Dragon Prince Yuan Chapter 1496: The last step

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The torrent of **** crystals pierced through Chaos Void, and then went away with a roar. I don’t know how far it penetrated…

And all Heavens’ Saint was ecstatically watching this scene. The offensive of Zhou Yuan was terrifying to the extreme, and Saint God could not escape. Such a heavy blow should be able to cause considerable damage to Saint God, right?

countless‘s eyes converged outside all Heavens.

I saw traces of pitch black in the void, and a black and white oval light cover stood quietly, with many traces of ablation on it. Through those cracks, half of Saint God‘s face can be seen hidden in it.

The black and white light cover gradually converged, and finally turned into black and white, all of which fell into the black and white pupil between the eyebrows of the Saint God.

Saint God itself has not seen any damage.

The ecstasy in all Heavens Saint‘s eyes suddenly seemed to be poured down by cold water, and instantly became dim and disappointed.

Such a heavy blow, even Saint God took it down…

Zhou Yuan’s‘s brows are also slightly frowned. If his blow was the Saint God before it was transformed, it would definitely not be able to take it, but obviously, he still somewhat underestimated the power of the transformed Saint God.

Zhou Yuan, you can’t beat me. Although you have entered the realm of gods, you are just a mortal in nature. As a Innate Spiritual God, with innate as the foundation of the gods, I naturally have the advantage of fighting.” Saint God smiled faintly. .

Zhou Yuan‘s eyes sink slightly. After entering the Divine Realm, he certainly understands the power of the so-called divine objects. For example, the Heaven Primal Brush in his hands is now considered to be in the realm of divine objects, but Saint God‘s roots and feet were once the “chaos” of Beginning of the Universe. “Black Sea”, this thing is the category of innate divine things, and its power and mystery are far beyond Heaven Primal Brush.

The only one among Heaven and Earth that can be compared to the Black Sea of ​​Chaos is the Yao Yao’s Nine Orifices Divine Stone, but the Divine Stone melted with her body and turned into the divine bone in Zhou Yuan.

Zhou Yuan, as a mortal god, do you want to see the true power of the innate fetish?” Saint God chuckled, and the next moment, the black and white pupils on his brows blinked slightly.

At this moment, Chaos Void changed drastically. Zhou Yuan found that he was already in a vast ocean of black and white. The black and white filled his vision and stirred the universe.

While in this sea of ​​black and white, Zhou Yuan even discovered that the divine power in his body began to gradually flow away, seeming to be absorbed by the sea of ​​black and white.

Zhou Yuan immediately shook its supernatural power, transformed into hundreds of millions of figures, and then hiding the sky and covering the earth faced Sifang violently shoots, trying to escape the black and white sea.

However, no matter how the hundreds of millions of figures move, they will ultimately be unable to cross the sea.

In the end, hundreds of millions of figures became one and transformed into a Zhou Yuan’s figure.

He stared at the surface of the sea, only to see the huge face of Saint God emerged there, and the latter let out a roar of laughter: “Zhou Yuan, after the previous transformation, my chaotic black sea has also evolved a layer, and now it may be possible. Call it “the sea of ​​chaos and yin and yang”, sinking into the second sea, the universe is covered, yin and yang are reversed, you can’t escape.”

“Your divine power will be absorbed quickly, until your divine body breaks down, Zhou Yuan, I said, you can’t beat me!”

His laughter spread all over all Heavens and fell into the ears of the all Heavens creatures, which immediately caused the countless creatures to be cold and desperate.

In Blue Profound Sect, the saints were also a little flustered. Everyone was didn’t expect. In a blink of an eye, Zhou Yuan was trapped by Saint God.

As far as that great battle was concerned, any of their emotions were useless, so in Chaos Void, the sea of ​​black and white continued to surge, wreak havoc Heaven and Earth.

Zhou Yuan stands on the surface of the sea, and he feels the passing of the divine power in his body with a solemn expression.

Zhou Yuan, if you are willing to be my lord, I can save your life. After all, you are the first person in Heavenly Origin World to become a **** with a mortal body.” On the sea, Saint God‘s huge face made a sound.

Zhou Yuan hearing this, his expression was still, he was silent for a few breaths, and slowly said: “innate divine fetish is indeed tyrannical, but this world may not have anything to check and balance you.”

