Dragon Prince Yuan Chapter 1017: Fraud

  Zhou Yuan’s idea came out, but this time, it did not bring any response.

  This result makes Zhou Yuan a bit awkward, but I don’t care. If it can bring more benefits, it is of course the best. Otherwise, this Divine Soul breakthrough is enough to be a surprise.

   “hehe, Tree King are strange, I will save you!”

  Zhou Yuan thought, power of Divine Soul continued to spread towards the end of the many chains, and this time, there was no accident again reflected by the Saint Fire aura remaining there, the feeling of terror came, Divine Soul, there are The magical flame appeared out of thin air, wanting to burn Divine Soul.

   That magical flame is still frightening, but this time, Zhou Yuan was bitten by the resistance of forcibly.


   A powerful Soul Flame poured out from the body of Divine Soul, as if a Soul Flame armor was formed on Divine Soul. This method, Zhou Yuan is difficult to be used in the early stages of the environment, because Soul Flame is not strong enough, but it can break through earlier. Zhou Yuan power of Divine Soul suddenly grew, and the Soul Flame born from to congeal was able to form this Soul Flame armor.

  This can greatly increase the defense capability of Divine Soul.

   Soul Flame appear(ance) greatly relieved the pressure of Zhou Yuan’s, so he finally gritted his teeth and persevered under the reflection of Saint Fire aura.

   is only a short period of tens of hours, but for Zhou Yuan, it is such a long time, he is trembling, active energy is dissipating, if he is not covered by the half of the law, I am afraid that he has been completely Discovery.

   When the last breath passed, Zhou Yuan was sweating all over, complexion was pale, and the tingling of his eyebrows made his face a little distorted.

   He looked at Divine Soul, and he saw that the Divine Soul that had just completed the breakthrough had become sluggish again, obviously power of Divine Soul was mostly consumed. First launch https://https://

   But fortunately, I finally got through under the Saint Fire aura… New 81 Chinese network update fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   “What a terrible Saint Fire…”

  Zhou Yuan was a little scared in his heart. These are not real Saint Fire, but only the remnants of Saint Fire aura, but even the remnants of aura have already forced him to be so embarrassed. If he meets the truth, he must use Divine Soul At a glance, the Divine Soul in this middle stage has to be vanished into nothingness in an instant.

  Saint‘s prestige is as ruthless as it is hard to guess.

   was frightened in his heart, and gradually faded away after a while, but the Divine Soul that was consumed for a time was difficult to recover.

  So, he could only express his thoughts: “Senior, lack of power of Divine Soul.”

  After this idea came out, after waiting for a while, it had a pure and cool power coming in, which directly restored the power of Divine Soul consumed by Zhou Yuan.

   But the power of this time is obviously not as good as the last time, so it only has a recovery effect, and does not enhance power of Divine Soul for Zhou Yuan.

  Zhou Yuan was not disappointed, but my heart was full of admiration. This Heavenly Fire Tree King is worthy of wondrous item. The power from cultivation over the years is pure and indescribable, and the key is as vast as endless. With so many people squandering in the Big Five, there is still no sign of exhaustion.

   praised for a moment, Zhou Yuan was concentrating, power of Divine Soul slowly outlined a source pattern on the void at the end of the chain.

   Those source patterns are integrated into the huge barrier that suppresses Heavenly Fire Tree King in front of me, but this has not caused any changes in barrier. After all, with the help of Barrier Breaking Saint Pattern, Zhou Yuan’s started, all fell into the flaws of barrier, Like a virus, quietly dissolve that small area.

   This level, the scale of barrier is undoubtedly unprecedented for Zhou Yuan, but fortunately, the Zhou Yuan’s goal is just to leave an insignificant small hole in this barrier.

  As a source pattern continuously merges into the void, at a certain moment, that part of barrier fluctuated slightly.

   This huge source pattern barrier was finally pulled out of a small hole by the little mouse Zhou Yuan.

   This small hole is too small and will not affect the operation of barrier, and with the passage of time, the power of barrier will automatically repair it, but the levee is destroyed by the ant, once the Heavenly Fire Tree King is in operation The impact of power will make this place a breakthrough and break through the embankment in an instant.


  Zhou Yuan also secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. This first step was finally completed. The distance from success was the last step.

  Zhou Yuan carefully withdrew the scattered power of Divine Soul, and the figure was entrenched in the shadow.

   His gaze looked at the floating stone platform above, the Heavenly Sun Realm sitting on the stone platform and the Nascent Origin Realm. Although he looked at this area from time to time, he did not find his exist(ence).

   The flaws of barrier have been left…

   But that’s just an introduction. If you want the Heavenly Fire Tree King to break the barrier, you must push the Nascent Origin Realm expert out of the stone platform position…

  This is the most troublesome.

  Zhou Yuan complexion is changing, pondering for a long time, and finally he passed a decisive and ruthless look in his eyes.


  stone platform, a gray robe Nascent Origin Realm sat quietly, he was also responsible, knowing that this matter is important, so he did not dare to relax at all, and felt any fluctuations around him from time to time, but fortunately, So far, nothing has happened.

   “I don’t know what happened to the battlefield above… but with the constant support of Tree King‘s power, winning is sooner or later.” He murmured.

   The voice fell, his expression suddenly moved, his eyes slammed down, and there was a trace of abnormality there.

   And this look, the eyes of this gray robe source baby expert shrank sharply, because he saw the chain underneath, and I don’t know when appear(ance) had a figure in a black robe.

   The figure stood there, just like demon. The key is to let the gray robe source baby expert surprised that he didn’t even notice how he was appear(ance)!

   “Someone sneaked in!”

  The gray robe source baby expert responded very quickly, and immediately shouted.

   The many Heavenly Sun Realm expert who had been guarding here suddenly projected their eyes, and locked the figure of the black robe in surprise.

   “Who is the one who came?!” The gray robe source baby expert didn’t take the lead, but asked with a surprised cry.

   “jié jié jié jié…”

   responded to him with a burst of weird laughter, and then Nascent Origin Realm expert saw the black robe figure violently shoots, and took the initiative to rush towards them.


  Nascent Origin Realm expert was a little furious, he was so mad at didn’t expect~IndoMTL.com~ was found not only not to retreat, but also dared to rush in?

   “If you want to die, then…”

  However, his words have not been completely dropped. The eyes of Nascent Origin Realm and many Heavenly Sun Realm around them are full of terrifying colors, because they saw that a jurisdiction was actually using that black robe The figure is the origin, slowly unfolding.


  The gray robe Nascent Origin Realm expert‘s voice became sharper, and his face was full of horror.

   This is the expert of the jurisdiction, which is here? !

Which honored elder is Heaven Abyss Territory? !

   “Retreat! Rewind!”

   Faced with the spreading jurisdiction, the gray roar expert‘s crazy roar, he did not raise a bit of contending mind at all, because he knew that once caught in the jurisdiction, they are the fish to be slaughtered!

   So he didn’t hesitate at all, his figure retreated directly at that time violently shoots.

   Then, just left stone platform

  The other Heavenly Sun Realm expert are also complexion fears. They escape faster than rabbits. After just a few interest rates, they have retreated to a distance.

   So, centered on the figure of the black robe, the surroundings became empty directly.

  And under the black robe, the corner of the young face’s mouth gently lifted a wanton arc.

   “Senior Tree King, don’t run at this time, when should I wait?”

   At the moment when it whispered softly, the place where the countless chain was bound at the back suddenly jumped into the sky.

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