Dragon Prince Yuan Chapter 1272: The power of moving

Ancestral Dragon moving technique.

When the sound of Zhou Yuan‘s heart fell, he seemed to have seen the beginning of the world when a dragon shadow that was too large to see the end was born. The ancient, reckless meaning filled every soul. A corner.

Looking at the huge body covered in chaos, an indescribable awe came up from Zhou Yuan’s‘s heart.

That’s the legendary Ancestral Dragon.

At this moment, Zhou Yuan can feel the Heavenly Dragon Qi in the body boiling, cheering, jumping…

The operation of Ancestral Dragon Scripture is also more active and powerful than in the past.

Zhou Yuan is full of shock, because when he really urged this Ancestral Dragon move, he could only feel its magnificent magic.

This kind of source technique contains a hint of Ancestral Dragon!

precisely Because of this exist(ence) with the Ancestral Dragon mark, Zhou Yuan was only able to visualize the figure of Ancestral Dragon. Although it is still covered by chaos, it is not too clear.

But be aware that even if it is exist(ence) like Saint, it is impossible to visualize the shadow of Ancestral Dragon without some kind of fate.

Because it is so vast and heavy, the strength of Ancestral Dragon, even Saint, is unbearable.

This shows how rare this Ancestral Dragon moving technique is!

In the picture seen by Zhou Yuan, the dragon shadow in the chaos sent a dragon chant that resounded all over the world. At this time, the entire chaos Heaven and Earth was separated by it, and the sky dome was moved to form the Heaven Territory and countless spaces.

The creation of Ancestral Dragon, moving Heaven and Earth, is called moving the sky.

The eyes of Zhou Yuan’s seemed to be extremely deep at this moment. He stood within Heaven and Earth, and an indescribable aura was slowly released.

That kind of aura, so that Heaven and Earth source gas is prone to tremble around it, like a pilgrimage.

Ai Tuanzi and others stared at the Zhou Yuan’s figure in horror, because at this moment they also felt that the figure became extremely great, which gave them a feeling when facing Saint.

It is obvious that Zhou Yuan is not Saint.

Then Zhou Yuan is performing some unimaginable source technique at this time.

“It is worthy of being the one who created miracles in Ancient Origin Heaven, which has reached this level in less than a year.” Ai Tuanzi sighed slightly, admiring in his words.

Zhou Yuan is just Great Nascent Origin Realm at this time, but his endless tyranny means, Ai Tuanzi, the top pseudo-jurisdiction, is not sure that he can beat him.

With such a talent, once stepped into Nascent Origin Realm perfection, I am afraid that under the jurisdiction, Zhou Yuan can really reproduce the invincible posture.

The pseudo-jurisdictions expert of other races are also somewhat lamented. As a true elite of all races, they are naturally proud of their spirits, but now these prouds are being shattered in the face of Zhou Yuan.

They understand that Zhou Yuan can no longer be understood with common sense. Such characters may be truly Saint.

The posture of Saint

These four words flow in the hearts of everyone, but they make it difficult for everyone to even be jealous, because when the gap is large to a certain extent, you will naturally not put the other party and yourself on the same level.

Jiang Hongying lowered her head and kept silent. At this time, she thought about the many targets for Zhou Yuan’s before, and suddenly felt that she was really trampled by the donkey.

When the emotions of the people here are different, there is a vast source gas surge in Zhou Yuan, as if a huge source gas vortex has spread over thousands of miles.

Zhou Yuan’s fleshly body, began to crumble again.

Zhou Yuan, you can’t bear it anymore!” The Tun Tun’s warning sounded in my heart.

Zhou Yuan took a deep breath, this Ancestral Dragon move is really terrifying, even in this state at this time, it is difficult to really urge it.

But it’s normal to think about it. When the source of this technique was passed from Ancestral Dragon to Heaven and Earth, it is really necessary to talk about mighty energy.

And now he is only Great Nascent Origin Realm. If he wants to urge this level of source surgery, it is indeed a fool’s dream.

Fortunately, Zhou Yuan does not need to reach that level.

hōng hōng!

The source gas in him is roaring, like a torrent of torrents, and finally led by Zhou Yuan directly into the right arm.

The source gas gathers continuously, and then compresses and collides frantically in a special way.

