Dragon Prince Yuan Chapter 10: Opportunity

Hong Zhongda Lu Sheng in his mind, after a long time, only gradually faded, and Zhou Yuan can also feel that the Forging Soul Technique imprint titled “Chaos Spirit Sharpening Visualization Art” is in his mind.

However, this is not the time for sentiment, so Zhou Yuan opened his eyes and paid a respectful tribute to the smiling old man in black in front of him: “Thank you Master for giving the method.”

He could feel faintly, no matter which Guiding Qi Technique or Forging Soul Technique, it should not be ordinary rank. The black old man in front of him, although mysterious, gave him a great chance.

The black man old man waved his hand, hesitated, and suddenly reached into his arms, and took out a black brush about Mo Moxu. The black brush was cast like bronze. A vicissitudes of life.

However, black brush is slightly bleak and no longer shiny, it seems to have lost its spirituality.

The old man in black wears this black brush, it seems a bit unhappy, but in the end it is still handed to Zhou Yuan and said: “This is even a meeting gift for you.”

Zhou Yuan took this black brush and black brush politely. It was a little heavy. He looked at the ancient lines on the pen and felt a fierce aura.

“Is this Origin Pattern Brush?” Zhou Yuan curiously said.

“It is both Origin Pattern Brush and a source soldier.” Black old man laughed.

Zhou Yuan was stunned for some time, and some doubts. Origin Pattern Brush is a special medium for portraying source patterns, while source soldiers are used for combat. The two should be of different classifications. How can they come together?

Moreover, the black brush in his hand looks quite fragile. How can it be used to hurt the enemy?

“Hey, I was underestimated.” The black man old man looked at Zhou Yuan’s and couldn’t help laughing: “This pen is named Heaven Primal Brush, and it used to be a holy source soldier.”

“Shengyuan Bing?!” Zhou Yuan took a breath of breath, staring dumbly at the mottled ancient black brush in his hand, his eyes full of disbelief.

In this Heaven and Earth, Yuan Bing’s own ranks are roughly divided into Common, Profound, Heaven, Saint fourth class, and according to Zhou Yuan, their strongest Great Zhou Imperial Family source soldier is Nine Flame Spear in their Royal Father hands, but that is nothing more Profound Origin Weapon for high rank only.

The legendary holy source soldiers all have indescribable power, enough for burns the mountains and steams the seas, which attracts the world to covet and fear.

However, now, the mottled black brush in Zhou Yuan‘s hands, which seems to have little power, would be a holy source soldier?

“The old man said, it used to be a holy source soldier.” Black old man sighed and said: “This Heaven Primal Brush battled the old man with countless, but was destroyed by heavy injury in one battle.”

Zhou Yuan realized this, and it turned out to be a destroyed holy soldier.

old man in black looks at the expression Zhou Yuan, but can’t help but ill-humoredly said: “Do you really think that the old man is stingy enough to give you a broken item? Although this Heaven Primal Brush is heavy injury, but it is a holy source soldier, and it still has spirituality. , As long as you warm it up day and night, you might be able to gradually recover.”

“Oh?Zhou Yuan is amazed, can this Holy Source soldier rescue?

Black old man pointed to black brush and said: “Did you see the nine Daoyuan patterns on it?”

Zhou Yuan bowed its head, only to see that the black brush mottled pen had faintly nine ancient complex source patterns faintly discernible, but it was too bleak and hard to detect.

“The nine source patterns represent the power of Heaven Primal Brush’s. One day you can light up all nine source patterns, then it will be able to restore the power of the holy source soldier.”

“How to light up?” Zhou Yuan said with great interest, if he can restore this Holy Source soldier to power, it will undoubtedly have great help for him.

“Oh, simple, Heaven Primal Brush has spirits, if you can feed with the spirit of the source beast, it will naturally restore its strength.”

“Of course, the higher the rank, the higher the source beast soul, the higher the effect.”