Saint God curiously said: “It seems that you still have the means? The Nine Apertures Divine Stone has melted, what else can you use to fight my Chaos Yin Yang Sea in Heaven and Earth?”

Zhou Yuan did not answer, but stretched out his palm, facing the location of all Heavens, and gently pressed it down.

Then, there seems to be no response.

all Heavens Saint also watched this scene suspiciously, not knowing what Zhou Yuan was doing.

However, their doubts did not last long, because they suddenly saw that the Hunyuan Zhusheng great formation shrouded outside all Heavens was shaking violently at this time.

Immediately afterwards, great formation, which had protected all Heavens from being invaded by Saint Race for thousands of years, was gradually cracking.

great formation was broken, and countless all Heavens creatures felt reflexively uneasy. After all, in the past years, precisely, the exist(ence) of great formation, only allowed all Heavens to survive.

For now, is Zhou Yuan planning to destroy it?

In Blue Profound Sect, Cang Yuan, and Jin Luo, the four Gu Zuns were also complexion watching this scene solemnly, but they weren’t too alarmed, but thoughtful.

“I wonder if you ever remember how this Hunyuan Zhusheng great formation was appear(ance)?” Ancient Venerable Jin Luo slowly said.

The ancient emperor dragon looked contemplative and said: “Ancestral Dragon’s will woke up, heavy injury Saint God, and then there was an abrupt appear(ance) outside all Heavens, that is the prototype of Hunyuan Zhusheng great formation, and then I all Heavens Saint passed countless. Efforts, and gradually transformed it into the current Hunyuan Zhusheng great formation.”

Ancient Venerable Jin Luo had deep eyes and said, “But I remember that when the original power appear(ance) was in the background, there was something hidden in it. The extremely powerful formidable surpassed our knowledge. all Heavens also had Saint trying to contact it. , But I can’t find out where I’m going.”

“From then on, with the formation of Hunyuan Zhusheng great formation, that thing completely disappeared. Over time, everyone will forget it.”

“But in that all Heavens sacred treasure record, the first thing is always hanging, and there is nothing to replace in that position, because that is the mysterious thing left for Hunyuan Zhusheng great formation.”

“That is the strongest thing in the real all Heavens.”

Listening to the narrative narrative of Ancient Venerable Jin Luo with the oldest qualifications, the surrounding saints suddenly realized that there are such secrets in the Hunyuan Zhusheng great formation.

After listening to Cang Yuan, there was joy in his eyes: “So, now, can Zhou Yuan resonate with that mysterious thing?”

Ancient Venerable Jin Luo clicked nods, and a smile appeared on the old face.


While they were talking, the Hunyuan Zhusheng great formation was completely broken, and at the moment it was broken, a huge and incomparable beam of light burst into the sky. In the beam, there was primitive And the old Dragon’s roar suddenly resounded in every corner of this Heavenly Origin World’s.

In the beam of light, something flew out and pointed directly at Chaos Void.

That thing exudes the original divine light, even Saint dare not look directly at it, but Cang Yuan, Jin Luo, these ancient venerables, all the full power, the eyes sting so that blood flows out, and only then vaguely saw it. A section of the golden skeleton, which is about a few feet away, exudes a strong primitive and ancient meaning. When it was appear(ance), the whole world seemed to sound a dragon chant from the time of Beginning of the Universe.

In the sea of ​​chaos and yin and yang, there is also a sense of shock on the huge face of Saint God, and immediately there is a low roar: “That is…Ancestral Dragon golden bone?!”


In a flash, the golden bone directly penetrated the chaotic sea of ​​Yin and Yang, and appear(ance) was in front of Zhou Yuan’s. The latter looked at the ancient golden bone and threw away the Heaven Primal Brush in his hand. The two quickly merged.

The Heaven Primal Brush’s pen body gradually turned into pure golden color, like a gold cast, with bloodshot faintly discernible hidden in it, a formidable life aura, emerging from Heaven Primal Brush.

At this moment, Heaven Primal Brush was promoted again.

After integrating the golden bones of Ancestral Dragon, its level has directly entered the category of innate gods, and is no longer weaker than the Chaos Yinyang Sea of ​​Saint God.

Zhou Yuan grasped the palm of his hand, golden Heaven Primal Brush fell into his hand, and then lightly cut in front of him.


