Dragon Prince Yuan Chapter 1112: ?? Blue Profound Heaven situation

   The night shrouded the earth, and there was a bonfire burning from the mountain forest, just like the stars in the night sky.

  Zhou Yuan, Zuoqiu Qingyu, Lu Luo and others were surrounded by a bonfire.

   Looking at the Zhou Yuan in front of me, Zuoqiu Qingyu and Lu Luo are still a little unrealistic at this time, especially when they feel that many of the Heaven Abyss Territory’s expert around them are in awe of the Zhou Yuan. Untrue becomes more intense.

   “Zhou Yuan, did you go to Primordial Heaven these years? Did you join Heaven Abyss Territory?” Lu Luo asked quietly.

  Zhou Yuan smiled nodded.

   “I heard them, it seems to call you honored elder? Is this your nickname?” Zuoqiu Qingyu has a keen grasp of what other people call Zhou Yuan’s. The title honored elder is obviously not reachable anywhere. of.

  Moreover, before they came to Ancient Origin Heaven, they also made up a lot of knowledge about the rest of all Heavens’, so they knew Heaven Abyss Territory and also knew what Heaven Abyss Territory’s honored elder represented.

  Because I know what this represents, Zuoqiu Qingyu does not dare to think so, but rather believes that this is a special nickname.

  Zhou Yuan smiled, but it did not mean to hide: “I am indeed Heaven Abyss Territory’s honored elder and precisely is what you think, not a nickname.”

   So the next moment, Zuoqiu Qingyu and Lu Luo looked at him dullly.

   This shock is even stronger than Zhou Yuan driving away Tong He.

  Zuoqiu Qingyu looked hard at the Qin Lian and others, who showed a more powerful pressure than the white-haired man riding a giant crane before. Such characters must be even in Heaven Abyss Territory. Top-notch.

   “Is he kidding?” Zuoqiu Qingyu Nana said.

  Qin Lian saw this, and he couldn’t help but smile, and said right away: “Zhou Yuan’s is indeed one of our five honored elder Heaven Abyss Territory, not a joke.”

   The corners of Zuoqiu Qingyu‘s mouth are slightly drawn: “But as far as I know, Heaven Abyss Territory’s honored elder, but all are jurisdiction expert?!”

  Law Domain Realm, only Sect Master in their Baihua Xianzong!

   That’s the top expert in Blue Profound Heaven. Although Zhou Yuan is much more powerful than it was at the beginning, it is obviously far from Law Domain Realm.

   “Zhou Yuan is Great Venerable Cang Yuan’s direct disciple. According to the rules set by Great Venerable, he is eligible to become Heaven Abyss Territory’s honored elder.” Qin Lian explained that she also knew how incredible the strength of Zhou Yuan, Heavenly Sun Realm, became honored elder, so for Zuoqiu Qingyu, Lu Luo The response is very understandable. “Great Venerable‘s direct disciple

  Zuoqiu Qingyu and Lu Luo look at each other in dismay, and finally laughed bitterly, it turns out that this guy has such a chance, no wonder.

  Great Venerable, that is Saint Realm. In their Blue Profound Heaven, after Old Ancestor Cang Xuan die, it seems that they have never had Saint after appear(ance).

   “Don’t talk about me, let’s talk about you guys. Didn’t you go with Blue Profound Heaven’s‘s big army together? Why did you run out alone?” Zhou Yuan waved his hand and asked with some doubts.

   Hearing his words, the cheeks of Zuoqiu Qingyu and Lu Luo became dim.

   “Ah, don’t mention, it didn’t take long for the Blue Profound Heaven’s big troops to enter Ancient Origin Heaven, it was a huge change in appear(ance).”

  Lu Luo gritted his teeth and said angrily: “It’s all Saint Palace bastards!”

   “What’s going on?” Zhou Yuan‘s eyes narrowed slightly, and the word Saint Palace fell in his ears, which also attracted him to the coldness of eyes. Those grudges that year did not disappear with the passage of time, but instead It became more intense.

  After all, he will leave Blue Profound Heaven and walk away from Primordial Heaven in a sense because of the persecution of Saint Palace.

   Of course, more importantly, they are still the culprit of Yao Yao‘s slumber to this day!