“As for how this Heaven Primal Brush becomes a weapon to fight against people, you will know it when you light up its first source pattern.” Black old man said with a smile.

Although it is certainly not easy to restore this Heaven Primal Brush to the level of the Holy Source Soldier, but Zhou Yuan still gently nods, Heaven Primal Brush flexibly rotates around his fingertips, he smiled again at the black old man: “That Thank you Master for giving the pen, but until now, the disciples still don’t know Master’s name?”

old man hearing this in black, said with a smile: “Cang Yuan, this is the name of the teacher, and there are two other disciples for the teacher, which is your Senior Brother. If you have a destiny in the future, you may be able to meet. .”

After Cang Yuan finished speaking, he no longer ignored Zhou Yuan, but turned his head to look at azure clothed young girl, the latter white teeth lightly biting the lips with moisturizing, bright eyes drooping, there are some sad colors in the eyes that will separate .

Since she remembers, it is here that she lives with Cang Yuan. For her, Cang Yuan is undoubtedly her closest person, so even her indifferent mentality is sentimental.

“Alas, idiot, there is no banquet in life.” Cang Yuan sighed, and then he was silent for a moment, suddenly pulled out a piece of jade pendant from his arms, jade pendant exudes a faint radiance, there is a faintly on it Duo Nine Petals Fire Lotus is burning, each petal presents a different color.

Yao Yao, I know you have a lot to ask me, but now is not the time to hold it. If there is a chance in the future, you may know it.”

“Also, if jade pendant Fire Lotus is burning, you must be careful, it is because they are looking for you!”

“Who are they? Why are you looking for me?” Yao Yao said anxiously.

Her heart is full of mysteries. Who are they? Why she remembered living here alone with Grandpa Black as if she was avoiding something.

Cang Yuan was silent, he did not answer the Yao Yao’s question, he just put jade pendant gently in the hands of Yao Yao’s, and then looked at Zhou Yuan, Shen channel: “Zhou Yuan, remember, don’t let Yao Yao unlock the seal, use the source Annoyed, otherwise, it will cause disaster.”

Zhou Yuan‘s heart shook slightly and glanced at the light pattern of faintly discernible between the eyebrows of Yao Yao. It turned out that it turned out to be a seal. In this way, Yao Yao is not because of the source gas, but because it was sealed…

Just, why do you do this?

Zhou Yuan’s has some doubts in his mind, but he is wise to ask no more. The Cang Yuan and Yao Yao in front of him are undoubtedly extremely mysterious, and there should be another story in them.

What’s more, the story of that level, with his current ability, is probably not qualified to know.

“Master, rest assured, I remember.” Zhou Yuan said seriously.

Cang Yuan nodded, said: “If you have any problems with cultivation in the future, you can find Yao Yao. She has followed me for so many years and has already hollowed out the teacher’s foundation. Of course, it depends on her high unhappiness.”

Zhou Yuan hearing this, suddenly looked a little brightly at Miss azure clothed aside. He was originally worried that cultivation would be out of his own way. It seems that this young lady is so hidden and hidden, it seems that I will be more pleased in the future.

However, Miss azure clothed is still immersed in the sentimental separation, and she has no time to ignore him.

“Let’s go.”

Cang Yuan patted the small hand of azure clothed and then slowly said.

“Let’s go now?” Zhou Yuan was taken aback, was this too popular?

“Now, let’s go now!” Cang Yuan said in a deep voice, and the sound was a bit harsher.

Zhou Yuan no longer speaks, he feels keenly, Cang Yuan should be driving them away, thinking that something will happen here.

The Cang Yuan sleeve robe waved, only to see the dust on the ground before the hut, followed by the ancient lines emerging, look carefully, it is obviously a source of unpredictable source lines.

The source patterns are obviously the same as those on the stone platform when Zhou Yuan came.

Zhou Yuan looked at Cang Yuan‘s eyes, and quickly stepped forward and walked into the pattern formed by the source pattern, while azure clothed young girl was holding the little animal named Tun Tun’s, staring at Cang Yuan with a daze.