It seems that Heaven and Earth has been cut open, and the chaotic yin and yang sea that trapped Zhou Yuan’s is divided into two from the middle, with endless ocean currents pouring out in all directions.


Amidst the roar, the sea of ​​chaos and yin and yang disappeared, and the figure of Saint God revealed the virtual space. His complexion became gloomy down for the first time, and there was a trace of blood flowing slowly in the black and white pupils of his brows.

He was actually injured!

In the years of countless, apart from Ancestral Dragon that can cause harm to him, now, there is one more… and is it still a mortal god? !

In the eyes of Saint God, a rage rose up. At this moment, the temperature of the whole world seemed to drop suddenly, as if it had fallen into a cold winter.


Saint God shot with anger, the vast divine power crushed the void, the world turned into a black and white color, rolling divine power, crushing everything and crushing against Zhou Yuan.

Zhou Yuan holds golden Heaven Primal Brush, and the pen tip vibrates, and it also spilled out the sky, like a billion Myriad Stars Chen in the sky, welcoming Saint God.

hōng hōng!

The terrifying battle erupted frantically, the sound of thunder, spread to every corner of Heavenly Origin World’s, between Chaos Void, how many continent-like meteorites were shattered, even the chaotic storm, they were all shattered, hard near.

At this moment, whether it is all Heavens or Saint Race, they are all waiting with fear for the result of the destroy the Heaven and exterminate the Earth battle of appear(ance).

Anyone can see that the two gods at the moment are both hitting real fire, and there is no longer any reservation.

The divine impact in Chaos Void did not know how long it lasted. At a certain moment, between the divine impact, the two figures were shocked and flew out a million miles.

But in a blink of an eye, their figures have crossed that long distance and once again appear(ance) is on the battlefield.

Saint God face gloomy, the previous fight has made him understand that the current Zhou Yuan is not much weaker than him in terms of divine power.

Ordinary means are useless to tell the winner.

“In that case…”

Saint God‘s eyes were cold, he stretched out his fingers, and suddenly pulled the black and white pupils at the center of his eyebrows. He actually dug out the pupils in the blood blasting room.

He was expressionless, and slowly sent the black and white pupils into his mouth.


With the sound of a shattered divine pupil, the body of Saint God suddenly swelled up at this time. After a few breaths, a giant with no end in sight, appear(ance) in the virtual space, overlooking Five Great Heaven Territories.

Under that huge body shape, even Five Great Heaven Territories has become a little exquisite at this time.

Of course, along with it, there is the vast and endless divine coercion. Under this coercion, all Heavens is shaking violently.

But it did not end, because the huge body of Saint God suddenly burned at this time, and the flame appeared black and white.


Along with the burning of Saint God‘s body, in this world, a water stream-like sound suddenly sounded. Then, all Heavens’ Saint was a horrified discovery. It seemed that the range of vision was covered with black and white. flood.

The scale of the black-and-white flood is even greater than the previous Chaos Yin-Yang Sea.

The flood swept Chaos Void and approached Five Great Heaven Territories.

And Zhou Yuan stands outside Five Great Heaven Territories, forming the last layer of defense between the two.

His complexion also became extremely dignified at this time. Saint God has done everything in such an offensive. Even if he hurts his own roots and feet, he will use that skyrocketing power to fight this battle. Win or lose.

Moreover, this time, in the monstrous black and white flood, he noticed a very terrifying divine power. That divine power gave people a sense of supremacy, as if many divine powers were weaker. , It is difficult to fight head-on.

“This is…a supreme divine power?!”

Zhou Yuan‘s heart was shocked. This legendary supernatural power is called Ancestral Dragon’s Power. At the same time, this is also the power that Saint God has coveted for countless years. The Saint God of didn’t expect at this time is actually a to congeal that can be forced.

Ancestral Dragon’s Power is rumored to be the supreme power of Heavenly Origin World, any power in front of it can only shrink back.

Zhou Yuan, if you know that is great, then step back and let me melt and devour all your behind all Heavens creatures!” In the vast black and white flood of vision, Saint God‘s indifferent voice came out.

Zhou Yuan was silent, but answered Saint God with action, only to see that his body also swelled at this time, and finally turned into a superb shadow, protecting all Heavens in behind.

“I don’t know whether to live or die, if that’s the case, then let you do it.”

