Dragon Prince Yuan Chapter 227: Revenge

Out of Houshan, Zhou Yuan’s complexion still has some gloomy, but didn’t expect would be such a coincidence this time. The lecturer he just met was big brother of Zhu Feng

It seems that the previous Gu Hongyi kindly reminded him, but this woman is too much arrogant and pampered, and she is not finished.

“I don’t believe it. Without the lecturer’s guidance, I can’t do it.”

Zhou Yuan held jade slip, eyes slightly cold, Lesser Heaven Origin Technique cultivation is indeed not easy, but he did not believe that no one pointed out that he can not cultivate successfully,? Big deal, just spend more time.

However, despite being so disgusted by the Zhu Yue today, it is really a bad mood.

Zhou Yuan left Houshan uncomfortably and returned to small building.

At the balcony of small building, Yao Yao was basking in the warm sunlight, reading through an ancient book, the flawless side face, as smooth as jade, and the green silk was poured down.

Zhou Yuan saw this scene, and some uncomfortable feelings in my heart also quietly disappeared.

“What’s wrong?” Yao Yao turned his head slightly, and asked lazily at Zhou Yuan.

Zhou Yuan sat down beside him, sniffing the fresh fragrance of the girl beside her, and said some things helplessly today.

And Yao Yao listened carefully, squinting her eyes brightly, making it hard to see her mood fluctuating, but after listening to it, she only said quietly: “A inner mountain disciple, at most it’s just The preliminary cultivate successfully of “Void Transformation Technique” is qualified to be thoroughly eaten, so if you stay, it is just a waste of Yuanyu.”

“With that source of jade, it is better to improve the Tun Tun’s meal.”

The Tun Tun hearing this on the side shouted with excitement, and his eyes were shiny.

“Today’s performance is not bad, I will take you back to Hundred Fragrance Building.” Zhou Yuan also smiled and touched the Tun Tun’s head. If there is no such thing today, facing Zhu Yue with his strength is really a bit reluctant. Although the other party did not dare to do anything to him, it would inevitably be embarrassed.

Fortunately, the Tun Tun protector, instead, made the Zhu Yue who was trying to get off Mawei uncomfortable.

“Show me the Void Transformation Technique.” Yao Yao reached out his hand, slender and slender jade finger, glittering and translucent.

Zhou Yuan took the jade slip from his arms and handed it to Yao Yao.

Yao Yao held it, her eyes closed slightly, and after a while, she slowly opened, saying: “This source technique is a bit interesting, you have a good vision”

“To cultivate successfully This source technique is actually not difficult, it is nothing more than getting through 108 acupoint , Then infused with cloud mist essence gas, quenched acupoint , Stay great accomplishment When fleshly body Imaginary, like clouds and fog, traveling a thousand miles a day”

“But the slightly troublesome part is that the human body is acupoint billions, different from each other. Only through the gradual induction can the 108 acupoint be opened. I think their so-called lecturers can only be used by other disciples. Some suggestions are given when the induction is wrong, so that it can be corrected and re-sensed. It has no effect.”

Yao Yao just watched it for a while, but penetrated the mystery of this Void Transformation Technique. Such a terrifying perception made Zhou Yuan a bit dumbfounded.

Zhou Yuan eyes staring Yao Yao brightly, can’t wait to say: “Then Sister Yao Yao can know how to sense the 108 acupoint?”

Yao Yao hearing this, shook his head and said, “I can’t.”

But she stretched out jade finger again, pointed to Zhou Yuan, and said, “But you can.”

Zhou Yuan is confused, and obviously doesn’t understand what she means.

Looking at his dazed look, Yao Yao couldn’t help smiling, stretched out the cold jade finger, and lightly tapped the Zhou Yuan eyebrow, where an ancient Saint Pattern was hidden.

“You really are in Baoshan and don’t know.”

“Your eyebrow Saint Pattern is born out of “Blue Profound Saint Seal“, the senior Blue Profound (Cang Xuan) also said, this is “Barrier Breaking Saint Pattern“.”

“It can see the flaws of any source technique.”

“Not only against the enemy, but also itself.”

