of breaking wind at the mouth of the mountain stream, and then Zhou Yuan saw ten shadows of ray of light coming and fell not far from the bank of the stream.

The one leading one is the Zhu Feng.

And the Zhu Feng at this time is also complexion staring at Zhou Yuan poorly, coldly saying: “Zhou Yuan, I don’t know what rhetoric you used to fooling Junior Sister Hongyi, but I advise you not to pretend to be fooled, otherwise Junior Sister Hongyi, You can’t afford that responsibility!”

Gu Hongyi hearing this, suddenly charming face came down from the cold, whispered angrily: “Zhu Feng, where am I, cultivation, what is your business? Get away!”

She looked sharply at Zhu Feng and others, and faced with her power, Zhu Feng and others imposing manner were also weak.

However, Zhu Feng has not been frightened, and said daringly: “Junior Sister Hongyi, we are here for you, don’t listen to this kid’s rhetoric.”

Gu Hongyi smiled angrily, and said: “Hua Yan? You idiots know that I am following him cultivation Void Transformation Technique, what level have you reached now?”

“I have got through 25 acupoints now. If I followed Zhu Yue, I am afraid that there are not even 15 now?”

Zhu Feng complexion changed slightly, and other disciples looked at Gu Hongyi in disbelief and exclaimed: “Twenty-five ways? How is it possible?!”

However, they also knew that with Gu Hongyi’s temperament, I was afraid they would disdain to tell lies to them.

Does Zhou Yuan really have this ability?

Zhu Feng also changed his eyes. He immediately looked at Zhou Yuan contemptuously and said: “We all know the talent of Junior Sister Hongyi, so even if she can repair Void Transformation Technique to this in just a few days, it is not an accident.”

“But if you want to add this kind of credit to your head, I’m afraid you have not yet qualified.”

What he said clearly is that he thinks he can get to this step with cultivation, just because Gu Hongyi has amazing talent and has nothing to do with Zhou Yuan. Gu Hongyi said so, but he just wanted to speak for Zhou Yuan.

Others hearing this~IndoMTL.com~ are also secretly nods, but they agree.

After all, they would rather believe that Gu Hongyi is amazingly talented, and less willing to believe that a kid with Absolute Beginning Realm 1-layer Heaven would have this ability…

Gu Hongyi is so angry that I don’t know what to say. These **** are too good to make up their own brains.

She was still angry, but she was stopped by Zhou Yuan reaching out.

“It doesn’t matter if you talk to them too much.” Zhou Yuan helplessly said.

Gu Hongyi glared at Zhou Yuan. If it was not to help him talk, how could she become so talkative.

“Why say more when you meet this kind of person…”

Zhou Yuan smiled at Gu Hongyi, something seemed to be slowly climbing out of his eyes, he said: “What did you just say about me? Do you think I am like a little old man?”

“Isn’t it sharp, I also have…”

His eyes turned to Zhu Feng and others, the smile on the corner of his mouth bloomed, with a trace of coldness like a blade.

“You guys come to the door, don’t you just want to pick things up…”

“Come on, a bunch of waste, I will beat you one by one, or will you beat me one by one…”

“Choose whatever you want.”

When the last word fell, Zhou Yuan’s‘s face was completely cold, and the violent source gas, like a storm, suddenly burst out of his body.

In the back, Gu Hongyi looked at the moment when imposing manner became extremely fierce, and the aggressive Zhou Yuan, a splendid appearance also appeared in the beautiful eyes.

At this time, Zhou Yuan, and the gentle youngster who usually taught her, seemed to be a different person.

(I went to Hangzhou today to apply for an ID card, and rushed back to Shanghai at night. I have only written a chapter now. Let’s do it today.) Download the free reader!!

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