Saint God sneered, and then the black and white torrent suddenly poured out and collided with the divine power giant shadow.


The loud sound echoed in Heaven and Earth, and the all Heavens countless creatures could see if they raised their heads. Outside the sky, a giant shadow alone resisted the mighty black and white flood, but the black and white flood seemed to contain unimaginable power, so Under this scouring, the giant shadow of divine power is gradually shrinking.

Obviously, it is difficult to support some alone.

Once the giant shadow of divine power is broken, the black and white flood of extinction floods into all Heavens, which is bound to be the result of the destruction of all Heavens.

Faced with this desperate situation, the all Heavens creatures have nothing to do. The only thing they can do is to kneel on the ground and worship them reverently.

The kneeling of the all Heavens creatures did not make the situation of Zhou Yuan’s optimistic, because the supreme power contained in the black-and-white flood of extinction is constantly consuming the divine power of Zhou Yuan’s.

If this situation continues, his divine power, I am afraid, will really be melted away.

This supreme power is obviously the true trump card of Saint God.

It’s just that Zhou Yuan is a little puzzled, how did Saint God come out of this supreme power? This kind of power can only be controlled after becoming the first **** of Heavenly Origin World.

Even though the current Saint God has completed a transformation, with unprecedented strength, it is obviously still one step away from the real first god.

Zhou Yuan also kept deducing in secret when he was tortured by that supreme divine power. Until a certain moment, spiritual light flashed in his mind, and finally from that supreme divine power, it deduced a trace of deja vu.

Is that…Ancestral Dragon Scripture? !

By the way, Saint God has also received Ancestral Dragon Scripture, and some changes have been made, some supreme talent cultivation given to Saint Race, obviously, for Ancestral Dragon Scripture, Saint God is also very familiar!

In a sense, he and Saint God are both cultivation and Ancestral Dragon Scripture!

At the moment, the accomplishments of Saint God on Ancestral Dragon Scripture are half a step deeper than Zhou Yuan.

Today’s Zhou Yuan and Ancestral Dragon Scripture are also cultivation to the point of extreme depth, but he feels that his own supernatural power is always difficult to complete the last level of change.

He obviously has the feeling that that step is within easy reach, but no matter how he tries, Ancestral Dragon Scripture cannot step into the final realm.

It seems that he is not complete at this time.


Zhou Yuan fell into endless thoughts, and at the same time probed every place in his body. He really didn’t understand why he felt such a sense of contemplation.

While Zhou Yuan was thinking and meditating, appear(ance), the guardian of the divine power giant shadow, had a flaw. Suddenly a black and white flood melted all Heavens’ world’s wall at this time.

At this moment, all the creatures of all Heavens were horrified to see, the sky began to shatter, black and white floods poured down, wherever they passed, all creatures, even Divine Soul, were wiped out.

countless‘s screams resounded.

And this bitter scream also awakened Zhou Yuan who was thinking about it blankly.

He found that he was covered in cold sweat at this time, but there was a little bit of surprise in his eyes.

Because of this moment, he suddenly felt a little enlightened.

He understood the source of the so-called incompleteness.

Zhou Yuan slowly raised his palm, he looked at his palm, there was nothing there, but in the deepest part of his flesh and blood and Divine Soul, he saw a group of dark spots.

The black spots wriggle, seeming to possess a certain unique life force.

Looking at this dark spot, Zhou Yuan’s‘s eyes became extremely complicated for a while.

Because of this dark spot, when precisely was born with Zhou Yuan, Saint Dragon Qi was peeled off and the body was born…Resentful Dragon Toxin.

In the past, Resentful Dragon Toxin was eliminated and sealed by Zhou Yuan in various ways. After that, Resentful Dragon Toxin didn’t seem to have been appear(ance). However, the previous Zhou Yuan did not know that Resentful Dragon Toxin could not be eliminated, because in a sense In terms of it, it is also part of himself.

“I see…” Zhou Yuan whispered to himself.

Saint Dragon Destiny is part of the meaning of Ancestral Dragon, but Saint Dragon Destiny wants to transform into Ancestral Dragon Qi, but it is an insurmountable gap.

Throughout the ages, although Saint Dragon Destiny is rare, it is not unique to Zhou Yuan. However, the previous owners of Saint Dragon Destiny, although they were also supreme talent for a while, were ultimately sad die.

