Dragon Prince Yuan Chapter 1279: Traveller

“It’s finally time to see you again…”

Under the ancestral mountain, the disgraced youth raised the head took a deep breath of fresh air and then sighed.

At the feet of them, the little gray animal is also a little bit sympathetic, as if looking back on the past two years.

The a man and a beast is naturally the Zhou Yuan and Tun Tun that were honed in the ancestral mountain of Yao Yao two years ago.

After two years of special training, a man and a beast has also undergone great changes in terms of appearance and temperament.

Zhou Yuan is still handsome, with a smile on his face, but his temperament seems to have become a lot warmer. The sense of sharpness in the past is also dispersed, and the feeling is like a sword in the box. , Full of edge.

His eyes are now extremely bright, and if you look closely, you will find that the pupil light is deep, making people feel difficult to extricate themselves, as if even the mind will be sucked in, quite mystical Place.

The Tun Tun at the foot is also extremely changeable. Then the power of the Saint Beast that used to capture people seems to have completely disappeared. If it looks at first glance, it looks like an ordinary small animal. It is nothing but cute.

But only those who really perceive the keenness can feel the faintly hidden terror force of heaven swallowing under the lovely look.

Tun Tun, you are going farther and farther on this shameful path of selling cuteness, can you remember your identity as innate Saint Beast?” Zhou Yuan lowered his head looks at and blinked Tun Tun with big eyes, then unemotionally said.

How could he not know the sinister intentions of this little bastard? He just wanted to get Yao Yao’s happy by using cute ways.

It’s just a little **** with a deep heart.

Facing Zhou Yuan’s sarcasm, Tun Tun just showed a disdainful expression, and then its claws slapped the ground, and suddenly black light spread out, just a few counts, it formed a huge black jurisdiction.

The Jurisdiction overshadowed Zhou Yuan, and the ubiquitous swallowing power made the latter’s eyes slightly condensed.

“This is… engulfing the jurisdiction?”

“You have entered 8th Rank?” Zhou Yuan said with some surprise.

Tun Tun‘s eyes reveal the color of proud, and the idea came: “Zhou Yuan, you stupid got such a great chance, but you haven’t stepped into Law Domain Realm?”

Yes, in its perception, today’s Zhou Yuan is still only Nascent Origin Realm.

It’s just that Nascent Origin Realm, Zhou Yuan, somehow, even the Tun Tun that has now entered the 8th Rank feels a bit dangerous.

In the black jurisdiction, the power of engulfing surges throughout the Zhou Yuan, constantly engulfing the latter’s source gas.

Zhou Yuan is naturally aware of this situation, and immediately smiled slightly: “It’s still a little bit to enter the jurisdiction, but…”

His sleeve robe gently waved, and the dark(ness) around him suddenly faded quickly. He seemed to form an invisible circle around him. The scope of this circle couldn’t even invade the Tun Tun’s swallowing the jurisdiction. , Seems to be isolated by an invisible but formidable force.

Zhou Yuan stretched out his finger, gently.

The space is broken at this time, the countless space debris glittering comes, covered by an invisible force, turned into a long thorn in the space, densely packed around Tun Tun, locking its body without dead corners.

The Tun Tun beast pupil finally emerged with surprise. Its fierce Zhang Da mouth, black light wreak havoc, swallowed the vortex, swallowed the space debris into the body in one bite, and then shook his head, that is, the swallowed jurisdiction was put away. .

power of Divine Soul?” It sent out surprised thoughts.

Zhou Yuan, your Divine Soul, step into Roaming Spirit Realm?!”

Roaming Spirit Realm, that is realm of Divine Soul, according to the comparison, it is already equivalent to Law Domain Realm!

Tun Tun is a little shocked. It’s all didn’t expect, Zhou Yuan’s own source gas cultivation base has not yet entered Law Domain Realm, but his Divine Soul attainment, but it is a shocking surge, but it surpassed the source gas cultivation base, taking the lead Arrive at Roaming Spirit Realm!

Only power of Divine Soul of Roaming Spirit Realm can isolate the influence of the jurisdiction!

Zhou Yuan nodded, he is also a bit helpless about this: “Yes, although I am also didn’t expect.”

To be honest, this Divine Soul breakthrough was indeed beyond the expectations of Zhou Yuan’s. After all, his Divine Soul realm did not break out soon. Originally, he thought that it would take a lot of time to accumulate to enter Roaming Spirit Realm, but who can think of it, This tempering in Ancestral Soul Mountain will make him make great progress in Divine Soul.

“This is because you absorbed the Ancestral Dragon remnant soul. Although the ray of remnant soul in the ancestral soul mountain may be insignificant compared to Ancestral Dragon, but for you, it is vast and endless. Originally according to normal circumstances, you should be It is impossible to absorb, after all, the ancestral soul is not you, even if it is Law Domain Realm, it is not easy to try to absorb it, but now you have succeeded, it should be the credit of your cultivation Ancestral Dragon Scripture.”

When Zhou Yuan marveled, an old laugh suddenly sounded, only to see the empty waves in front of him, a familiar figure slowly emerged.

“Master Cang Yuan.”

Zhou Yuan saw the old figure in front of him, and suddenly surprisedly shouted.

He was born, naturally, it was Cang Yuan. He looked at Zhou Yuan with a smile on his face, with relief in his eyes.

He still remembers that when Zhou Yuan came to his refuge space through the Ancestral Land teleportation array, it was just an immature youngster whose Eight Veins had not been opened. However, Zhou Yuan had also set foot on Roaming Spirit Realm over the years. Already has the qualification to enter the top level of all Heavens.

“Once you step into Roaming Spirit Realm, you are enough to use Divine Soul as an emissary and travel to all Heavens. Congratulations, Zhou Yuan. From now on, you can also count as a giant influence.”

Roaming Spirit Realm is equivalent to Law Domain Realm. Even with Primordial Heaven Nine Territories, this level of strength can become a top character and can no longer be underestimated.

If you go back to Heaven Abyss Territory, even if Zhou Yuan does not have the status of direct disciple, you will also be eligible to sit on par with the honored elder. This time, it is not the honor brought by your identity, but the strength of your own.

Zhou Yuan is also somewhat emotional~IndoMTL.com~Roaming Spirit Realm…This was also his dream realm, his didn’t expect, this two-year retreat, will let him complete this leap.

Cang Yuan is looking at Zhou Yuan. The deep and wise eye pupil has divine light glittering. After a while, his eyes narrowed and said: “Your current source gas background seems extremely strong. Even if this level of source gas background, even It’s me, and I have never seen it at the Nascent Origin Realm level.”

With Cang Yuan‘s eyesight, it is natural to see at a glance that on the source gas cultivation base, Zhou Yuan has not set foot on Law Domain Realm. Even, he seems to have not even opened the pseudo-jurisdiction.

But weirdly, it seems that Zhou Yuan’s source gas background is exceptionally amazing.

“How many inches do you have a baby from now on?” Cang Yuan asked.

Zhou Yuan hearing this, frowned head, a little dissatisfied said: “Yuanying…only nine inches seven.”

However, as his words fell, the experience and knowledge of Cang Yuan were suddenly lost.


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