Dragon Prince Yuan Chapter 1277: Yao Yao’s handwriting

Outside the Dragon Spirit Cave, in Chaos Void.

Jin Yanghuang and other five Myriad Beasts Heaven’s Saint looked at the place where the blood marrow of Saint God disappeared. Their eyes were all gloomy, and the atmosphere seemed extremely depressed for a while.

Because they know that this time they have a hard time Myriad Beasts Heaven.

Saint Race just took a Saint heavy injury for the price, and took away a Saint God blood marrow. Of course, Jin Yanghuang knew in their hearts that they were not lost today, but lost in the Dragon Spirit Cave Trial The moment it started.

Continuously provide shame, so that the Saint God blood marrow can survive the suppression.


And when the atmosphere is condensed, there is a sudden wave of turbulence in the Chaos Void, and then there are tears in the space. The next moment, three silhouettes came out of the sky, which directly caused the Chaos Void to violently surging.

The first one is an old man in sackcloth. The old man has a peaceful face, holding a azure wood rod, and his eyebrows at golden drop from the corner of his eyes.

In their behind, it is a male and a female, and the two are half a step behind Jinmei old man, but the kind of vast aura emanating from them is stronger than Saint such as Jinyanghuang.

“It seems that we are still late.” Jinmei old man walked out of the space crack and sighed.

Jin Yanghuang and others looked up, all standing with one hand on their chests: “Have seen Ancient Venerable Jin Luo.”

This golden eyebrow old man is a Ancient Venerable Jin Luo that was one of the three Return to Ruin Divine Hall ancient venerable Zhou Yuan Saint postures that day.

Jin Yanghuang and others faced the back a male and a female nods: “Xuanlong Great Venerable, Lingfeng Great Venerable.”

These two, precisely Profound Dragon Clan and Spirit Phoenix Clan’s Saint.

Return to Ruin Divine Hall is already known about this matter. Previously, Saint Race had a powerful way to delay your outgoing messages, and Saint Race had Saint percussion world’s wall, thereby attracting the attention of the temple.” Ancient Venerable Jin Luo slowly said : “We stayed later, but it was late.”

Jin Yanghuang frowned closely: “It seems that Saint Race is extremely well prepared for today’s plan.”

Ancient Venerable Jin Luo shook his head and said: “The reason for that day has been planted, today they are just here to harvest the fruit.”

The Myriad Beasts Heaven Saint present all smiled bitterly. This time they Myriad Beasts Heaven’s Saint lost their faces in all Heavens, but this is really no one to complain, if they can send two more Saint to survey Longlingdong days on that day, it must be considered That Saint God blood marrow, it is impossible to imply all the hints.

Ancient Venerable Jin Luo, Saint Race will have a great impact on taking this Saint God blood marrow?” Xuanlong Great Venerable asked.

Ancient Venerable Jin Luo said: “At that time, Saint God was damaged by Ancestral Dragon’s will heavy injury, the **** body was damaged, and many blood marrows were divided into thousands of ways. These are suppressed in all Heavens, and Longlingdongtian is here, but it is just the end.”

The three ancient ancestors of Return to Ruin Divine Hall, exist(ence) is the oldest, and even experienced the World Extinguishing War in ancient times, so they also witnessed the injury of Saint God with their own eyes.

Xuanlong Great Venerable and others hearing this suddenly and quietly breathed a sigh of relief. From this point of view, it is only one in a thousand, but it is acceptable.

Ancient Venerable Jin Luo glanced at them, and the old face was more dignified, saying: “But now Saint Race is starting to look for the blood of Saint God, which shows that the Saint God is about to start a real awakening, accompanied by this progress. , Those blood marrows that have been suppressed will escape from self-relief and return to the **** body.”

“At that time, that one will be in the world again.”

Xuanlong Great Venerable and others suddenly felt cold. At their level, it is not too much for mystical to be born with blood, but this blood marrow has been suppressed by Ancestral Dragon’s will for thousands of years and can still be maintained. Immortal, this can’t even do them Saint.

This is almost immortal.

In the face of such exist(ence), even these Saint Great Venerable can’t help but feel a sense of powerlessness.

This kind of Innate **** is terrifying.

As long as his exist(ence) is a day, I am afraid that all Heavens will always be suppressed by Saint Race. It is difficult to have a day of stand up.

“Gods, only gods can contend.” Ancient Venerable Jin Luo said slowly: “This time, our all Heavens is not completely hopeless.”

When he was talking, his eyes turned to Myriad Beasts Heaven. He seemed to see a beautiful shadow among the green bamboo trees. He immediately put his palm in front of him and smiled, “Thank you for the third god. “

During the bamboo forest, Yao Yao pupil light seems to have penetrated the void, and some lazily said: “But nothing helped.”

“The Third God has this heart, and it is already my all Heavens‘s luck.”

Ancient Venerable Jin Luo replied, and then no longer disturbed, but looked back and turned to Xuanlong Great Venerable and others, saying: “In recent years, Saint Race has been moving more and more, it should be preparing for the recovery of Saint God , Myriad Beasts Heaven, it’s time to stay alert.”

“In the days to come, many collisions are inevitable.”

Hearing the words of Ancient Venerable Jin Luo, many Saints of Myriad Beasts Heaven are complexion. If that is the case, all Heavens will not be calm again.

After Ancient Venerable Jin Luo finished speaking, he didn’t stay any longer, and his body disappeared out of thin air.

