Dragon Prince Yuan Chapter 1465: Seal

When Yanxu had some doubts about life, Zhou Yuan never said nonsense to him, because the time he was waiting for had arrived.

In the previous two parties, Yanbeard was stronger than him, so he needed to do some patience and restraint, but the chess game was broken now, but the strength of the two parties was a dramatic appear(ance) reversal.

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Now he should be considered the strength of Two Lotuses Realm late stage.

On the other hand, Yanbeard has been weakened to the initial stage of Two Lotuses Realm.

“What you did… really embarrass me.”

Zhou Yuan felt the inexplicably stronger power pressure from himself, and couldn’t help but smile, while the Yanbeard on the other side was iron-blue, and the anger in his eyes even spewed out into substance, distorting the void. stand up.

But Zhou Yuan was not interested in watching his expression change. He stepped out, and suddenly this side of Heaven and Earth began to vibrate violently.

Immediately afterwards, that Yanbeard felt an extremely terrifying force emerging from Heaven and Earth.


Amidst the shaking of Heaven and Earth, the sky in this space seemed to be torn apart at this time, and then the forcess fighting on both sides were horrified to see that in the split sky, there were rows of brilliance. The streamer whizzed down.

If you look closely, you will find that within the streamer, there are many colorful light ball, light ball presents a distorted image, and it contains continuous mountains and rivers, sun and moon stars!

“That’s a small space?!” Someone screamed, because they discovered that in those colorful light ball, there were actually a small space.

Obviously, this is Zhou Yuan moving many small spaces with large means, then compressing them, and finally smashing them down like a meteorite.

Such terrorist methods are simply incredible.

It is rumored that the entire Heavenly Origin World will move with each movement of Ancestral Dragon. This is the power to move the sky, and Zhou Yuan cannot reach that level, but with the help of the Ancestral Dragon sky-moving technique and his current power, it can move a lot Small space.

hōng hōng!

The colorful light ball whizzed, and the Yanbeard complexion couldn’t help but make a big change. He also noticed the fierce offensive like Zhou Yuan.

For such an attack, even in his heyday, he would not dare to underestimate him, let alone now that the enemy is strong and we are weak?

Obviously, this time, Zhou Yuan has no need to test, so it is a killer move.

The destructive offensive came, Yanxu did not dare to hesitate anymore, the vast and mighty force rushed, and only a black light was seen rising from the top of his head with a loud shout.

When black light is shaking, it is directly transformed into a huge chessboard, like an continent, across the void, cover the sky obscures the sun.

This chessboard is naturally Yanxu’s double lotus Sacred Relic, Tianluo chessboard!

On the chessboard, the ancient origin pattern of countless rises up, and finally seems to have formed a black and white chess piece. The chess pieces are transformed into ray of light Hua lifted into the air, welcoming the small spaces compressed into streamers. .

hōng hōng!

The two collided in the virtual space, and suddenly there was a loud roaring sound. The entire sea space was shaken at this time, and the huge waves of tens of thousands of meters were lifted, madly rushing in all directions, sweeping and destroying Everything seen.

The expert of both sides are both face-to-face painful look, and the source qi in the body is almost out of control at this time.

In the void, the streamer of the small space was intercepted by the countless black and white chess pieces, but in the end there was a fish that slipped through the chess piece defense and landed on the chessboard.


Suddenly, a chessboard like a continent vibrated, like an earth dragon tumbling. On the chessboard, there was a huge deep pit appear(ance), and abyss-like cracks spread in all directions.

pū chī!

And every day when Luo’s chessboard is smashed into a huge hole, the Yanbeard complexion is white, and a mouthful of fresh blood is ejected.

“Damn it!”

Yanbeard roars with rage. If he is at his peak at this time, he can easily resist the Zhou Yuan’s offensive, but because of the previous series of operations, his current strength is not as good as Zhou Yuan. Time began to seem extremely laborious.

He was furious and couldn’t help but counterattack Zhou Yuan.

But in the end he forcibly endured it, because Tianluo’s chessboard has an extremely good defense. With the help of the chessboard, even if Zhou Yuan can gain an advantage, it can’t really help him.

But if he gave up the defense of the Tianluo chessboard and turned to attack, he would be dragged into the Zhou Yuan’s rhythm instead, and the consequences would be even more serious.


