Dragon Prince Yuan Chapter 1221: 7 inch

When Zhou Yuan came out of the lava furnace, it was already a month later.


As he walked out, the lava furnace suddenly appeared with cracks, and finally collapsed completely, turning into hot rubble in the sky.

The majestic power that was condensed in it also completely dissipated within Heaven and Earth.

Zhou Yuan just glanced at it, and then looked at a large tree by the lake. Yao Yao sat on the branch diagonally, holding the jade-like wine bottle gourd in one hand, his expression was slightly lazy.

“It’s finally figured out.” She shot pupil light to Zhou Yuan and stretched a lazy waist, the exquisite curve was very eye-catching.

Zhou Yuan took a step, and the figure was directly appear(ance) on the side of Yao Yao.

“It looks like the harvest is not small.” Yao Yao said that although Zhou Yuan complexion was not obvious, she was still able to discover the surprise from her eyes.

“Of course it’s not too small.” Zhou Yuan exclaimed.

Don’t mention the two holy sources first. When he stepped out of the furnace, he felt that his source gas background had greatly improved.

The original six-inch three-year-old babies directly rose to seven inches!

After much training, Zhou Yuan certainly understands that this is not a small improvement. If it is replaced by ordinary Nascent Origin Realm, it is not known that how many years needs to be paid hard work, but here, it is only a month.

Of course, he also knew in his heart that it seems that this furnace was made by Yao Yao, but she must have paid a lot of effort and price.

Looking at the eyes of Zhou Yuan’s, Yao Yao smiled slightly and said, “Relax, this kind of thing will not happen often.”

It is not very common. In order to allow Zhou Yuan to be free of any repercussions improvement and open Ancestral Dragon Scripture‘s source art treasures, Yao Yao has paid for gods. This kind of god, even her, is difficult to squander frequently, and If I let other Saint know that she used such a precious thing on a Nascent Origin Realm, I don’t know how much it would be to beat her feet and shout waste.

Zhou Yuan sat down and gently held the Yao Yao soft little hand. He didn’t say any polite words. Between the two, they really didn’t need those meaningless words.

For her, he can give everything, even life.

He knows this, Yao Yao must also know.

Otherwise, with her cold and almost indifferent personality, how can you also care about him with a heart?

“What holy source technique did you get?” Yao Yao asked with great interest.

Although she gave Zhou Yuan secret hand help, she still had to rely on Zhou Yuan‘s own chances to get what she could get, but she couldn’t give more intervention.

“A holy source technique named “Tianlong Jin Zhong (golden bell) Yin”.

Zhou Yuan is a bit helpless: “I don’t know why I have some feelings about such a common holy source technique, perhaps because of my Heavenly Dragon Qi.”

“Your guess is right, but you shouldn’t underestimate it. Although it is just a common holy source technique, it is the most suitable technique for Heavenly Dragon Qi. It will be used in Heavenly Dragon Qi. Then wait for mighty energy Not weaker than Great Saint Origin Technique.” Yao Yao hearing this is not surprising.

“Really?” Hearing Yao Yao’s‘s explanation, Zhou Yuan felt relieved.

“There is another one, it is called “Ancestral Dragon moving the sky”.”

Yao Yao held Jade bottle gourd’s hand slightly, her pupil light flowed, and immediately chuckled: “It’s worth the effort this time.”

“This source technique has never been marked with a grade.” Zhou Yuan is a bit puzzled.

Yao Yao seems to be in a good mood, Zhanyan smiled and said: “The ordinary level, it is really difficult to measure it, this kind of source surgery, not to say it is the source baby, the jurisdiction, even if it is Saint expert, it will be heart-warming.”

“As for why, when you step into Saint one day, you will naturally know.”

Zhou Yuan was a little shocked, Yao Yao‘s evaluation of this source technique would be so high.

“But unfortunately, I only get the initial cultivation method of this source technique.” Then, Zhou Yuan was regrettable.

Before the dragon scales fragmented, he just captured a corner and failed to obtain a complete method.

“It’s a pity that with your current strength, you can see this technique for the first time, it is already a great opportunity.”

“Everything is difficult at the beginning, and now the road is appear(ance). Although it is difficult to climb, but when your strength comes in the future, you will naturally have the opportunity to glimpse the whole picture.” Yao Yao said.

Zhou Yuan nodded, he is also not a tangled person. Since the opportunity has passed, it will naturally not be annoyed, because it does not help, and again, this time the harvest is indeed huge.

With his current source background, if he then plays against Nascent Origin Ranking‘s third Lu Tai, Zhou Yuan is confident that even if the latter is in the state of perfection, he is sure to win him.

That is to say, with his current strength, he has already begun to enter the top level of this Primordial Heaven Nascent Origin Realm.

And you know, he stepped into Nascent Origin Realm and it was full, not less than half a year.

Such progress is enough to make those who have been squandering on Nascent Origin Realm for many years.

The elegant stand up of Yao Yao fell from the tree, hung the jade bottle gourd on the waist, lightly touched the green silk, and said: “Since your cultivation is finished, then we should start.”

“Go to Myriad Beasts Heaven?” Zhou Yuan also fell down, looking forward to it.

For the guy of Tun Tun, although Zhou Yuan is always disgusted, but obviously also has a deep feeling for it, in a sense, it and Yao Yao have accompanied him for many years, witnessing him step by step Climb up.

Yao Yao tap small head.

“We are in the Tianji domain, there is a Tianji city in the Tianji domain, and there is a cross-domain transmission array in the city, but it can only be started once every six months, and it requires a legal expert to host.” Zhou Yuan said, in the Primordial Heaven these years, he has The situation of the domain is relatively well understood.

With the strength of Yao Yao today, if you want to arrange a cross-domain great formation yourself, it is not impossible, but Zhou Yuan does not intend to do so, because Cang Yuan has reminded before, don’t let Yao Yao use too much power, because it may Will accelerate the recovery of divinity.

“Is the expert of the Jurisdiction…I should use the power of the Jurisdiction at the level of the Jurisdiction, it should be unhindered.”

Yao Yao has no objection to this. She has followed Zhou Yuan along the way.

With the result, the two of them did not procrastinate, and when they moved, they disappeared directly in place. Only the huge lake pit was still steaming.

The source beasts in the mountain forest that had previously avoided, as the two left, returned one after another, and when they came to the lake, they all roared with ecstasy.

Although most of the power dissipated there, the remnants are still a chance for them.

When the two of Zhou Yuan arrived at the Tianji City, three days had passed.

In their position in the city, they also unexpectedly saw the magnificent cross-domain great formation, but this array has the heavily guard of the heavenly domain.

But when under the hand/subordinate appeared in Yao Yao’s, no one could notice the infiltration of the two.

When the Yao Yao started great formation~The guards around IndoMTL.com~great formation only cast a panic gaze. They didn’t understand why this great formation would start suddenly.

It’s clear that his own jurisdiction expert hasn’t come yet!

When the whole Tianji City panicked, great formation was already started, and the bright radiance covered the two figures, and the space was twisted violently.

Looking at the gradually distorted void in front of her eyes, Zhou Yuan can vaguely feel that a aura of a juridical expert is rushing towards this side, which should be the Jubilee of Jupiter Domain expert.

But it is obviously too late.

The bright light flooded and filled the eyes.

Zhou Yuan also grinned at this time.

Myriad Beasts HeavenTun Tun little bastard, your master is really here!

(End of this chapter)


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