Dragon Prince Yuan Chapter 1195: Ancient Origin Heaven’s ending

This is a special space.

The space is like chaos, there is no Heaven and Earth, but in the center, there is a huge light curtain that divides the space into two.

On both sides of the space, in the deep void, there is a imposing manner arrogant figure faintly discernible.

There are so many figures, it is difficult to distinguish the quantity.

Even in the deepest part of the void, there is an occasional emergence of aura from Daweian, which directly leads to the whole space trembling slightly.

That’s…Saint’s aura.

The two sides of the light curtain are obviously exist(ence) with Saint aura.

Here, a space near precisely Ancient Origin Heaven is located, and all people who come out of Ancient Origin Heaven will come here first.

On both sides of the light curtain are Five Great Heaven Territories and Saint Race!

At the same time, here, it has become the focus of the entire Heavenly Origin World’s sight, because everything here forms an image, which is directly projected into all Heavens.

This kind of projection is actually more promoted by Saint Race, because in almost every Ancient Origin Heaven dispute, Saint Race eventually prevails, so they want to make this result known to more Five Great Heaven Territories’ people. Deepen their despair and let them know how hard Saint Race is.

At the highest point of this space, the great shore aura is surging, most of the Five Great Heaven Territories’ Saint are appear(ance) here.

Zhuan Zhu stands with its hands down, and also has a short red hair standing on its side, slender and handsome Chi Jing.

It’s just that at this time, complexion is a little dignified.

“This time the situation is still not good.” Chi Jing whispered.

Most of the results of the Ancient Origin Heaven dispute are already appear(ance), but for Five Great Heaven Territories, it is still not much better.

The Ancient Origin Heaven battle is divided into four levels.

Heavenly Sun Realm, Nascent Origin Realm, Law Domain Realm and Saint.

The Ancestral Qi that Saint competes for accounts for 40% of the entire Ancient Origin Heaven’s. The remaining three levels compete for 20% each.

After many games of this period, except for the layer of Heavenly Sun Realm that has not ended, the remaining three levels are appear(ance).

Between Saint, Saint Race accounted for 20% of 40%, and Five Great Heaven Territories accounted for 18%.

For Law Domain Realm, Saint Race accounts for 11%, Five Great Heaven Territories accounts for 90%.

The worst is Nascent Origin Realm, Saint Race accounts for 15%, and Five Great Heaven Territories only has 50%!

The overall gap between the two parties can be seen slightly from these results.

Throw away the result of Heavenly Sun Realm without appear(ance), Ancient Origin Heaven 80% of Ancestral Qi, Saint Race accounted for 48%, and Five Great Heaven Territories, only 30%.

Don’t underestimate this area, because it represents an indescribable Ancestral Qi. If these Ancestral Qis are added to Saint Race, it will undoubtedly make Saint Race more powerful in the next millennium.

So for the time being, from the results, Saint Race still has the absolute upper hand.

And the result here is also projected into all Heavens. The creatures of Five Great Heaven Territories countless are looking at the projection of appear(ance) on the void, and the whole Heaven Territory is filled with some pessimistic atmosphere.

Saint Race is taking advantage every time, which also leads them to become stronger and stronger, and when the advantage accumulates to a certain step, it may be really when Five Great Heaven Territories is at a dead end.

But what can they do?

Elites at all levels are considered to be coming out of the nest, but even so, it is still incomparable.

Although the result of Heavenly Sun Realm is not appear(ance) yet, many people do not have much hope.

In the chaotic space.

On the side where Saint Race is located, the void is twisted, as if it were layers of tunnels, leading to the world.

Some of them are like a godlike phantom floating in the air, emitting aura as unfathomable as an abyss, causing the space to continue to collapse.

“It seems that this Ancient Origin Heaven dispute is still better than my Saint Race.” There is an old and indifferent laughter that sounds like a certain rule, when it falls, there is starlight in chaos Blooming, falling into countless meteor.

On the side of Five Great Heaven Territories, there is also a Saint who walked out, which is Myriad Ancestors Territory’s Myriad Ancestors Great Venerable.

He looked blankly at the vast phantom across the light curtain and said: “Heavenly Sun Realm has not yet been appear(ance), Star Saint you are too anxious to make some conclusions.”

The other party’s Saint, with the honor number Star Saint, is also an extremely old Saint in that Saint Race.

“Oh, I’m afraid that after the result of appear(ance), you will be more desperate.” The Star Saint tone of Saint Race is indifferently spoke.

In his speech, there is a slightly strange meaning, and I can’t help hearing the countless people on the Five Great Heaven Territories side. Is there any special variable in the Heavenly Sun Realm?

“It’s all right now, it’s natural that there is no need to hide anything.”

The Star Saint laughed softly, and the faint voice resounded in this chaotic space: “In that Heavenly Sun Realm, my Saint Race Saint derived a barrier, which can be bound to nine Ancestral Qi main lineage, that is to say, 20% there, I Saint Race will be fully collected.”


This statement shocked all Heavens.

Even some Saint of Five Great Heaven Territories’ can’t help but some shock. Immediately there is a terrible imposing manner leaked out and Heaven and Earth is discolored.

“How dare you Saint Race make such a shady move?!” Saint is angry, Chaos Void is constantly breaking down.

“Ridiculous, winner is the king, loser is the villain, weak flesh and strong food, if not the **** of my race and Ancestral Dragon’s will fight and fall into a deep sleep, you Five Heavens, already become my Saint Race order prisoner, dare to be arrogant?” Saint Race also has Saint sneer response .

hōng hōng!

The Saints on both sides were angry. At that moment, there was unspeakable oppression spreading, which made both forcess in this chaotic space suffocated.

But in the end, they endured it, and there was no real Saint battle, because this was not the best time.

However, on the Five Great Heaven Territories side, the atmosphere is more depressed. If it is really as the Saint Race said, then those Five Great Heaven Territories’ Heavenly Sun Realm at this time, I am afraid the result is quite bad.

And the impact it caused is also unparalleled. Once the 20% of Ancestral Qi is taken away by Saint Race, then this will become the biggest defeat of all Heavens in history.

Saint Race will also gain more momentum, and the future all Heavens will face greater crisis and pressure.

“These **** of Saint Race!” Chi Jing gritted his silver teeth, his eyes full of anger, and now Zhou Yuan is also in Ancient Origin Heaven of Heavenly Sun Realm!

Zhuan Zhu is also silent. Faced with the special rules of Ancient Origin Heaven, even Saint cannot intervene.

Junior Brother Zhou Yuan is quite capable, even if it can’t compete with Saint Race, life-saving should be no harm.” He can only comfort.

But he also understands the paleness of the words. If Saint Race really sacrifices the barrier that can capture nine main lineage, then it must not be the power that Heavenly Sun Realm can contend with…

At this time, Zhou Yuan and Five Great Heaven Territories’ Heavenly Sun Realm~IndoMTL.com~ may be more or less fierce.

In the chaotic space, it becomes silent again.

The entire Heavenly Origin World’s gaze is staring at the projection spread all over the sky.

They all understand that if the true result is as stated by Saint of Saint Race, then this all Heavens will undoubtedly be a defeat. At that time, the entire Five Heavens may be mourning and despair…

And it was at this moment that there was a sudden change in chaotic space.

I saw that the void was torn apart, forming a space portal.

Everyone on both sides suddenly looked away, they knew that this was the result of Heavenly Sun Realm

(End of this chapter)


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