Dragon Prince Yuan Chapter 180: azure torrent

“In Saint Pagoda, it will be like this…”

In Saint Pagoda, Zhou Yuan raised the head, he looked at the giant mountain in front of the appear(ance) in front of the majestic invisible, and some surprised look appeared on his face.

The giant mountain, exuding holy light, has a faint cloud, and the highest mountain top is hidden in the cloud and cannot be peeped.

At this time, thirty figures are stomping on the source, suspended at mountain foot, and they are looking up at Saint Mountain.

In front of them, there is an stone stairs made of a huge azure stone. Each level of stone stairs is higher than people. stone stairs continues to spread up until the end of the line of sight. From a distance, it looks like a head. Creeping azure dragon.

azure stone is ancient and mottled, and seems to contain the mysterious aura.

The entire Saint Mountain is the only road leading to the top of the mountain.

“It seems that if you want to get the Great Good Fortune, you can only go through the stone stairs to the top of the mountain.” Lu Luo put his little hand in front of him and looked at the giant stone ladder that I don’t know how long.

“This stone stairs is probably not so easy to pass.” Zhou Yuan stared at azure stone stairs.

With Divine Soul perception, he faintly perceives that there seems to be dangerous fluctuations entrenched in it.

The others are also nodded. Although their Divine Soul doesn’t feel as sharp as the Zhou Yuan, but thinking about it is to understand, as this last level, how easy is it?

Saint Pagoda is starting to fade?” Zuoqiu Qingyu burst into surprise.

Zhou Yuan, they had seen raise one’s head, and they also saw that the Saint Pagoda they entered started to become illusory. As a result, the internal scene was also completely exposed to the attention of many chosen child outsiders.

But Saint Pagoda just became illusory, but still exist(ence), as if the meaning of exist(ence) is to protect this Saint Mountain.

And this kind of change also fell into the eyes of countless chosen child in Saint Vestige Land, and a lot of shock broke out immediately.

“Is that inside Saint Pagoda?”

“Is that Saint Mountain the last level to Saint Land?”

“It seems simple?”

“The last level, how easy will it be, wait and see, there should be a good show…”


And for the whispering whispers of countless in Saint Vestige Land, Zhou Yuan and others in the tower are naturally unable to hear. At this time, all their attention is on the mysterious blue stone stairs.

The thirty-eight figures also fell into a short silence, and the silence lasted for a long while. Finally, someone couldn’t bear it, and ran out carefully, and landed on the azure stone stairs.

As soon as the chosen child fell on stone stairs, it was to urge the source to protect the whole body, but the trap that everyone imagined did not have appear(ance), and the chosen child was safe…

“It’s all right?”

The chosen child was also stunned for a while, and then his eyes were delighted and his figure moved, that is, he stepped on the huge stone stairs and kept moving upward.

His move, the others couldn’t stand it anymore, they were all biting their teeth, the sound of the wind breaking, and they kept falling towards the huge stone stairs.

“Let’s go too, be careful, it shouldn’t be that simple here.” Zhou Yuan saw it, and looked at them at Yao Yao, and said.

The others are naturally nodded.

Then a group of people also landed on the huge azure stone stairs.

In less than a minute, everyone fell down, and then jumped carefully, climbing a series of stone stairs, quickly up.

“It seems that… there is really no danger?” After a few minutes, there was still no movement, so chosen child could not bear it, the source gas exploded at the foot, the speed suddenly accelerated, as if a shadow swept up, just counted, It spans dozens of stone stairs.

Seeing this, Lu Luo is also a bit intolerant and wants to speed up.

However, as soon as her figure moved, Zhou Yuan grabbed Hao wrist, the latter raised the head, looking at the direction of the end of stone stairs, said: “Not right, don’t be impulsive.”

And just after the Zhou Yuan voice fell, everyone felt faintly, it seemed that Heaven and Earth was shaking slightly.

Yao Yao staring at the end of stone stairs, suddenly said: “Something seems to have washed down.”

Zhou Yuan‘s eyes narrowed and looked closely. Sure enough, I saw that at the end of stone stairs, there seemed to be azure light pouring down…


The sound of Heaven and Earth vibration is becoming more and more obvious, and at this time Zhou Yuan and others are finally seeing clearly, only to see that at the end of that stone stairs, the torrent of azure is like a flood, pouring down stone stairs and hiding the sky and covering the earth.

The azure torrent is endless and majestic, and it seems that everything will be destroyed.

“That’s… a source torrent formed by source gas!” Zhou Yuan‘s pupils shrank, and there was a little shock in his voice.

The tremendous source gas torrent hits like this, and the momentum is like heaven shaking.

Zhou Yuan Under that kind of torrent, they are like ants in the flood.

“Hurry, avoid each other, defend!” Zhou Yuan complexion dignified and snapped.


At this time, the azure torrent formed by the source gas has been impacted, and the chosen child at the forefront is the first to be affected, and it is instantly affected…


The chosen child almost had no time to make a scream, even though he had urged the source gas to resist, but still at that moment, he was directly involved in the torrent, rolled down, and finally was rushed out azure stone stairs

And the azure torrent still keeps on, holding him, rushing out of Saint Pagoda and throwing it towards Saint Vestige Land.

“It was even thrown out that Saint Pagoda!” Everyone saw this scene, and their hearts were all cold. It turned out that as long as they were separated from azure stone stairs, it would be tantamount to losing the qualification to compete for Great Good Fortune.

At this point, no one dared to have the slightest contempt.

hōng hōng!

The torrent is rapidly magnified in the eye pupil of Zhou Yuan’s~IndoMTL.com~He has took a deep breath, with light pattern in the palm of his hand, and finally radiance skyrocketed, which was directly transformed into tortoise shell light pattern before him.

3rd Rank source pattern, Great Tortoise Shell Pattern!”

His soles also stomped abruptly, his feet surging, and he only caught the ground.


Just when Zhou Yuan made these defenses, the azure flood poured in, hitting the Great Tortoise Shell Pattern, and suddenly the Shield shivered wildly…

The indescribable impact force took the Zhou Yuan’s foot back a step back, but was suddenly supported by him.

“What a terrible shock!”

There are blue tendons on the forehead of Zhou Yuan, and the source gas of dark golden begins to flow out of his body, resisting the endless and endless impact of that kind.

It’s like walking on the stone stairs, with the feeling of a torrent rushing ahead.

“It’s not easy to reach the summit. Now I just insist on it and don’t dare to be distracted, let alone climb to the top of the invisible end…” Zhou Yuan laughed bitterly.

His eyes glanced slightly, and not far away, Lu Luo, Zuoqiu Qingyu, Zhen Xu, etc. were all exerting their own means, and insisted **** the azure torrent.

The place in front, Wu Huang, Ye Ming, Li Chunjun and others are also in various ways.

At the same time, there was a scream from time to time. That was because someone couldn’t hold on, was washed down by the torrent, and finally rushed out of Saint Pagoda

“Right now you must gradually adapt to this azure torrent before you can climb again.”

Zhou Yuan gradually calmed down, but the next moment, his complexion suddenly changed, his eyes hurriedly swept, because he found that above this stone stairs, he could not see the Yao Yao’s figure! )!!

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