Dragon Prince Yuan Chapter 1205: ??4 Saint

A huge face emerged outside this space. A horrible oppression seemed like a heavenly prestige. Infiltration from that space directly led to the entire space being violently shaken, as if it was about to collapse.

“It really came.”

Zhou Yuan looked at the huge face slightly, the familiar look, precisely Myriad Ancestors Great Venerable.

Cang Yuan stands hand in hand, raise one’s head smiles and says: “Myriad Ancestors, you are really lingering, and have not given up after so many years.”

The huge face fluctuates outside the space, and there is a large but indifferent voice falling: “Cang Yuan, you steal the gods and stones without permission, destroy me all Heavens hope, can be described as a sinful evil.”

Cang Yuan shook his head: “I don’t buckle the hat for the old man. I did this for all Heavens. You are too extreme. That would only ruin all Heavens. I can’t just sit back and ignore it.”

Myriad Ancestors Great Venerable’s sight penetrated the space, and finally bet on the crystal coffin, slowly said: “Cang Yuan, now he has not yet awakened, and there is still room for turning around, to hand him over, we can not blame the previous things.” /

Cang Yuan said with a smile: “Myriad Ancestors, do you think I might really give up?”

Myriad Ancestors Great Venerable fell silent, and finally said: “It seems that you and I can only do one game after all.”

Cang Yuan‘s hands dropped, and his expression became indifferent. At that moment, Zhou Yuan could feel an indescribable great force emanating from the skinny body, and under that force, the entire space wailed.

Heaven and Earth changes color.

On the shoulders of Cang Yuan, two sacred light lotus emerged a little bit, and then bloomed slowly.

Two Lotuses Realm!

He knows that there is no possibility of peace talks with Myriad Ancestors. Because the positions of the two parties are different, even if they are all all Heavens’ Saint, they cannot be considered as the same.

Outside the space, the huge face wriggled into countless ray of light lines converging, also forming a figure, the real body of precisely Myriad Ancestors Great Venerable.

At this time, two lotus flowers also appeared on his shoulders.

Cang Yuan, you are most likely to become the fourth ancient respecter of Return to Ruin Divine Hall, but this seat is unbelief.” Myriad Ancestors Great Venerable indifferently said.

Speaking of cultivation years, in fact Myriad Ancestors Great Venerable is a little longer than Cang Yuan, and he is also in Two Lotuses Realm countless years. He has a lot of expectations for the Sanlian Realm, but unfortunately it is difficult to take that step after countless.

So he feels that if the gods and stones are refined, their all Heavens’ Sanlian Realm Saint will inevitably exceed Saint Race, and may even break through the Saint Realm and break into the realm without the ancients!

At that time, it may not be possible to fight against the Saint Race Saint God.

Unfortunately, such a plan was directly destroyed by Cang Yuan.

“Believe it or not, you will know it after a fight!” Cang Yuan‘s words are plain and undisturbed, but there is an unstoppable domineering rise in the meantime.

Chi Jing and others have a respectful look. Although Cang Yuan has not shown Shengwei again for many years, no one can forget, Great Venerable Cang Yuan used to have a famous name in the past, called Black Emperor.

So domineering, but he was really killed by the proud accomplishments!

In those years, among World Extinguishing War and Saint Race, there was no lack of Saint.

The double holy confrontation caused sun and moon stars to tremble.

And at this moment, Zhou Yuan still has a sense of understanding. In front of them is only the dispute that they saw with their naked eyes, and where they are invisible and imperceptible, I am afraid that there are other Saints playing and fighting.

Because of today’s events, it is related to two factions.

The highest level faction of the two all Heavens.

While thinking so in Zhou Yuan‘s heart, a black hole suddenly formed somewhere outside this space, and then a bead was spouted out of it.

The beads moved with the wind and swelled up, turning into a man with a strange face. The long black hair spread out from his behind cloak, moving without wind, every hairline is transparent A strange meaning.

He was just standing there, but his behind void seemed to reflect hundreds of millions of demon shadows.

The enchanted man played with a string of dark red beads on his wrist, and smiled lightly: “This is really lively, and it’s not easy to dive in.”

Zhou Yuan looked at the monster, but complexion couldn’t help it because he recognized it. This person’s precisely Primordial Heaven Monster Puppet Territory’s, Monster Puppet Great Venerable, it is said that each of his hair can be turned into A puppet, when hundreds of millions of hairs move in unison, it is a huge and terrifying puppet torrent.

Monster Puppet, do you want to intervene?” Cang Yuan stared at the black boy slowly.

The fascinating man has a more amazing smile than the woman: “Cang Yuan, now here, all Heavens’ Saint is all in looks at, since you have chosen another way, naturally it will be the opposite.”

“In order to complete our plan, don’t blame me.”

Monster Puppet Great Venerable, you are worried that I will join forces with Master. Myriad Ancestors Great Venerable can’t resist it, and then you are sent in with all your heart.” A laugh sounded, and only Zhuan Zhu came to Cang Yuan, smiling. Staring at the strange man outside the space.

Monster Puppet Great Venerable stared at Zhuan Zhu, smacked his lips, and said: “Your kid, there are really some ways to go into the holy.”

He did not deny that although Zhuan Zhu is just One Lotus Realm, but it is also Saint after all, Myriad Ancestors is unpredictable against a Cang Yuan, if you add another Zhuan Zhu, there is almost no chance of winning, and he came here, Said to deal with Cang Yuan, in fact it is still against Zhuan Zhu.

The Yi Yan and others looked at this scene, and their scalp was numb. This time, the Four Saints faced each other. It was terrible.

Cang Yuan glanced back at the burning Ancestral Dragon Lantern in the crystal coffin, then pointed at Zhou Yuan: “Protect Yao Yao.”

Zhou Yuan complexion awesome nods, said: “If you want to hurt Yao Yao’s, you can only step on my body first.”

Cang Yuan smiled. He still remembered that when he saw Zhou Yuan at the beginning of the year, he entrusted Yao Yao to the latter. Zhou Yuan said this at the time.

“Let’s go, let’s join hands with our apprentices today.” Cang Yuan didn’t say anything more, but just greeted Zhuan Zhu, and the two stepped out in one step, that is, appear(ance) was directly outside the space.

If the power of Saint is too terrifying, if you do it in this space, I am afraid that even the space will collapse.

Outside the space, the Four Saints face off.

The layers of the void are distorted, gradually covering up all four figures, but the horror and coercion exuded at that time still makes people feel horrified.


However, with the departure of Cang Yuan and Zhuan Zhu, there is suddenly a limitless force outside this space. When such a force touches the space world’s wall, there is a huge barrier in appear(ance). stop.

But in that constant confrontation, barrier or appear(ance) had some cracks.

Then Chi Jing~IndoMTL.com~Zhou Yuan they are complexion and they saw a stream of light drilled in from those cracks.

Of those streamers, there are aura of the legal domain and Nascent Origin Realm.

Chi Jing‘s burgundy short hair fluttered gently, but a pair of eyes became exceptionally sharp.

“You guys, it’s time for us to start.”

When I heard Chi Jing’s, Zhou Yuan also took a deep breath. He turned to look at the Yao Yao in the crystal coffin, and then gradually grasped his palms. Within Divine Palace, the seated source baby also opened eyes, there is a gradual surge of vast source gas.

I have worked hard for many years to wait for today…

If anyone wants to destroy…

In the eyes of Zhou Yuan, murderous intentions pass by.

Then go out!


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