Dragon-Marked War God Chapter 186: Hell Shuangsha

The Overlord Flower Queen told Long Yang to take the right side of the two roads, and this black hole is in the middle of the right road.

Divine Consciousness of Long Yang saw a huge black monster with long hair and long beard. It had been sleeping underground for thousands of years, and now genius suddenly woke up.

This black gas is his angry wake up gas.

This monster is called Hell Earthman, and it’s especially scary to get up.

I saw him sitting up slowly, exhaling the air a little bit out.


The ground shook violently.


A piece of gravel fell from the top of Tubo’s head, smashing him to the ground and throwing a dog to eat shit.


At this time, Tubo burst out with a startling cry.

The cry, ear-splitting, as if all **** was shaking.

This kind of cry was heard even by people dozens of kilometers away.

Tubo’s cry is terrifying.


Long Yang used the Xingyao Shenxie Jue to protect his ears while hitting back at the opponent.

At the same time as Tubo’s cry sounded, everyone’s head seemed to be hit by something, and the pain was unbearable.

This force is too powerful, too strong to be stopped.

If Long Yang hadn’t used Divine Consciousness to observe Tubo’s situation just now, he might have been beaten to a pulp by now.

The cry made my heart beat faster, so fast that it felt like it was about to burst out of my chest at any moment.

After a long time, the cries gradually stopped, and everyone was so frightened that their faces were pale.

Long Yang slowly raised the head, seeing a pair of blood red eyes.

A bloody light shot out of this blood-red eye, giving people a kind of fear that penetrated the body.


At this time, a slight footstep sounded to everyone’s ears.

The sound is so slight, but so clear, that it tingles my eardrums.

The footsteps are getting closer and everyone is on guard

Suddenly, Long Yang felt a burst of warmth, as if something warm was surrounding him.

Long Yang slowly raised the head, only to see a figure standing in front of him.

This is a beautiful woman, wearing a white gauze skirt, tall and plump, her skin is white and flawless, as if carved from fine jade, glittering with a touch of golden light.

Long Yang looks at She, I feel that she is so beautiful, as if it is a work of art carved by God, people dare not look directly at her.

“Jie Jie Jie!”

Beautiful shell, but terrifying laughs.

Everyone just felt the scalp tingling.

I saw the woman opened her eyes, a pair of blood red eyes, exuding the information of terrifying.

This woman is Tubo’s wife, a hellish water charm who kills without blinking an eye.

She stared at Long Yang and said to herself: “Who is this person, why is he covered with treasures?”

Then said to Long Yang: “Leave the Overlord Flower and you can go.”

Hahaha!” Long Yang laughed: “It’s funny, why should I give you my stuff?”

Hell Water Charm scolded: “Looking for death!”

Then let out a loud roar.

Her eyes instantly turned blood red, like a pair of devil eyes, and her figure disappeared instantly.

“Whoosh~ whoosh~ whoosh~”

Three phantoms appeared at once, one left, one middle and one right attacking Long Yang, trapping him firmly.

Humph!Long Yang looks at, these three phantoms, although powerful in martial arts, but there is no fear in his eyes, but a sneer.

Long Yang dodged and appeared behind a phantom.

A huge net suddenly appeared on the back of this phantom, covering him firmly.

Then a rope appeared in the net, strangling down Long Yang‘s throat, looks at‘s eyes became tighter and tighter, Long Yang‘s breathing became more and more rapid, Long Yang stretched out his hands and grabbed the rope hard, trying to break the rope.

“Jie Jie Jie! Die, die!”

Hell Shuimei laughed wildly, adding another layer of strength.

Wang Dachui, Zhang Mo, Huoyun and Snake Soul all flew to the rescue.

I saw a long roar of “Roar!”.

In desperation, a golden phantom of a dragon appeared in Long Yang behind, with dazzling golden scales, a pair of dragon wings as thin as a cicada’s wing, swaying in the breeze, and a dragon horn, a symbol of the glory of the Dragon Race king, sticking out above his head and standing proudly.

Immediately on Long Yang dragon horn, a layer of golden light appeared, rammed directly into the net, and the net was smashed.

The phantom was also knocked out and hit the wall next to it, smashing the wall.

Long Yang chases after victory.

Another phantom slammed into Long Yang‘s forehead.

Long Yang waved the dragon’s spine, knocked off the phantom, and continued to chase the third phantom.


