Dragon Prince Yuan Chapter 1073: Sky Pillar Peak

Sky Pillar Peak is located in the central area of ​​Primordial Heaven. This peak is incredible and magnificent. From a distance, it looks like a huge wall with no end in sight, and its peak is also covered in heavily clouds. The peak is active gas storm wreak havoc. Even the space is quite fragile under the storm, and countless space debris was caught in the storm, which made the source gas storm lethal increase.

And this kind of horror storm is not always on the top of the peak, and sometimes swept down. Wherever it passes, any creature will be engulfed in an instant, so in this Primordial Heaven, everyone also uses it Called wind disaster.

Because of Sky Pillar Peak wind disaster, this is also one of the dangers of Primordial Heaven’s. Normally, even Nascent Origin Realm expert would not dare to break here.

This also led to the solitude of this place.

However, these days, it has become the focus of Primordial Heaven’s.

Because you want to reach the “Ancient Origin Heaven“, you must pass Sky Pillar Peak.

So all the forces of forces from all parties came from all over the world and finally converged on Sky Pillar City under Sky Pillar Peak.

The city is slightly old, and it is obviously unable to withstand this flow of people. Therefore, on the plain outside that city, various camps rose from the ground and spread to the end of the sight, which was particularly spectacular.

However, compared to Sky Pillar Peak, these spectacular scenes are overshadowed, and the continuous camping group in mountain foot is like a nest of termites.

When Zhou Yuan and Qin Lian led the large Heaven Abyss Territory’s troops to Sky Pillar Peak, they saw the continuous camp and the lights spread until the end of their sight.

“Is this Sky Pillar Peak…”

Zhou Yuan looks up at the colossus in the sunset, Sky Pillar Peak is almost full of the entire eyeball, no matter from which direction it is, it is difficult to see the edge, and a sense of oppression emerges.

And Zhou Yuan knows that the Sky Pillar Peak they see is only the tip of the iceberg, because it is more covered by the heavily clouds.

In the high altitude below Sky Pillar Peak, Zhou Yuan has also seen some exist(ence) of barrier. Presumably this is to prevent the wind disaster of Sky Pillar Peak from wreak havoc at this time, causing the loss of forces of all parties.

“Will let them camp, let’s go directly to the city, presumably the other eight domain people should also arrive.” Qin Lian looked at Zhou Yuan and said.

This time Sky Pillar Peak is gathering forces, obviously it is still necessary to do some negotiation for the Ancient Origin Heaven dispute, such as determining some rules, so as to avoid the internal friction and internal fighting is too fierce, but cheaper than other Heaven Territory.

Although the role of this rule in the face of some conflicts of interest remains to be discussed, it is better than nothing.

“It seems that there will be some ruthless characters.” Zhou Yuan laughed.

It is the top Heavenly Sun Realm in all domains and other forces who can qualify for this conference. Really speaking, he may be the one who looks the most unsightly.

After all, regardless of seniority or rank, those people will be higher than him.

Qin Lian smiled faintly and said: “Qualification is nothing, strength is the most important thing, and really speaking, you are the one with the most evil spirits. Think about how long will it take you to step into Heavenly Sun Realm? Just about a year? But what about us? Which one is soaked here several times or less than yours?”

“But now you are gradually catching up with us “old guys”… This kind of thing is rare in the history of Primordial Heaven Heavenly Sun Realm.”

Because of Qin Lian‘s support, Zhou Yuan is a little flattered, but he knows how proud of the former’s personality is. didn’t expect even thinks he is very powerful.

Looking at Zhou Yuan’s startled look, Qin Lian’s red lips skimmed, saying: “Although we have always won or lost in these few days of discussion, do you think I can’t feel that you are intentional?”

Zhou Yuan smiled quickly: “Aren’t you not exhausting full power.”

“If I learn from a “younger” who has stepped into Heavenly Sun Realm for so many years later than me, I have to show all the bottoms of the press boxes. What’s the difference from admitting defeat?” Qin Lian gritted his teeth and said.

For her stubbornness, Zhou Yuan can only show a helpless smile.

During the conversation between the two, a huge flying boat descended from the sky. After Zhou Yuan and Qin Lian commanded Bian Buji, Mu Youlan and others, they took the lead and swept through, turning them into two stream of light and directly facing the ancient town .

In this small town today, it can be described as expert gathering.

In addition to Zhou Yuan, the level of these Heavenly Sun Realm needs to be discussed, and there are meeting meetings of Nascent Origin Realm and Law Domain Realm. Of course, this has nothing to do with Zhou Yuan

The two fell towards the west of the city, and a stone tower stood, surrounded by guards of heavily, all exuding violent source gas fluctuations.

