Dragon Prince Yuan Chapter 1283: Substitution

In front of the alchemy hall.

When Xu Beiyan, who had always been calm and confident, heard Yao Yao, the expression on his face could not be concealed. Obviously, the sudden arrangement of Yao Yao disturbed him.

However, Xu Beiyan is still good at shrewdness. He didn’t ask for it outrageously. Instead, he looked sincerely at looks at Yao Yao and said, “Sir Goddess, I don’t know if I am doing anything wrong in assisting you in alchemy? If so, , Please ask for it, I will make up for it.”

Then he smiled bitterly: “Now, after two years of running-in, we have finally improved the success rate and the rate of refining Ancestral Dragon Dan. If we make substitutions at this time, will it be Ancestral Dragon Dan’s Refining into a bad influence?”

“You also know that the material of Ancestral Dragon Dan is the source of many babies in all Heavens City, and the expert of Jurisdiction came back with their lives. Their hope is to use this in exchange for Ancestral Dragon Dan, and our refining power is for them. Words are also crucial!”

At the end of the day, Xu Beiyan seemed to be a little gaffe, even his voice became louder.

And outside the alchemy hall, everyone who has been paying attention to this has also captured Xu Beiyan’s voice, and it was all stunned immediately, and then complexion changed a little.

“What do you mean? Do you want to replace Xu Beiyan?”

“Is this not quite appropriate? Xu Beiyan has been assisting alchemy for two years. His experience is extremely rich, plus his own is Divine Soul of Roaming Spirit Realm, regulating the source gas infusion of other jurisdictions expert is also very handy, Why did you suddenly change him?”

“It seems that the goddess is going to let that Zhou Yuan take over? Replace Xu Beiyan?”

“This…this is ridiculous!”

“Yeah, that Zhou Yuan is just Nascent Origin Realm, how can it be blended to refine Ancestral Dragon Dan? Even if the goddess wants to carry him, there is no need for him to do this?”

“If this leads to an increase in the refining failure rate of Ancestral Dragon Dan Refining, wouldn’t we also suffer losses?”


Many whispering voices broke out in front of the main hall. At the time, it was just the many source babies who were watching the movie. The jurisdiction expert was not calm at this time. After all, the success rate and the success rate of Ancestral Dragon Dan are also related to Their real interests.

According to the rules of all Heavens City, every time the source baby, the jurisdiction will hand over the Ancestral Dragon remnants, and then get one or even a few share tokens according to the number. If the Ancestral Dragon Dan is released, it will be In order, Ancestral Dragon Dan will be exchanged for share tokens.

But there is a problem here. The rate of Ancestral Dragon Dan is not stable. Sometimes it is a little more and sometimes it is rare. This will cause the proportion of Ancestral Dragon Dan to be exchanged for share tokens fluctuating at any time.

Under normal circumstances, four tokens can be exchanged for one Ancestral Dragon Dan.

However, if the rate is good, three pieces will do, but if it’s bad, the ratio will even increase to six pieces.

This shows how important Dan rate is for all Heavens City, Nascent Origin Realm and Law Domain Realm, who are fighting for this.

That’s why when they heard that Yao Yao was going to replace Xu Beiyan, who had assisted the alchemy for two years, there would be such a big movement.

The turmoil in front of the alchemy hall continues, followed by the empty waves in front of the hall, with four figures walking out.

The four figures appear(ance), the commotion on the scene was suddenly quiet, because they recognized that the four people were all sitting in the all Heavens city Saint.

“What’s going on? Noisy and noisy, what kind of system is it.” A green robe old man glanced at it, and when Shen Sheng spread it, everyone was ashamed.

The green robe old man is called the green willow Saint, and he is also one of the masters of Xu Beiyan in precisely.

So after the green willow Saint asked the question, his eyes turned to Xu Beiyan, his voice slowed down a little: “Beijing, what’s going on?”

