Dragon Prince Yuan Chapter 1126: ??Bbluff

   “How is it possible?”

When Ji Mo saw the figure of Zhou Yuan’s, it was like a lightning strike, and an incredible appalled look appeared on his face.

The Zhou Yuan actually resisted under his silent beam of light? !

“Impossible is impossible!”

The Ji Mo, who had always been indifferent, was finally a little gaffey at this time, and his face was grim. Even if he was, in order to resist the seven-colored light of the Zhou Yuan, he only used the Death Substitution Technique of Saint Pupil to support it. That is to say, if there is no such Death Substitution Technique, he is really likely to be killed by the seven-colored light of Zhou Yuan.

But even if he finally survived, he also paid the price of the seal Saint Pupil, which was extremely costly.

And Ji Mo is also confident that his mighty energy of the dead beam will never be weaker than the seven-colored of Zhou Yuan.

But he was able to resist it with the help of Saint Pupil, so why can the Zhou Yuan in front of him stand still alive? !

Ji Mo clenched his fists, his gloomy with unmatched eyes. He had previously felt that he had overestimated Zhou Yuan, but now, he is still too conservative for overestimation

And behind them, those Saint Race teams were silent at this time, and the shock on their faces was stronger than Ji Mo.

After all, they are very clear about the strength of Ji Mo’s. In their Saint Spirit days, Ji Mo’s strength is definitely the first person of Heavenly Sun Realm. With his ability, even if it is placed in the strongest Holy Patriarch Day and the second Holy King Day, they can They are at the top of the list, so they can’t imagine that with Ji Mo’s strength, they would lose so much money in the hands of Zhou Yuan that looks like Heavenly Sun Realm middle stage.

As Saint Race, they are extremely arrogant and regard other all races as ruminant dogs, but they are all didn’t expect. This is the devilish character of will appear in the Human Race that they despise.

The eyes once again looked at Zhou Yuan’s, and the contempt once quietly disappeared, but instead it was more hostile and killing.

Saint Race and Heavenly Origin World and other race are great enemies, because they Saint Race does not intend to coexist with other all races, they Saint Race, to be the sole master of this Heavenly Origin World, and the rest all races, want to survive, only to become their slaves of Saint Race .

So, the better the Zhou Yuan is, the more they should be obliterated in the eyes of these Saint Race people.

Just thinking like this, but no one dared to act rashly.

The seemingly awkward young figure in the distance brought great pressure to them.

Because others may not be clear, but they can see the sacred mark of Ji Mo’s dark eyebrows. Apparently, in order to resist the seven-colored light of Zhou Yuan, Ji Mo must have paid a very heavy price. The source gas fluctuations can be felt.

Although they were reluctant to admit it, they knew in their hearts that the current situation was gradually getting out of their control.

The Zhou Yuan in countless’s horrified line of sight was rather calm. He looked down at the large black flesh and blood on his chest. These injuries looked terrible. In fact, they were just flesh. The recovery speed of fleshly body will soon be able to return to its original state.

He raised his palm, and a silver liquid came together, turning into a silver ball in his palm.

ball has the ancient lines of countless, which is naturally silver shadow.

It’s just that the silver shadow at this time is particularly bleak, and even the volume is reduced by about half.

That’s because the silver shadow previously served as a flesh shield, resisting the Ji Mo’s extinction beam.

Of course, relying on silver shadow alone, even if it is cultivationGreat Flame Demon“, it is still not enough to resist the Ji Mo like this trick, it can finally stop it, because Zhou Yuan is about to hit him in that dead beam At that time, directly open “Heaven Execution Saint Pattern“.

The opening of the law field directly reduced the mighty energy of the extinct beam by nearly half.

However, even if mighty energy cut nearly half of the extinct beam, it still penetrates silver shadow directly, and also hurts Zhou Yuan, which also urged fleshly body protected by Great Flame Demon and Heaven Primal Brush brush bristles.

If you don’t have the Heaven Execution Saint Pattern control domain, Zhou Yuan might be a little too afraid to connect this beam of silence.

Zhou Yuan put away silver shadow, then looked at the direction of Ji Mo’s under the gaze of the countless road and smiled: “It seems that the ending is somewhat different from what you think.”

Ji Mo face gloomy, after a while indifferently said: “You really surprised me, there can be people like you in didn’t expect Human Race.”

Zhou Yuan’s sharp gaze stayed at the eyebrows of Ji Mo, said with a smile: “You seem to have paid a great price to block my offensive?”

Ji Mo said: “Shouldn’t you be relaxed?”

“A lot better than you.” Zhou Yuan smiled.

The two confronted each other, tit-for-tat, as if testing each other’s injuries.

After some confrontation, Ji Mo complexion finally exhaled indifferently. He was silent for a moment, and said: “Primordial Heaven Heaven Abyss Territory’s Zhou Yuan, right? I remember you, I admit I underestimated you.”

Primordial Heaven can become the leader of Five Heavens, but it is indeed a bit capable. A declining Heaven Abyss Territory can even show people like you.”

I heard this guy biting Five Heavens bit by bit, and there was aloof and remote that could not be covered in words. Zhou Yuan couldn’t help but smile, and said: “This time we call Five Heavens, we can’t accept it.”

The mouth of Ji Mo raised a bit of sarcasm and said: “I know you are not happy, but this is the case. Nine Heavens of Heavenly Origin World, my Saint Race accounted for Four Heavens, it was stronger than you all races Five Heavens countless, Heaven and Earth Destiny, also in my Saint Race, these are not you Such a small Lesser Heavenly Sun environment can be changed.”

“Weak and weak, you have to bear it, don’t try to challenge exist(ence) that you can’t bear.”

He waved his hand and was too lazy to say more to Zhou Yuan, saying: “You still have some abilities. I didn’t die in my hands today. Let’s go with Blue Profound Heaven’s~ IndoMTL.com~ I will see you next time, I want you to try my Saint Spirit Heaven’s strength.”

As soon as this remark came out, Li Xuan of Saint Palace was shocked and couldn’t help but say nothing, but was blocked by Ji Mo’s cold eyes.

The Saint Race teams whispered and finally kept quiet, indicating that they followed the Ji Mo’s order.

And on the Blue Profound Heaven side, many forces burst into cheers for the rest of their lives after the robbery, and they looked to the Zhou Yuan with respect and gratitude.

If it is not for him to turn the tide, I am afraid that this Saint Race will not let them go so easily.

Heaven Abyss Territory’s forces such as Qin Lian is also slightly relaxed. The strength of this Saint Race team is not weak. If it is hard to touch, it is unavoidable that damage may be inevitable. It is the best result to be able to rescue people away from the blood.

Zhou Yuan stared at the indifferent Ji Mo of complexion, but his eyes narrowed slightly.

Ji Mo saw that Zhou Yuan hadn’t set off, and immediately his eyes became calm: “Why? Not yet? I’ve notified me of Saint Spirit Heaven’s and other forces, if you wait until they arrive, it’s impossible for you to leave!”

Hearing the threat of Ji Mo’s, Zhou Yuan smiled instead. He looked down at the canyon destroyed by the war, stomped his foot gently, and an inexplicable expression appeared in his eyes.

Soon he raised the head, smiled at Ji Mo.

“Otherwise, let’s change your way and you will take your people away now, this grand canyon, I Heaven Abyss Territory has collected.”

After hearing this, Ji Mo’s‘s eyes suddenly burst out with a violent murderous intention.

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