Dragon Prince Yuan Chapter 1371: Xiao Tianxuan

Between mountain forest, flocks of birds start to fly.

The forces from the brigade rushed into mountain forest in a mess, Bloody Qi was filled with painful screams, crying, and fear. These sounds intertwined together, forming an exceptionally tragic picture.

Xiao Tianluo‘s chest was stained with blood on his sideburns. He looked at the embarrassing scene around him, trembling all over, his eyes filled with regret and anger.

He never thought that the Saint Vestige City he had built for many years would be ruined in his hands one day…

“Old Yan, how is Tianxuan? Did you catch up?!” Xiao Tianluo asked with a trembling voice looking at a confidant.

City Lord…”

The confidant complexion, known as Lao Yan, gritted his teeth and said: “After City Lord, he broke the public. Although he is now the expert(s) in the early stage of Heavenly Sun Realm, there are four Heavenly Sun Realm late stage in Saint Palace forces…”

“No, my son will be fine!” Xiao Tianluo‘s eyes flushed all of a sudden, and he turned to rush out.

His son Xiao Tianxuan has entered Blue Profound Sect since the Saint Vestige Land that year, and Xiao Tianxuan has been working hard for cultivation over the years, and finally surpassed his father by virtue of his talent, and jumped into Heavenly Sun Realm, Promotion is Blue Profound Sect Elder.

Xiao Tianxuan can be described as his pride.

Over the years, when he brags to those old friends, this son is his capital.

Why is he didn’t expect, everything has become so fast? He accidentally got a strange fragment in Saint Vestige Land a few years ago. At that time, the Blue Profound Saint Seal fragment had already spread throughout the Blue Profound Heaven, so Xiao Tianluo also It recognized it, and then hid it carefully.

He knew it might be a chance. He didn’t have much interest in chance at his age, but he wanted to leave it to Xiao Tianxuan, which might give this son a chance to go further.

But in the end, the chance did not come, but it caused destruction.

The forces with the name Saint Palace came to Saint Vestige City and asked him to hand over the fragments. Xiao Tianluo was naturally unwilling, and then secretly sent a letter to call back at Blue Profound Sect’s Xiao Tianxuan. After all, in his opinion, Blue Profound Sect is Six Saint Sects One, even Saint Palace should give some face.

But his didn’t expect is that when Xiao Tianxuan first arrived at Saint Vestige City, the Saint Palace forces directly launched a bloodbath attack on Saint Vestige City, and under their terrifying power, the defenders of Saint Vestige City were slaughtered like a mustard. .

In the end, he was frightened and could only flee with some young and old in the city. In order to buy them more time, Xiao Tianxuan led Saint Vestige City‘s elite to stop it.

Anyone knows what the result will be…

City Lord, you can’t go! You are just going to die for nothing!” The surrounding guards saw this and hurriedly pulled Xiao Tianluo.

“We can’t live up to the chance of losing City Lord‘s life!”


Under the persuasion of the people around, Xiao Tianluo was always in tears. At this time, he was very regretful. If he had known this before, he should not be greedy for the Saint Seal fragment, otherwise he would not let his son fall into desperation.

At this time, he can be described as desperate.

“Let’s go, I will take you to a safe place.” Xiao Tianluo broke away from the crowd, voice hoarsely said.

Everyone fell silent, and they heard the death will from Xiao Tianluo‘s voice.

However, Xiao Tianluo at this time had no intention of paying attention to this anymore. He dragged his heavy and exhausted body to lead people forward, but at this time, a devilish laughter sounded from mountain forest.

“Do you really think how long a Heavenly Sun Realm can stop at the beginning? A group of hillbillies.”

Suddenly panic broke out among the fleeing troops. Everyone was panicked raised the head. Then they saw a group of people wearing holy white robes. I don’t know when appear(ance) was in mid-air, showing faces. Sarcastically, looking down at them condescendingly.