Xu Beiyan hurriedly saluted. He glanced at the Yao Yao with no waves in Yuyan. He seemed hesitant and Tun Tun vomited.

Green Willow Saint frowned and said impatiently: “Big man mother-in-law.”

Xu Beiyan smiled bitterly and said: “It is the goddess who suddenly intends to let Zhou Yuan replace me to assist alchemy, and the friends present may be worried that their exchange share will be affected, which is a bit of a riot.”

Lv Liu Saint hearing this, frowning uncontrollably, he glanced at Yao Yao, but he didn’t ask directly. After all, the status of Yao Yao’s is too special, even if he is Saint of Return to Ruin Divine Hall, he would not dare to treat her.

So he looked at Zhou Yuan aside and said, “Zhou Yuan, the old man knows that your talent is superb, but Ancestral Dragon Dan’s refining is too important. After two years of running-in, Bei Yan cooperated with the goddess, If you suddenly intervene at this time, in case it affects the rate of extinction, this is really unfair to these people who have won Ancestral Dragon remnants in all Heavens city with their lives.”


Green Willow Saint paused and said slowly: “With your talents and potential, sooner or later the famous day, why should you borrow this method?”

The words are slightly harsh, and the power of Saint is undoubtedly revealed.

Zhou Yuan frowned slightly, just about to speak, and an old laugh sounded beside him: “Green Willow, you old guy rarely buckle his junior hat, Yao Yao will choose Zhou Yuan as alchemy assistant, it must be her reason. , Where do you need to talk about it?”

“If you really have a problem, please report it to the three ancient respected.”

Zhou Yuan turned his head and saw the appearance of Cang Yuan.

Lou Liu looked at Cang Yuan and appeared unhappy: “Isn’t the old man saying true? The mix is ​​now the best. Why change it randomly? Isn’t this affecting the overall situation?”

There are a lot of source babies who are concerned about this, and expert in Jurisdiction is also nodded that can’t help it.

After finishing Liuliu, he looked at Yao Yao and bowed his hand: “My Goddess, I don’t know your reason for replacing Xu Beiyan, what is it?”

Many eyes are also on.

Yao Yao holding Tun Tun, jade hand gently touches the soft hair, beautiful jade face is cold, she glanced at the green willow, indifferently said: “The main reason is, of course, I like Zhou Yuan to assist me, so I will be in a good mood Some.”

Long Liu’s old face was slightly sluggish, and Xu Beiyan also twitched at the corners of his eyes.

The people around are even more dull, and their didn’t expect Yao Yao will be so direct…

Cang Yuan is also unable to bear a bitter laugh. Sure enough, in the eyes of Yao Yao’s, other people or things, in fact, she does not have much interest, she will stay here alchemy, in fact, more, it is because of Zhou Yuan.

So she would not give any face to other people at all.

Atmosphere suddenly became a little suppressed and silent, no one knew what to say…

However, after this depression continued for a while, Yao Yao was only able to calmly said again: “Secondly…If there is Zhou Yuan’s assistance, the success rate and the rate of refining Ancestral Dragon Dan can be truly achieved. This point, No one can replace it.”


Being quiet~IndoMTL.com~ It seems that there are many people quietly breathing a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, the goddess is not acting arbitrarily, she still has a big picture.

Although from the perspective of everyone, this sort of primary and secondary seems to be a big problem… but only Cang Yuan knows that there is no problem in primary and secondary. In the mind of Yao Yao’s, there may be Zhou Yuan’s companionship, it is indeed better than Ancestral Dragon Dan’s refining The success rate is even higher.

When everyone was relieved, they began to recover. Zhou Yuan is only the strength of Nascent Origin Realm. Why can he be better than Xu Beiyan?

Just looking at the cold jade face of Yao Yao, no one dares to question it.

However, only Xu Beiyan, complexion could not help standing out after a while, and looked sharply at Zhou Yuan, and a deep voice sounded.

“I don’t believe it!”

(End of this chapter)


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