Zhou Yuan’s‘s eyes are getting brighter and brighter at this time, he already understands the meaning of Yao Yao’s, so he slowly said: “So, I can spy on Void Transformation Technique of cultivation by myself Barrier Breaking Saint Pattern

Yao Yao small head nodded, Yan Ran chuckled, said: “In this way, you don’t need to work hard to sense the location of acupoint, you only need to visit with Barrier Breaking Saint Pattern to find it out.”

“The efficiency, I don’t know how many times more than others, but also need a Barrier Breaking Saint Pattern inner mountain disciple to guide?”

The Zhou Yuan’s fist couldn’t help but thump together. At this time, his eyes were excited with his temperament, and the one who couldn’t help was to hug Yao Yao: “Sister Yao Yao, you are awesome! “

However, he hasn’t touched Yao Yao in his hand yet, her eyes narrowed slightly, and Zhou Yuan stiffened.

Zhou Yuan withdrew his palms awkwardly, held jade slip, and said sorrowfully: “Then I will first try cultivation to see if I can peep out acupoint.”

After he finished, he slipped into the small building backyard and tried cultivation Void Transformation Technique.

Looking at his back, charming face slightly raised from the Yao Yao micro-board appeared a chuckle, and immediately she looked out of small building, her red lips and her lips slightly pursed, a little cold.

Tun Tun

She patted Tun Tun aside.

Tun Tun raised the head is coming.

“Go teach that guy a lesson” Yao Yao unemotionally said.

Although she can bully Zhou Yuan, but where does a inner mountain disciple come from?


Tun Tun hearing this suddenly gave a low roar. The beast pupil clearly appeared with excitement. His figure moved into black light violently shoots.

Yao Yao looked at the place where Tun Tun disappeared, and then lay back again, basking in the sun, the ancient book in the hands of looks at

The night is coming.

Zhu Yue walked out of Temple. He looked at the scattered disciples. When they left, they all saluted him respectfully, which made him more complacent.

“Oh, thanks to big brother today, let Zhou Yuan suffer a big loss, it is really depressing.” In Zhu Yue behind, Zhu Feng laughed.

Zhu Yue said with a smile: “It’s just a countryman from a small place. I don’t have any knowledge. Do you really think Lesser Heaven Origin Technique is such a good cultivation? Wait until he asks to come over and see how I humiliate him.”

“I also talk to other Senior Brother brothers of inner mountain these days, it is best to let this kid not be able to find a lecturer, and then I will let him be unable to complete a source surgery!”

“Look what he will do to charge the selecting mountain ceremony!”

Zhu Feng is also sneering at nodded.

“You go back first. Over the past few days, try to put this Void Transformation Technique cultivate successfully, then selecting mountain ceremony, or show your face.” Zhu Yue said ~IndoMTL.com~Zhu Feng should be, then turned away.

Zhu Yue sent him away, and only then went to the residence. Their inner mountain disciples, natural treatment is not comparable to outer mountain disciples, everyone has a good place cultivation.

Zhu Yue stepped on the source gas and swept across a mountain, and suddenly its look changed suddenly, because a black light came like lightning from violently shoots below like lightning.


The Zhu Yue binge, the source gas in the body suddenly burst out, and was shot with the backhand. I saw that the source gas turned into a giant hand of dozens of feet, and took the black light fiercely.


However, the black light didn’t stop, as if there was a low roar, the sharp claws wrapped around black light, and suddenly torn down.

At that moment, it seemed that the space was all shattered.

And the gas giant hand, but only a few breaths, has burst, and the sharp claw wind is torn off, then the Zhu Yue suddenly felt a windy wind coming, and then, he felt a sharp pain on the face Emerge.


He couldn’t help screaming, a blood claw appear(ance) was on his face, and he tore directly to his waist, the whole clothes were torn, extremely embarrassed.

The blood rolled down the eyeballs, Zhu Yue exploded, and the crazy violently surge came out, but when it was not waiting for it to return, the black light had disappeared into the vast night.

Zhu Yue looked around in midair, trembling with rage, he was not a fool, how could he not know, that black light must have something to do with Zhou Yuan, maybe today’s little beast!

But what if you know? Could it be said directly that he was made this way by a outer mountain disciple? Then passed back to Qifeng, what other face will he have in the future?

As a result, Zhu Yue almost exploded.

Zhou Yuan!”

“I want you to be unable to repair one source technique!”

In the night, the roar of Zhu Yue‘s anger and resentment resounded like a beast.

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