Dragon Prince Yuan Chapter 1210: Lu Tai admission


When the blazing sword yin resounded loudly one after another, there was an unspeakable sharp aura rising and condensing throughout the Heaven and Earth. At that moment, it seemed to be a sea of ​​sword gas, heaven and earth, any one Everywhere, they are covered by Jian Qi and covered.

And the Song Huang’s complexion also changed slightly at this time, his whole body tensed up, and his face was horrified. In the air of the sword, he noticed a aura that made him creepy.

This kind of offensive will pose a great threat to him!


And at this moment, at the Zhou Yuan Tianling cover, seven-colored streamer rushed out, and finally swayed, it turned into four seven-colored sword lights, quietly suspended.

The four seven-colored sword lights are shining under the sunlight glittering, extremely gorgeous, but under that gorgeousness, there is a fatal danger.

As Zhou Yuan stepped into Nascent Origin Realm, the Seven-colored Heaven Slashing Sword Light that was once only barely displayed, is now a huge improvement!

And the four sword lights, like the four-handled seven-colored glazed swords, they are just suspended there quietly, but even the void is a bit of sharp sword gas that can’t withstand the penetration. Burst out of traces.

Zhou Yuan raise one’s head stared at the four seven-colored sword lights. He could feel the difference between the seven-colored sword light and the one he played in Heavenly Sun Realm. The two are not an order of magnitude at all.

“The holy source technique, at least after stepping into Nascent Origin Realm, can start to play its true mighty energy.”

The Zhou Yuan eyes fluctuates, and then turns indifferently to the tight Song Huang with a vigilant look on his face.


When the fingers fell, the four seven-colored sword lights seemed to shake, and then disappeared out of thin air.

But that Song Huang’s complexion, but at this time suddenly changed a lot, like an enemy.

His body retreated, and his speed reached the extreme. A sound of sonic boom was heard, and the waves were rolling.

However, at this instant, the slight fluctuations in the space around him seemed to be ripples, the four-handed seven-colored sword flashed across, and then blocked the four sides, pointing directly from those four different directions, pointing directly Song Huang!

This directly gives Song Huang no way back!

Song Huang complexion Tie Qing, his hands closed suddenly.


An ancient light tower at this time appear(ance) is outside the body, the light tower shrinks quickly, like a strange armor, wrapping him layer by layer.

At the same time, the active baby appear(ance) was on top of Song Huang, the source baby opened mouth, and the vast source gas torrent swept out. Instantly, countless formed a substantial and substantial source gas defense, densely spreading all the space around Song Huang.

That seemingly short square inch, but do not know how many defenses are flooded.

Obviously, in the face of the four seven-colored sword lights of aura, which brought horrible danger, Song Huang did not dare to take it lightly.


And at this moment, four sword lights violently shoots arrived.


When the seven-colored sword light swept in, the sword light passed by, and the countless heavy source gas defense in that square inch was almost like meeting the remnant snow of lava, which melted away in an instant, almost failed to form a slight block .

In a short span of time, the source gas defenses are completely melted.


An seven-colored sword light was cut off and cut on the armor of the light tower outside the body of Song Huang.


Ripples bloomed on the light armor, and cracks sprang up quickly.

The change that Song Huang complexion can’t help, his armor of the light tower is his strongest defense. didn’t expect is just a sword light, and he cut it out of the crack.

Dang! clang!

While not thinking about Song Huang, the other three sword lights are also coming in succession at this time.

As a series of crisp voices continued to sound, I saw more and more cracks on the light armor of the Song Huang‘s body, and finally finally reached the limit at a certain moment and burst into bursts.


The body of Song Huang’s also flicked out at this time.

pēng pēng!

His figure crossed a white line in the void and directly crashed into the mountains, the rocks rolled down, and the mountains collapsed.

The Song Huang’s figure was buried.

Inside and outside the space, some eyes gazing at this are slightly stagnation at this time.

Everyone is didn’t expect. It is not the Zhao Lefu, Xue Qinglong, and Yi Yan that have repeatedly defeated the enemy in this space, but the Zhou Yuan that has just entered the Nascent Origin Realm not long…

Xue Qinglong also pursed her lips at this time, looking at the figure of Zhou Yuan, she already has grave expression. If she said that Zhou Yuan had repulsed the three Great Nascent Origin Realms before, she was just a little surprised, but she could beat Song Huang now It was enough for her to put away everything she had seen before.

The ranking of Song Huang on that Nascent Origin Ranking is certainly not as good as hers, but it is definitely not weak, but even so, it is still defeated by Zhou Yuan at this time…

She was silent, but she sighed weakly in her heart.