The middle-aged man who leads, exudes monstrous Origin Qi fluctuations, is a expert who stepped into Heavenly Sun Realm late stage.

“Are you waiting for your son?” He tilted his head, Xiao Tianluo under looks at, and then he grinned and waved his palm.

behind suddenly someone threw something out, and it fell straight down and hit Xiao Tianluo.

Xiao Tianluo looked at it, his eyes flushed suddenly, and Xiao Tianxuan was covered with blood at this time, and the hideous scars were deeply visible in the bones. The air was like a gossamer like a fish lacking water, and the vitality was fading rapidly.


Xiao Tianluo jumped up and hugged his son.

Xiao Tianxuan reluctantly opened his eyes, he looked at the tearful father, voice hoarsely said: “Be careful, father, they are the sacred demon army of Saint Palace, and now Saint Palace has gone to war with five Great Saint Sect.”

“It’s my father who killed you!” Xiao Tianluo murky tears water stream, and immediately he raise one’s head faces the mid-air people who wear holy white robes, but exude awe-inspiring murderous intent, pleading: “I will hand you the fragments. Please let my son go!”

In midair, the Heavenly Sun Realm late stage expert stretched out his hand indifferently and said: “Hand it over.”

Xiao Tianluo didn’t dare to disobey, and tremblingly took out a jade box from his arms. When jade box was turned on, there was an glittering with a special light, which caused the Heaven and Earth source energy to rise slowly.

The Saint Palace expert waved his hand, and the fragments flew away quickly, and then he took out an crystal ball. The crystal ball was like a liquid. As the fragments approached, it began to emit bright radiance.

“Yes, it’s Saint Seal fragments.”

The Saint Palace expert smiled and collected the fragments into the crystal ball. Then he smiled and looked at the fleeing troops below, with cruelty passing through his eyes, and grinning hideously said: “All killed.”

“You!” Xiao Tianluo couldn’t help but tear his orbit when he saw the other party backtracking.

Xiao Tianxuan struggled and stood up swayingly, holding a long sword dripping with blood. He knew that he was the only one who could stop the opponent for a moment, and the others could only be slaughtered like a grass.

Although he also understands that, in his current state, it is nothing more than collapse.

But I can’t, helplessly’s looks at father was killed in front of him…

“Old man, it seems that our father and son are going to die together this time.” He smiled weakly.

Xiao Tianluo wept and blamed itself: “I am all to blame.”

Xiao Tianxuan shook his head. He held a long sword and looked proudly at the approaching Saint Palace expert, and smiled: “You Saint Palace and don’t proud, you are acting recklessly now, Blue Profound Heaven no one can control you, but your good days It will not be long, someone will come back to clean up you!”


The leader Heavenly Sun Realm late stage expert jokingly smiled and said: “Six Great Saint Sect, the sky ghost sect has been destroyed, do you really think someone in this Blue Profound Heaven can compete with me Saint Palace? You are talking about who has the qualifications, and I will stay. You corpse.”

Xiao Tianxuan didn’t answer back, but his eyes were determined, and the sword in his hand was slowly raised.

The domineering City Lord~IndoMTL.com~, who had a grudge with Zhou Yuan in Saint Vestige Land, is no longer the same after more than a decade.


The expert of Heavenly Sun Realm late stage saw it, shook his head, no longer talk nonsense, and wanted to kill it directly.


However, just as he was about to gush out of Genesis Qi, there was a faint and harsh sound from mountain forest.

The sound was too abrupt, which directly dispelled the murderous intent that pervaded here.

That Saint Palace expert complexion gloomy, slowly turned his head, and then saw a young man leaning on the trunk of a tree not far away, holding a sour apricot in his hand and gnawing, the voice was from then Come.

The youth’s eyes jumped over the expert of those Saint Palaces, and directly on the Xiao Tianxuan who was standing with the sword, Qing Jun’s face showed a smile.

Xiao Tianxuan, the person you are talking about, isn’t it me?”

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