A spitting breath came out from Yanbeard’s mouth. He glanced at Zhou Yuan with a gloomy look, and his figure gradually became illusory, and finally appear(ance) was directly under the chessboard.

And Tianluo’s chessboard vibrated, and there was a stream of ray of light hanging down, like thousands of tassels, guarding him in it.

Zhou Yuan, this time, you are lucky, but unfortunately, you will not be the winner.” Yanbeu’s cold voice came.

Zhou Yuan squinted his eyes slightly. This Yan must not be angry and confronted him head-on. This disappointed him a bit, because after previous trials, he found that the opponent Luo chessboard is indeed a super tortoise shell this day. If Yan needs to rely on Since then, Zhou Yuan may not be able to break a double lotus Sacred Relic.

Moreover, what Zhou Yuan also cares a little about is that Yanxu’s previous sentence.

“It seems you still have a back hand?” Zhou Yuan asked, seemingly mockingly.

Yanbeard raised his eyelids, his eyes filled with fierce light and sneers: “You don’t need to be aggressive, what can I tell you? Do you really think that my attack on Blue Profound Heaven by Saint Race is just my way?”

“On your defensive line outside Blue Profound Heaven, besides you, there are two Shuanglian Saint, right?”

“Aren’t you curious, why you are playing heaven shaking here, but there is no news from there?”

Zhou Yuan has no expression on his face, but his heart sinks.

Yanxu seems to be able to guess that the mood of Zhou Yuan’s is fluctuating at this time, and the corners of his mouth are even more sarcasm: “I can also tell you that it is my Saint Race palm thunder ancient sage who is attacking the two lines of defense. The border line of defense should have almost fallen, right?”

“The Ancient Sage Palm should be here soon… what can you do then?”

Zhou Yuan, it is the general trend that my Saint Race is pressing against all Heavens. Your blockade is just a man’s arm as a car.”

Zhou Yuan complexion remains unchanged, but I feel a little heavy. The pressure given by Saint Race is indeed too strong, but what about? Could it be because Saint Race is so strong, does all Heavens give up resistance and let Saint Race be enslaved?

Someone will always stand up in times of crisis.

Zhou Yuan took a deep breath, suppressing the emotions in my heart, staring at Yanbeard indifferently, said indifferently: “Regardless of whether the palm of the ancient sage arrives or not, I will clean you up before then.”

“I said that the four Headmasters need you to be buried.”

boast shamelessly.”

Yanxu smiled playfully, and said: “This time I really lifted a rock and hit myself in the foot, but Zhou Yuan, if I rely on the Tianluo chessboard to defend, I can’t help you.”

“You are wasting your time here, but in the end you are only looking for a dead end.”


Zhou Yuan‘s eyelids lifted~IndoMTL.com~ A fierce light flashed in his eyes.


At this moment, another compressed small space fell from the sky like a meteorite, passed through the defense of the Tianluo chessboard, and heavily fell down.

Only this time, when the meteorite fell, Yanbeard suddenly felt something wrong.

Because there was no shock from the terrifying force, he himself was not vomiting blood.

Yanxu’s heart moved and he suddenly saw where the meteorite had fallen, and then he discovered that after the meteorite fell, suddenly densely packed light pattern swept away in all directions.

Those light pattern are so complicated, obscure, and as permeable as ink, they penetrate directly into the Tianluo chessboard.

What made De Yanxu a little frightened was that when he found those lacquer black light patterns, he lost control of that area.


At this moment, Yan Xu suddenly understood that in this meteorite, it is not a small space, but a source technique that contains the sealing power of formidable!

Zhou Yuan is planning to temporarily seal the chessboard of Tianluo!

Without the protection of this layer of tortoise shell, Yan must be completely exposed to the malicious lock of Zhou Yuan, and there will be no escape!

Looking at the Yanbeard whose eyes have changed drastically, Zhou Yuan complexion also became cold and stern. His hands became imprinted, and he whispered out: “Sacred heaven forbidden seal!”

When the sound fell, the obscure light pattern countless that fell on the Tianluo chessboard, like ancient seal script, poured out like a black torrent, and the chessboard began to dim quickly wherever it passed.

The chessboard, like continent, shrank rapidly in circles at this time, and finally turned into the size of a palm under the unbelievable gaze of Yanbeard, and staggered and fell from it.

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