The Myriad Beasts Heaven Saint who were present looked at each other and all sighed with a wry smile.

“Prepare to send out the Myriad Beasts Heaven forces of the Longlingdongtian.” Jin Yanghuang said.

“Is this Dragon Spirit Cave still open in the future?” Saint asked.

Your Saint look at each other in dismay, now that the Saint God blood marrow has been taken away, it stands to reason that this Dragon Spirit Cave should be safe, but the so-called Saint God‘s weird means that once they were bitten by snakes for ten years It’s also terrifying.

“Let’s close it for a while.” Finally, after discussion, you Saint came to such a conservative result.

“It finally stopped.”

Zhou Yuan looked at the calmed Heaven and Earth and couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Tun Tun squatted on his shoulders and sent his thoughts: “I’m afraid this is just the beginning of trouble.”

Zhou Yuan glanced at it with some surprise. This guy didn’t change his tone on weekdays, but after all it was innate Saint Beast, and the wisdom was still online.

“This wicked beast family is sad. In the eyes of Saint Race, it is like a chess piece that can be discarded at will.” Zhou Yuan’s looked at the ancestral soul mountain. Those wicked beast races who entered the Dragon Spirit Cave days were forces. When Saint Race Saint urged barrier, it was crushed flesh and blood as much as possible, which provided shame to Zuhunshan.

Now it looks like almost corpses of mountains and fields, blood and qi soars.

Tun Tun I nodded my head in sympathy, and felt sad. bloodline Attribution is still homologous to the source beast family.


And when a person is first-class, this space is suddenly twisted, and gradually forms a space portal.

forces of all races, immediately exit the Dragon Spirit Space.” There was a huge voice like Hong Zhong, resounding in everyone’s ears.

That is Myriad Beasts Heaven’s Saint.

The Myriad Beasts Heaven ethnic groups forces hearing this present were relieved, and the tight body was relaxed, and then they could no longer care about anything. A swarm of bees swarmed into the space portal, and it seemed that they could not wait to leave immediately.

But it’s normal to think about it. It was originally just an ordinary trial. As a result, who could have thought of hitting the Saint Race conspiracy, and witnessed the Saint Race Saint’s shot, which can leave the Dragon Spirit Cave alive, it is simply Hong Fuqi It’s day.

At the sight of Zhou Yuan, he is also ready to leave here with Tun Tun.

But when he was about to leave, the void mirror projected by Yao Yao suddenly had a vast source of gas gathering, forming a big source of gas, and holding a man and a beast.

The sudden move surprised everyone.

Zhou Yuan and Tun Tun were also stunned, but they did not resist because they knew it was Yao Yao.

It’s just that they don’t understand what Yao Yao is going to do.

Myriad Beasts Heaven’s All Saints, borrow the ancestral soul mountain for one use.”

The clear voice of Yao Yao came out of the mirror of the void.

When the voice fell, the source of the gas was directly appear(ance) over Zuhun Mountain, and then it was taken in the palm of the hand, which was directly in the cracks of Zhou Yuan and Tun Tun’s, directly from the crack of that Zuhun Mountain. Went in.

It seems that the source of the gas is also turned into a long sea of ​​clouds, whistling down, and finally absorbed by the ancestral soul mountain.

hōng hōng!

At this moment, Ancestral Soul Mountain is shaking, faintly, as if there is a subtle dragon chant from Beginning of the Universe. On the Ancestral Soul Mountain, countless‘s qi is rising, and then it is wiped out.

With the disappearance of those evil spirits, Zuhun Mountain began to become to congeal, and finally the dazzling crack also gradually healed.

But anyone can feel that the Ancestral Mountain at this time seems to be more pure than before.

And the healing of Ancestral Soul Mountain seems to be the suppression of Zhou Yuan and Tun Tun that fell into it.

Ai Tuanzi and others stared dumbfounded at this scene. If it was not for them to know that Zhou Yuan had a great relationship with the shot female Saint, they even thought that Zhou Yuan was directly suppress and kill

It’s the Saint of Myriad Beasts Heaven outside Longlingdong, who are staring at this scene somewhat.

“Ancestral Mountain seems to be repaired…”

“And it has become more pure, is this traced back to the original?”

“The third **** was bred by Ancestral Dragon’s will, but it is indeed able to attract the resonance of the subtle will in the ancestral mountain…”

“He inspired the ray of Ancestral Dragon’s will, and then used it to hone the Zhou Yuan and Ancestral Gluttonous.”


All Saints look at each other in dismay, finally could not help but sigh: “This third god, is really a big hand, then Zhou Yuan and Ancestral Gluttonous, this can be said to have great benefits.”

Ai Tuanzi has no eyesight~IndoMTL.com~ Naturally do not know what chances Zhou Yuan and Tun Tun will get, but the saints are aware that once Zhou Yuan and Tun Tun come out, I am afraid that they will have the change of Heaven and Earth.

Deep in the bamboo forest.

The void mirror in front of Yao Yao gradually dissipated. She withdrew her white jade hand, and her slender eyelashes closed gently, concealing the slight fatigue passing by in her eyes.

Resonate with a trace of the will of Ancestral Dragon. Even at this time, she will have to pay some price.

However, for the two closest family members, Yao Yao does not have any stingy.

Next, as long as Zhou Yuan and Tun Tun end this training, they should get great benefits.

So, this class is almost two years.

(End of this chapter)


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