“Go, there may not be a day for see again/goodbye in the future.” Cang Yuan waved his hand.

azure clothed young girl has an orbit of slightly red, but she did not make a crying cry after all, but bent deeply towards Cang Yuan, then stepped into the source pattern and stood beside Zhou Yuan’s.

When Cang Yuan saw it, it was second to none, only to see that there was a burst of radiance from the surrounding source lines, and radiance came together, and finally quickly covered Zhou Yuan and Yao Yao.

Zhou Yuan, remember your promise to be a teacher, be sure to protect her!”

radiance is full of eyeballs. Just at the time of Space Distortion, Zhou Yuan heard the low voice of Cang Yuan. There seemed to be a pleading in the voice.

“Master, please rest assured! I will inherit the cause of your teaching and take the fruits of protection!”

Zhou Yuan closed his eyes and murmured.

Before the hut, radiance greatly rises, a violent wind, the next moment, the figures of Zhou Yuan and Yao Yao’s disappeared out of thin air, only with the source patterns on the ground, and glittering with radiance, but after a while, it was also thorough Oblivion, leaving no trace.

Cang Yuan looked at the place where the two disappeared, and there was also a sad look in his face, softly said: “Zhou Family… Sure enough, as the old guy said, the old man can still receive another disciple, but it depends on his own future. Made it.”

He shook his head, and then put away his emotions, and slowly fell on the recliner, shaking the chair gently.

The whole Heaven and Earth is quiet.

This kind of quietness, I don’t know how long it lasted. Suddenly, Cang Yuan opened his closed eyes and looked at the void faintly.

hōng hōng!

In Heaven and Earth, there was a sudden thunder thunder resounding. On the distant sky, it seemed that there was a thunder waterfall falling down, tearing the space apart with a very brutal attitude.

The earth began to collapse, and the forest collapsed.

“Are you finally here yet?”

Cang Yuan looked at the destroy the Heaven and exterminate the Earth-like scene, the old face was still light, just talking to himself.

“It’s okay, after so many years of rest, this old bone is almost rusty, and it’s time to move…” Cang Yuan smiled, and then he slowly stood up from the lounge chair.

The old body~IndoMTL.com~ is slightly rickety, but the moment when standing up, the black robe slowly agitated, an indescribable horror aura, like a sleeping angry dragon, at this time Thoroughly awakening.

In the distant sky, the thunder of hiding the sky and covering the earth landed. Among them, there were three figures in the body that were slowly wrapped in thunder ray. When they were appear(ance), three terrifying pressures emanated from their bodies and enveloped the whole. Heaven and Earth is like Divine Mansion.

Their cold eyes are also betting on Cang Yuan.

“Oh, tangy Black Emperor, it’s been hiding like a mouse for so many years, and it’s really humbling…” An emotionless voice descended from the sky, where the sound diffused, this space collapsed rapidly.

“Hand over the people! Otherwise, today and here, it is the place where you buried Black Emperor die!”

Cang Yuan heard the indifferent cold drink resounding through Heaven and Earth, and there was a ridiculous smile in the corner of his mouth, and then he laughed like thunder and reverberated.

“Haha, come, come, come, the old man wants to see today, who is here to bury the bones!”

Cang Yuan stepped out in one step, and suddenly the upper body shirt shattered to reveal a dry body, but the body was actually depicting a complex and ancient source pattern, each source pattern is exuding a wave of terror .


The source patterns are all the radiance at this time. radiance is rising like a blazing sun, and the dry body of Cang Yuan suddenly expanded at this moment.

In just a few moments of interest, a giant is standing between Heaven and Earth, a raging domineering, wreak havoc swept.

He roared up in the sky, the sound wave wreak havoc, the next moment, his foot stomped, the huge body was violently shoots, and it collided with the endless thunder ocean that fell from the sky.

hōng hōng boom!

At this moment, the entire space began to break apart.

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