Finally turned into a ray, the power of moving.

Only at this moment, the right arm suddenly became extremely heavy. That kind of heavyness was almost going to bring down the body of Zhou Yuan’s.

“You’re so terrifying, you can’t throw it away!” Tun Tun’s contains panic.

If this power continues, the first of Zhou Yuan will be destroyed.

Zhou Yuan is also well aware of this, so he has a fierce glance in his eyes, and immediately cuts his left palm like a knife.


Splashing blood, the entire arm was chopped off by Zhou Yuan at this time.

At the moment when the right arm fell, I could only see that the color of chaos spread and continued to shrink, and finally formed a chaos-like light ball.

light ball is not the size of a fist, but the space around it is directly collapsed into a black hole.


However, when the arm was cut off, Zhou Yuan’s fleshly body finally got rid of the heavy shackles, and with a roar, the chaotic light ball came out of the air and pointed directly at the shadow of the shadow in the distance.

Chaos light ball seems to be able to penetrate the space, and when it is appear(ance), it is already in front of that shadow.

not to know the immensity of heaven and earth!”

Although Shi Ying also noticed that the chaotic light ball was a little strange, he just smiled indifferently. As aloof and remote‘s Saint, he could hardly be too cautious about this kind of infant ants.

However, despite his indifference, Shi Ying did not let the chaos light ball fall unguardedly. He held out his small hand, and there was a mysterious flame beating in the palm of his hand, causing the Dragon Spirit Cave to change. Got hot.

That is, Saint Fire!

Saint Fire condensed in the shadow of Shi Ying, as if forming a Fire Lotus, and then photographed directly against the chaotic light ball.

Chaotic light ball and Fire Lotus collide with together.

Unexpectedly, there were no loud noises and violent outbursts. The two terrifying forces corrosion each other, which directly led to the entire void as if it had collapsed at this time.

Ai Tuanzi and others swallowed and watched this scene. What did they see? That Fire Lotus from Saint Fire, did not burn Zhou Yuan’s Chaos light ball cleanly? !

That’s Saint Fire!

The unique method of Saint expert, even if it is encountered in the jurisdiction, will be burned to nothingness in an instant.

But now, but failed to burn out the chaotic light ball in an instant? !

Of course, not only they were shocked, but even the shadow of the teacher was stunned, and a strong sense of coldness came out of the pupil of the eye.


Shi Ying’s voice is calm, but it contains a chill that makes people palpitate.

Obviously, this confrontation made him very angry.

It was blocked by a ant, although it was just a random blow, but it was still unacceptable.

Shi Ying’s palms turned, and at the next moment, the Saint Fire on Fire Lotus suddenly became vigorous, and everyone could feel the horror that the Heaven and Earth source gas in this Dragon Spirit Cave was starting to burn up. .

Fire Lotus slowly unfolded the lotus petals, and then wrapped the chaotic light ball, and the lotus petals closed, turning into flame flower bud.

hōng hōng!

Saint Fire flower bud seems to be slightly oscillating, but it eventually becomes calmer.

Obviously, the blow that brought together all the sources of Zhou Yuan and many pseudo-jurisdictions expert was thus resolved…

Did not cause even a slight injury to the Shiying.

But Zhou Yuan didn’t feel any disappointment, but instead a smile on his face appeared relieved.

Because he already felt that when Shiying increased the power to resolve the chaotic light ball, there was a slight vibration from Zuhun Mountain.

This kind of vibration was insignificant at first, but then it started to intensify, and then the whole majestic mountain was shaken violently~IndoMTL.com~ Bang! boom!

The huge chains entwined around Zuhun Mountain began to gradually crumble at this time.

The blow of Zhou Yuan’s may be like Hong Mao to Shi Ying, but when this Hong Mao fell on the balance maintained by him and Ancestral Mountain, it made the balance break instantly.

hōng hōng!

The loud sound resounded, that the Ancestral Soul Mountain, which was gradually moved by the master shadow, was at this time, and it began to fall slowly.

On the immature face of Shengying Shengying, grief and anger emerged at the same time.

“Miscellaneous ants, deserves death!”

His angry roar swept across every corner of the Dragon Spirit Cave like a storm.


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