She has never seen such a perverted Great Nascent Origin.

Fortunately, this is good news for them.

In the space, even the jurisdictions expert of Chi Jing and Zhao Xiansun are in battle, the afterglow flashes past, and their respective looks are slightly different.

Outside the space, Myriad Ancestors Great Venerable stared at the scene indifferently, and immediately passed a cold color in his eyes.

The Zhou Yuan’s variable is really annoying.

“Can’t continue to drag anymore. The burning speed of Ancestral Dragon Lantern is faster than I expected. This should be the hands and feet of the old guy of Cang Yuan. It’s really powerful. It can accelerate Ancestral Dragon Lantern…”

Myriad Ancestors Great Venerable eyes is deep, but although Cang Yuan left a hand, he also made some preparations.

So his thoughts moved, and a thought fell through the space.


One stream of light suddenly rushed out of the collapsing rock. I saw that Song Huang was covered with blood and extremely embarrassed. There was also a fierce sword mark on his chest. Its fleshly body.

And the three Nascent Origin Realm perfection who are entangled with Zhao Lefu, Xue Qinglong, Yi Yan, suddenly stopped their hands at this moment, and then withdrew.

Something changed in their complexion, which seems to have received some kind of information.

However, they did not hesitate too much, took a deep breath, suddenly pinched the seal.


The next moment, the four of them fleshly body suddenly burned, and in the raging fire, fleshly body began to burn out.

And when Zhao Lefu and others saw it, they were all stunned. Obviously they didn’t know why the other party suddenly set fire to fleshly body!

Zhou Yuan is also frowning. Even though Song Huang was cut by his sword light, it is obviously still not enough to destroy fleshly body. What do these guys want to do?

Four Nascent Origin Realm expert‘s fleshly body quickly burned into nothingness, and then four dim source babies broke out of the space and escaped the space.

But at this moment, Zhou Yuan they noticed that there was a touch of change in the huge barrier.

Next, an extreme dangerous aura plummeted down.

Zhou Yuan‘s fierce raise one’s head, sharp eyes directly locked a figure trapped in the barrier.

The figure exudes the extreme dangerous aura, but the barrier solidified around its body at this time, under a force of alien, gradually cracked a gap.

The most terrifying thing is not the case, but the silhouette of the palm of the figure, there is a constant source of terror coming from the gathering.

Looking at the source of the source gas, you will find that those are all other source infants expert trapped in barrier.

This person is actually the source of gathering other people!

Heavenly Extreme Hand, Lu Tai!”

Zhao Lefu et al.

Did the four people burn the fleshly body before, just to get the Lu Tai into the venue? !

However, they did not wait for them to panic. The barrier around Lu Tai was slightly loose, and he suddenly came down through the flaws of this moment, and at the same time, his palms that gathered a few Nascent Origin Realm expert strong and vigorous, suddenly one Turn over, beat!


Heaven and Earth vibrated, that palm turned into a colorful giant mountain, the mountains are majestic and majestic.

The indescribable power emanates from it.


Colorful giant mountain dropped, directly appear(ance) over Zhao Lefu, Xue Qinglong, Yi Yan.

The three-person complexion is also its color change. It did not hesitate to explode its own sources, trying to resist the terrorist suppression of Lu Tai, which gathered the sources of digital Nascent Origin Realm expert.

However, it has no effect.

The colorful giant mountain fell, and the offensive of the three of them was completely annihilated. Finally, in the shaking of the ground, giant mountain directly suppressed the three of them at the bottom of the mountain. Only three heads emerged from the bottom of the mountain, and they were disgraced.

Zhou Yuan saw this scene, and the pupils could not help shrinking.

This one-to-one meeting~IndoMTL.com~ Heaven Abyss Territory The three strongest Nascent Origin Realm, it was directly suppressed by the seal!

This man is so scary? !

With the sudden arrival of Lu Tai’s, the entire space is quiet inside and outside, and a gaze looks at the figure falling slowly from the void, but the people on the Heaven Abyss Territory side are all complexion sinking, and Myriad Ancestors Territory There was a smile.

The situation between these two parties is really ups and downs.

In the many gazes, Lu Tai’s figure fell from the void, he lifted a pair of eyes like dead fish, staring at the Zhou Yuan in front, the tone was plain, and the understatement was light.

Zhou Yuan, your prestige was enough, so…”

“Let’s make way.”

“Don’t let your majesty hit hard, I was stepped back with one foot.”


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