Dragon Prince Yuan Chapter 1489: Crazy

In Chaos Void, the battle suddenly stopped.

The original wreak havoc‘s violent divine power storm gradually subsided, and the sudden tranquility made the all Heavens army far away a little uncomfortable for a while.

“The battle is over?!” all Heavens Saint asked suspiciously.

Jin Luo, Cang Yuan and other ancient venerables pierced the void and looked at the distant place, and then they saw the crystal dome floating in the void, releasing billions of divine light.

In the distance of the dome, Zhou Yuan’s stood quietly in the void, with his head drooping, without any movement.

Saint God has entered the transformation period.” Ancient Venerable Jin Luo said with a complicated expression. Right now Saint God is entering the transformation period, and there is no time to chase them down, but once it ends the transformation period, its strength will become even greater. formidable, the ending of all Heavens’ at that time still seems to be the same.

“What’s going on with Zhou Yuan?” Cang Yuan is a little bit confused. Right now Saint God is entering a period of transformation, while Zhou Yuan is not moving at all, which seems to be something wrong.

All Saints also shook their heads in doubt.

“Do you need to go and see? Now he is the only **** of our all Heavens, and now Saint God is entering a period of transformation. In a sense, it is also an opportunity.” Chi Ji Gu Zun asked.

Other people’s eyes lit up, and the current Saint God is covered by that divine power crystal. If it can destroy his transformation, it may cause him a lot of harm.

However, judging from the divine power radiated by the divine power crystal dome, as long as their Saint gets close, they will be obliterated by divine light, so only Zhou Yuan such as exist(ence) with divine power can destroy the divine power crystal.

“Wait for now, the warning sound he issued earlier also made me feel a little uneasy.” But in the end Ancient Venerable Jin Luo shook his head cautiously and said.

People hearing this, also nodded, looked a little serious. The last sentence of Zhou Yuan’s warned them to hear clearly, and Zhou Yuan would not be aimless. He gave such a warning, there must be a reason.

So it’s most sensible to wait and see the situation now.

So the all Heavens army stayed in the distance, watching the movement of Zhou Yuan far away.

However, this situation did not last long, because the all Heavens army suddenly discovered that Zhou Yuan had been standing still for a long time, and suddenly trembled at this time.

Then, he slowly turned raise one’s head to the direction where the all Heavens army was.

When I saw Zhou Yuan’s‘s gaze, all expert of all Heavens’ felt a chill coming out of their hearts, making them cold and horrified.

Because at this time the pair of Zhou Yuan’s eyes are full of chaos and madness, and there is no longer the slightest calm and wisdom in them.

The current Zhou Yuan, like a beast without a mind, makes people shudder.


Zhou Yuan opened mouth, and burst out a roar, with saliva flowing from the corner of his mouth, his face was terrifying, his eyes confused and crazy.


Suddenly he came out like an electric violently shoots, and went straight to the all Heavens army.

Cang Yuan, Jin Luo and others grew cold all over their bodies, and then roared to exhaustion: “Quick rewind! Rewind!”

At this time, Zhou Yuan obviously doesn’t have any reason. If he is allowed to rush over, it will inevitably start a merciless killing.

Cang Yuan they don’t know why Zhou Yuan suddenly became like this, but this is obviously Saint God‘s hand!

The all Heavens army retreated frantically, and stream of light scattered and fled.

However, the speed of Zhou Yuan’s is even more terrifying than imagined. With one step, he felt like crossing a galaxy. It was appear(ance) directly behind the all Heavens army, and then shot out with a palm, sweeping and shattering the starry sky.

Jin Luo, Cang Yuan, Dilong, Chiji, the four ancient venerables broke out full power without hesitation, and four Saint mighty torrents greeted them, trying to buy some time for the army to retreat.


At the moment of the collision, the four vast Saint mighty forces collapsed instantly, and the four ancient masters were also counter-shocked.

The four teamed up, it was difficult to stop Zhou Yuan for a moment.

The hideous Zhou Yuan binocular crimson, which was full of chaos and madness, turned into giant palm, and was about to take pictures of the four Gu Zun who vomited blood and retreated.


However, just as its giant palm was about to be photographed, a purple gold giant beast slammed into the void and slammed into Zhou Yuan‘s body, knocking it into flight for thousands of miles.


Tun Tun roared deafeningly at Zhou Yuan, trying to wake it up.


However, Zhou Yuan at this time is obviously completely out of sanity. His crimson eyes are staring at Tun Tun, and with a step, he walks through the void, wrapped in rolling power, punching through the void and slamming at Tun Tun.

The power of this fist, even Tun Tun felt a deadly threat.

But it did not evade, but stubbornly kept roaring at Zhou Yuan.

Just as the fist was about to blast, the slender figure of Yao Yao, appear(ance), was on the Tun Tun head. She looked at the chaotic and frantic Zhou Yuan in her eyes, and her beautiful eyes turned red, and she shouted: ” Zhou Yuan, wake up!”


The divine fist wrapped in the mighty supernatural power, stagnated above Tun Tun. The divine fist was Yao Yao away, which was no more than a hundred meters away. The terrifying fist wind swept like a hurricane, shaking the void.

On the void, the Zhou Yuan with both eyes of crimson looked at the beautiful shadow on Tun Tun‘s head. The confusion in his eyes made glittering struggling madly.

Yao Yao‘s beautiful eyes are red, and the voice has never been softer: “Zhou Yuan, no matter what happens, there must be a solution, trust me, so please be more sober!”

The chaos in Zhou Yuan‘s eyes, the madness of glittering is getting more and more intense, the monstrous killing intent erupts from his body, and the divine fist hovering in the void is showing signs of shaking again~IndoMTL.com ~Finally, Zhou Yuan burst into a roar, then turned around and fled into the depths of Chaos Void.

Tun Tun, keep up with him!” Yao Yao urged his silver teeth with a bite.

Tun Tun immediately responded, then turned into light shadow violently shoots and walked out, chasing away Zhou Yuan.

Behind that, the panicked all Heavens expert looked at Zhou Yuan, who was going away. They all sat down, panting, and complexion was pale.

Jin Luo, Cang Yuan, Dilong, Chiji four ancient venerables came back together, and they looked at each other with bitter expressions. Who would have thought that Zhou Yuan, as the last hope, would now also become like this.

“It seems that Zhou Yuan‘s breakthrough this time, repercussions is a lot…The previous Saint God has done tricks on him again, so he is now in chaos and lost his reason.” Cang Yuan smiled bitterly.

“What should I do now?” Chi Ji Gu Zun sighed and said.

Ancient Venerable Jin Luo‘s old face was full of fatigue. Even he couldn’t bear the changes back and forth. In the end, he could only say solemnly said: “Take the all Heavens army back first. Yao Yao is going to chase Zhou Yuan. I can’t control, I can only hope that she can wake up Zhou Yuan, otherwise…”

He didn’t go on, because everyone understood what it meant. If Zhou Yuan can’t get back sober, then all Heavens’s last hope is gone. At that time, he can only wait for the transformation of Saint God to complete, and then come to this Let all Heavens be extinct.

all Heavens expert silently looked at the direction of Zhou Yuan‘s escape, and finally retreated with low morale.

This piece of Chaos Void, which has gone through the heaven shaking war, has become silent again. Only the dome formed by the crystal of supernatural power in the distance, sprayed with majestic divine light, makes this cold and dead Chaos Void. Become extraordinarily gorgeous and bright.

As if, the last light shadow that bloomed before the destruction.

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