However, these guards just glanced at the Zhou Yuan and Qin Lian who had fallen down. No one came forward to intervene to block it. Obviously they knew their identity.

Zhou Yuan and Qin Lian did not stop, and walked directly towards the stone tower.

When you step into the stone tower, the field of vision in front of you becomes wider. It is a spacious stone hall.

In the stone hall, there was a loud voice.

The environment here is like a fighting field. There are layers of stone stairs facing the front and extending downward. Each layer of stone stairs is a stone seat with many azure stone carvings.

And in the middle of the layer down, there is a round black stone table, the stone table is thick and simple, and at this time, beside the round table, there are already some figures sitting, each figure They are all eyes closed for self-cultivation and laziness, but they have a shocking source of coercion that exudes indiscriminately.

Obviously, only the representatives of all forces and sufficient strength are eligible for the black stone table.

So this black stone table will represent the top Heavenly Sun Realm circle in Primordial Heaven.

When Zhou Yuan and Qin Lian appeared, they also had a lot of eyes projected. Some eyes fell on Zhou Yuan’s, with some curiosity and exploration, I must have recognized him.

However, there are also some casual eyes. Obviously, I don’t think there is anything worth paying attention to a “newcomer” who has stepped into Heavenly Sun Realm for about a year, even if this newcomer is in their unimaginable high position in Heaven Abyss Territory.. .

The appearance of Zhou Yuan remains unchanged, and there is no anger because of those rude eyes. He just wanted to take a step, and suddenly felt a familiar wave and a faint fragrance of appear(ance) in the rear.

At this moment, Zhou Yuan was able to notice that many of the original looks at‘s eyes turned to his behind, and those eyes were stunning.

Zhou Yuan did not look back, because the shadow of the shadow stopped when he was shoulder-level with him.

He slightly tilted his head, a bright red dress printed in his eyes, the skin against the red dress was like snow, glittering and translucent, slender body, moving curves like mountainous ups and downs.

On the delicate cheeks, Qiong’s nose stood upright, and the tip of the nose seemed to glow.

Further up, a pair of phoenix eyes with cold eyes staring at Zhou Yuan quietly.

As always, cold and proud is like Empress.

The style is undiminished.

precisely Wu Yao.

“Meet again.” Zhou Yuan smiled and said hello, it was kind. After all, the Wushenyu Great Venerable helped him, he still remembered it, and the source of the matter was still down. On Wu Yao.

Wu Yao phoenix eyes glanced at him and said: “You must be careful this time Ancient Origin Heaven, if there is a chance, I will regain the lost again.”

Zhou Yuan can sense Wu Yao‘s unprecedented pressure on his body, which makes him frown upon.

Heavenly Sun Realm middle stage

It seems that as Big Senior Brother said, in recent times, Wu Yao has also received Martial God Great Venerable‘s emphasis on training. With her talents, she has obviously gained a lot.

However, Zhou Yuan has no fears. When Wu Yao was strong, he was not afraid, let alone now…

So, he chuckled and said, “Welcome at any time…but I have to remind you.”

Zhou Yuan looked at Wu Yao for a while, with a joke on the corner of his mouth.

“If you put yourself up, it’s a bit of a loss.”

Wu Yao phoenix eyes stared annoyedly at Zhou Yuan slightly. Although he seemed to have a light taste in his words, she understood that Zhou Yuan was really reminding her, and the meaning was to say it again, she was still Will lose.

But the slight annoyance in my heart made Wu Yao a little surprised, because she has always tempered her mind, no matter how ordinary people provoke her, it is impossible for her to have the slightest waves, how could she be Zhou Yuan Random anger.

This guy is really her enemy!

However, when Wu Yao tried to fight back with words, suddenly there was a light laughter from behind, interrupting her confrontation with Zhou Yuan’s.

Honored Elder Zhou Yuan~IndoMTL.com~ Our well water does not violate river water, but if you want to deal with Junior Sister Wu Yao, I will not agree.”

The laughter was mellow and dull, but when it came out, it caused the micro-microwave of the void to sway for a moment. At that moment, Zhou Yuan also saw a lot of projected eyes suddenly became terrified.

Zhou Yuan turned his head, only to see a man in a green robe standing in the two-step position of behind. The man smiled and seemed ordinary, but with an unspeakable charm.

A pair of eyes, as deep as the deep.

He stood there, there was a mountain-like oppression, hiding the sky and covering the earth pervaded.

Zhou Yuan’s‘s skin was suddenly tight at this time, and complexion also slightly dimmed.

Because when he came, he had already read the information of the top Heavenly Sun Realm of Primordial Heaven…the person in front of him… presumably the super macho who is the top of the dominate Heavenly Sun Ranking list…

War God Territory, Guan Qinglong.

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