Dragon Prince Yuan Chapter 1034: Fragment

Heaven Abyss’ Heavenly Cave.

In the depths of the earth in the southwest, there is a magma lake. The lava of crimson bursts into a huge bubble and bursts suddenly, turning into rain of fire and projecting in all directions.

The whole ground is filled with terrifying heat.

Zhou Yuan sits on the boulder protruding from the rock wall. Since the list of the wondrous item battle was confirmed on the same day, he returned directly to Heaven Abyss’ Heavenly Cave. As for the huge controversy that the list will cause, he did not go too much Mindful, when all the doubts and other results come out, they will naturally disappear, and at this time no amount of lips are meaningless.

And he came to the bottom of this magma, naturally for cultivation‘s newly obtained refining body Lesser Saint Technique: Purgatory Great Flame Demon.

However, at this time, he did not start directly. His mind, instead, sank into Divine Palace

In Divine Palace, Zhou Yuan’s was entrenched next to Saint Pattern light ball, constantly exploring with curiosity.

Saint Pattern light ball was transformed by the four Saint Pattern, and what made Zhou Yuan curious is the fourth Saint Pattern that he could not see until now!

Broken barriers, Disheng, Heavenly Execution…Three of the four patterns, Zhou Yuan has experienced its unique power, only the fourth Saint Pattern, Zhou Yuan has not known its name or its power for a long time …

Zhou Yuan’s Divine Soul scanned Saint Pattern light ball and then gathered at 4th pattern.

And it was in this instant that Zhou Yuan felt that his own power of Divine Soul started to be consumed quickly.

But he is not panic, because appear(ance) has been in this situation before, and it seems that if he wants to peep into that 4th pattern, it needs extremely strong power of Divine Soul support.

Previously, Zhou Yuan’s Divine Soul realm was just the beginning of the environment. At that time, it had been exhausted for more than ten interest times, and it was difficult to detect. This time, Divine Soul realm has made a breakthrough. It must be able to persist longer.

The rapid consumption of power of Divine Soul.

In just a few moments, dozens of years have passed.

Zhou Yuan is finally not calm anymore, because he feels that his power of Divine Soul is about to start the appear(ance) depletion again. Obviously he wants to get a glimpse of the power of Divine Soul that the fourth Saint Pattern needs, far beyond his imagination.

But he also knew that to give up at this time was to give up his previous achievements. Once he gritted his teeth, he would urge all the remaining power of Divine Soul.


At that moment, there appeared to be a shock within Divine Palace.

The high-hanging Glazed Heavenly Sun are all fiercely glittering up.

Zhou Yuan’s Divine Soul is locked to the side where Saint Pattern light ball 4th pattern is located. There is a fierce ripples, there seems to be a slight fog retreat, faintly, there is an ancient text flashing…


“Mysterious? What is mysterious?” Zhou Yuan is impatient. This is obviously only half of the real name of 4th pattern. If he cannot know the full name, he cannot really urge the power of 4th pattern.

Unfortunately, with his power of Divine Soul today, it is obviously impossible to get a glimpse of the real name.

In Zhou Yuan’s‘s heart, it is full of regret.

However, when he was exhausted and wanted to quit, he suddenly found that Saint Pattern light ball shook violently at this time, and there was a circle of waves spreading on the surface of light ball, which itself became somewhat transparent.

And then, Zhou Yuan was shocked to see that inside Saint Pattern light ball, there was something exist(ence)!

What is that?

It seems to be a fragment? !

The mysterious fragments have an indescribable power that is awesome, and gives Zhou Yuan a slightly familiar feeling…

That is…

After a few breaths of silence, the Zhou Yuan’s heart beat violently at this time.

He opened his eyes suddenly, his pale face covered with shock.

That hidden inside Saint Pattern light ball… turned out to be a fragment of Blue Profound Saint Seal? !

In the battle of Blue Profound Heaven, Blue Profound Saint Seal was finally broken by Zhou Yuan borrowing the power of Old Ancestor Cang Xuan, so Saint Seal turned into a lot of fragments and flew all over Blue Profound Heaven, which made Zhou Yuan didn’t expect, there will be a piece of debris by four Saint Pattern Wrapped, hid in his Divine Palace!

Moreover, Zhou Yuan clearly can clearly sense that this piece is probably the biggest piece of the separated pieces!


In the face of this discovery, even the Zhou Yuan was shocked and difficult to control.

That’s Blue Profound Saint Seal. With it, it’s Lord of a Heaven. That kind of power status is unimaginable. In the face of such a real innate supreme treasure, even if it is Saint Great Venerable, I am afraid it will be heart-wrenching and coveted.

The throat of Zhou Yuan rolled a little. No wonder that four Saint Pattern will form light ball. It should be to seal the exposed aura of this fragment. Otherwise, once it is noticed by the Primordial Heaven Great Venerable, there is no guarantee that there will be no thoughts.

And he had previously observed 4th pattern, which led to some changes in Saint Pattern light ball, revealing the hidden Saint Seal fragments.

In fact, the first time before Saint Pattern light ball appear(ance), Zhou Yuan seemed to be vaguely aware of what exist(ence) was, but at the time I thought it was an illusion, but I didn’t pay too much attention, but this time, it was clearly seen.. .

The shock lasted for a long while, and finally subsided gradually.

Zhou Yuan looked slightly glittering and Blue Profound Heaven. When he fled, he broke the Blue Profound Saint Seal. Even with the ability of Saint Palace, it would take a short time to gather those fragments…but once it was really They put together other fragments, even if he has four Saint Pattern light ball seals here, I am afraid they will be noticed.

The old dog Sheng Yuan will certainly not let him go.


“At that time, who will not let go, maybe not necessarily!” Zhou Yuan has cold light glittering in his eyes, and he will one day kill Blue Profound Heaven to take revenge, then the old dog Sheng Yuan caused Yao Yao to sleep, causing Get Blue Profound Sect vitality seriously hurt, this debt, but he remembered clearly.

Zhou Yuan has been making continuous progress over the years. This is also a race against that Saint Palace. He must kill it before Saint Palace gathers all the Saint Seal fragments. Otherwise, once the strength of Sheng Yuan recovers, he will use the accumulated Saint Seal power, I am afraid that Blue Profound Heaven No one can control it.

And Blue Profound Sect also has great favors for Zhou Yuan~IndoMTL.com~ plus his Royal Father Royal Mother are all in Blue Profound Heaven, so Zhou Yuan can never sit back and watch Saint Palace dominate Blue Profound Heaven.

Zhou Yuan took a deep breath, complexion was slightly dignified, which was also a huge pressure.

However, he also knows that things that become stronger must not be rushed. His growth rate is already very fast. If it is purely to pursue the speed of cultivation, it will damage the foundation instead of gaining more than gains. Then the ambitions of Saint Palace, Blue Profound Heaven all forces try their best Everyone knows, so Saint Palace will not be so smooth if it wants to put together other Saint Seal fragments.

Sheng Yuan old dog, it depends on who is faster…”

Zhou Yuan‘s eyes became firm, his eyes closed slightly, and he began to recover from the exhausted power of Divine Soul.

Half a day later, Divine Soul restored full Zhou Yuan and opened his eyes, his eyes were cast on the magma lake below. Now, let’s put this “Purgatory Great Flame Demoncultivate successfully first…

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