They relied on Saint Dragon Destiny and cultivation smooth sailing, but they lacked training in this way, and Zhou Yuan was born with Saint Dragon Destiny and was stripped away, and even Resentful Dragon Toxin was born as a result, suffering all kinds of torture.

But he did not give up. Instead, he took back the lost Saint Dragon Destiny step by step. This lost Saint Dragon Destiny, under various trials, far surpassed the former. This is why he was able to become the first in history. A mortal body becomes a god.

Those painful and tribulations in those days are now the most rare opportunity.

But even so, Saint Dragon Destiny wants to evolve into Ancestral Dragon Qi, but it is still not enough.

Because, Resentful Dragon is still lacking.

Only the real combination of Saint Dragon and Resentful Dragon can the gap be truly bridged!

Only the Ancestral Dragon Scripture at that time could be repaired to the final realm.


Zhou Yuan heavily sighed, he stared at the wriggling dark spots on his palm, and then he felt the whole body Heaven and Earth began to change, and everything around him became dark(ness).

His feet are like a black mirror.

Zhou Yuan lowered his head, he looked at the reflection in the mirror, but strangely, the reflection in the mirror turned out to be a figure in a black shirt, and that figure has exactly the same face as Zhou Yuan

“Have you finally remembered me?” The black Zhou Yuan in the mirror looked at Zhou Yuan indifferently, with a mocking tone.

Zhou Yuan calmly said: “True didn’t expect, Resentful Dragon Toxin, which once tortured me to death, turned out to be a part of me.”

“What’s the part now? Don’t you just want me to help you? Have you forgotten who you were, how many ways have you tried to erase me?” Black Zhou Yuan sneered.

“I really want to die in the hands of Saint God, and you will disappear.” Zhou Yuan said lightly.

Black-clothed Zhou Yuan said nonchalantly: “Do you think my life in this form cares about this?”

Zhou Yuan is silent.

The silence lasted for a moment, black Zhou Yuan indifferently said: “Give me a sufficient reason.”

Zhou Yuan stared at the black Zhou Yuan, slowly said in the mirror: “My reason is not to ask you to help me save the all Heavens’ creatures, but I want you to help me defeat Saint God, because only in this way can I Yao Yao find it back.”

“If you are really a part of me and share the same emotion with me, then I believe that you will not refuse this reason.”

“Because I am you and you are me.”

Zhou Yuan stretched out his palm: “Resentful Dragon, I need you.”

The silence lasted a long time this time.

The whole space seems to be silent.

Until a certain moment, the black mirror under my feet waved, and the black shadow slowly emerged, and finally stood in front of Zhou Yuan’s.

Black Zhou Yuan stared at Zhou Yuan‘s outstretched palm~IndoMTL.com~The indifference and tyrannical eyes gradually became peaceful.

Finally, he slowly stretched out his palm and held it together with Zhou Yuan.

“Get her back, this is your promise to me, remember.”

The two took a step at the same time, and then slowly bumped into each other like a liquid.


At this moment, in dark(ness), there was endless light bursting, Dragon’s roar resounded loudly, and only two ancient giant dragons were twining together.

Two giant dragon, one white and one black, white dragon ancient orthodoxy, the black dragon is tyrannical and fierce, as if gathering all the opposites in the world.

But at this time, the two merged, and finally gradually merged together.

At the same moment, the Saint God, which was pouring the flood of extinction, suddenly felt a deep sense of anxiety, and it emerged in his heart.

That feeling, it seems that the disaster of extinction is about to come.

Such a premonition, when Ancestral Dragon’s will woke up, he had been appear(ance), but this time…that premonition seemed to be stronger and more terrifying than the previous one!

In Chaos Void, in the giant shadow of divine power that had been wiped out by the black and white torrent, the closed eyes of Zhou Yuan slowly opened at this time.

The vast divine power around him seems to have disappeared at this time, but instead of panic, he showed a smile.

The giant shadow of divine power was quietly shattered, and a black and white flood of extinction came roaring in front of it. Among them, a supreme divine power, ready to go, wanted to completely heavy injury Zhou Yuan.

While facing the black and white flood, Zhou Yuan took a step with a smile. At this moment, there was a loud voice like singing, resounding in this world, drew countless creatures in shock.

“I have a mouthful of Black & Yellow Qi, heaven swallowing to sun and moon star.”

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