  Zuoqiu Qingyu sighed slowly, said slowly: “I am afraid that you have to start from the time when you first broke the Blue Profound Saint Seal, and the Saint Seal fragments are scattered on the entire Blue Profound Heaven. In the following years, all forces are looking for As well as contention, a lot of wars have been set off for this.”

  Zhou Yuan hearing this, also sighed in relief. Blue Profound Saint Seal and other supreme treasure have too much temptation. When it is broken into pieces, it will inevitably cause a lot of greed, but this was also a thing that couldn’t be done at the beginning If he does not do this, Blue Profound Saint Seal will definitely fall into the hands of Palace Master Sheng Yuan, and by that time, Blue Profound Heaven will be in great trouble.

   “Fortunately, apart from the five Great Saint Sect of Saint Palace, it is more sensible, they are also collecting Saint Seal fragments, and they are all guarding Saint Palace.”

  ”After all, the Palace Master Sheng Yuan of Saint Palace is now the only Pseudo-Saint of Blue Profound Heaven

   “His injury is good?” Zhou Yuan frowned. He remembered the war that year, then Palace Master Sheng Yuan should have been heavy injury.

  Zuoqiu Qingyu shook his head: “From the perspective of the situation, it should not be completely restored, otherwise Blue Profound Heaven will have changed a lot, but even so, Saint Palace is still more and more amazing in Blue Profound Heaven’s.”

   “In the search for Saint Seal fragments in these years, Saint Palace and the five Great Saint Sect have repeatedly clashed, and the battle of countless has also erupted, and both sides have not little damage.”

  He said, the look of Zuoqiu Qingyu has become a bit heavy: “But this situation has been somewhat disadvantageous for the five Great Saint Sect over time. I have heard Sect Master say that the recovery of Palace Master Sheng Yuan is accelerating.”

  Zhou Yuan slowly said: “Did the five Great Saint Sect not consider joining forces to annihilate Saint Palace?”

   Saint Palace is strong, but if the five Great Saint Sect work together, it may not lose?

  Lu Luo said: “While Great Saint Sect is consistent in facing Saint Palace, after all, it is impossible to really be fully united. After all, if you want to destroy Saint Palace, you have to deal with Palace Master Sheng Yuan. Pseudo-Saint

   “If he is forced to be anxious, the jurisdiction of five Great Saint Sect expert, I am afraid at least half of die.”

   “This price is too heavy, even if it is five Great Saint Sect, it is not easy to launch.”

   “So now the strategy of five Great Saint Sect is still based on collecting Blue Profound Saint Seal fragments. As long as these Saint Seal fragments will not be captured by all Palace Master Sheng Yuan, then he cannot be a real Saint.”

It’s a pity that Zhou Yuan lightly nods, in fact, now is the best time to solve Palace Master Sheng Yuan, but five Great Saint Sect is obviously impossible to bear such a huge price, after all, everyone has selfishness, once their own jurisdiction expert die, it will be devastating The price, if not available, will fall to Saint Sect.

   “These are the situations in Blue Profound Heaven today~IndoMTL.com~ Anyway, a mess.”

   “As for why we are alone appear(ance) here”

  Zuoqiu Qingyu bit her silver teeth, and there was some anger on her charming face: “Of course it is also a good thing Saint Palace does!”

  ”At the first moment when our large Blue Profound Heaven’s troops entered Ancient Origin Heaven’s, Saint Palace was in conflict with our five Great Saint Sect forces, but no fighting broke out at that time, and forces of Saint Palace chose to withdraw.”

   “We thought that they have chosen to calm down temporarily”

   “What is didn’t expect is that seven days later, Saint Palace attacked our Blue Profound Heaven base camp Blue Profound Heaven. The forces of all parties suffered heavy casualties, and they all retreated.”

   “Although the strength of Saint Palace is strong, it is not strong enough to beat the joint force of the five Great Saint Sect?” Zhou Yuan said with some surprise.

  The forces sent by Great Saint Sect this time must be the most elite expert. How could it be so vulnerable?

   Zuoqiu Qingyu and Lu Luo glanced at each other, and both women’s faces became extremely cold at this time.

  ”Because Saint Palace somehow invited a team of Saint Race

   By the bonfire, some of the original noises also disappeared silently at this time.

   The look of Zhou Yuan’s is also gradually gloomy.

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