Long Yang Iron Head Kung Fu crashed the last Phantom.

“Jie Jie! Want to beat me? You’re still tender!”

Hell Water Charm is arrogant and pampered boasting.

In the blink of an eye, an golden light flashed past, and Long Yang appeared in front of her.


Hellwater howled.

Two bloody lights shot out of her red eyes, shooting straight into Long Yang‘s face.

Long Yang only felt two scorching heat waves coming towards him.

The rays of light wrapped in the heat wave turned into sharp swords and shot at Long Yang, with a strong **** smell on the hair.

These **** smells are impossible for ordinary weapons. These **** smells are flavor of **** blood.

Hell Shuimei saw that Long Yang was unavoidable, she had a hideous expression on her face, turned around and kicked Long Yang.

Long Yang slapped her with a palm, the wind whistled and the air roared, shaking Hell Shuimei’s body back.

This time, Long Yang‘s palm fell directly on the top of Hell Shuimei’s head.

With a muffled sound, Hell Water Charm was dizzy by the slap of Long Yang.

At this time, she finally became a little scared, with a solemn expression on her face, and shouted: “Bastard! You dare to hurt me, I will let you taste all the torture in the world!”

Long Yang‘s corner of the mouth smiled mockingly and said: Delusional! I thought you had some powerful tricks, but it turned out that these few pretentious, I thought how powerful! “


Hell Shuimei was provoked, her body swelled rapidly, becoming more burly and tall, like a big mountain, her sturdy body, the skin on her body also turned golden yellow, her eyes eyes were full of evil aura, as if Both eyeballs were turning, exuding a chilling burst of aura.

Her head has a lot of sharp horns and looks more terrifying.

Long Yang looks at She said, “What if you get bigger, I can still beat you!”

With that, he punched again.


There was another loud noise, and the horns of Hell Water Charm were directly blown by Long Yang.

Long Yang kicked out with one kick, kicking the **** water monster out a few meters away.

Hell Shuimei’s body heavily fell to the ground.

She exploded like a ball with fire and smoke.

Wang Meng watched Long Yang fight the **** water charm alone, thinking that there must be treasures in the cave, and no one must be guarding at this time.

So he secretly moved towards the entrance of the cave, seeing that no one was paying attention, and flew towards the cave.

Long Yang knew how powerful it was and shouted: “Dangerous, don’t go in!”

Wang Meng was afraid that Long Yang would come first to get the baby, so he ran even faster.

As he ran, he said, “Don’t let me in, you want to eat the treasure yourself.”

Long Yang coldly snorted: “The heart of miniature person, you are courting death yourself, don’t blame me for not reminding you.”

These people were afraid that someone else would get the treasure first, so when Wang Meng entered the cave, they all rushed to grab it.

Mobi Weng and Bitao Immortal are both wily old fellows, following everyone behind to the inside.

They want the people in front to test the water first, and then take advantage of the fisherman while ensuring their own safety.


With a loud noise, Wang Meng was punched by the man in the cave and flew out of the cave, hitting him at once behind Qinghai Taoist’s chest, two people stick together together , was knocked out. It flew to the entrance of the cave and knocked down two more people.

In an instant, a group of people screaming and screaming, everyone is in danger, staring nervously at the entrance of the cave to see what Monster Beast comes out.

At this time, the Hell Water Charm reconvened into a phantom and floated in toward the entrance of the cave.

While floating, she made a low howl, and there was an echo in the cave immediately.

“It’s hell!”

Wang Sledgehammer screamed.

This voice is more angry and more terrifying.

Hearing only the phantom’s wife, shouting help, as a character in the Hell Devil series, how can you not be angry or sad?

Uncle of Hell saw Wang Dachui, and immediately made a high-pitched voice, saying, “Kill him! Kill them!”

In an instant, all the **** lords rushed towards Wang Dachui and Long Yang.

It turns out that there are countless substitutes for the uncle of hell.


Wang Dachui knocked a Tubo to the ground with one punch, but the Hell Tubo quickly recovered and continued to charge at Wang Dachui. It seemed that their vitality was too tenacious.

Long Yang stepped on a person with one foot, the person immediately let out a miserable wailing sound, spat out a mouthful of blood, and fell to the ground.



Wang Meng had a long cut on one of his arms. He immediately covered the wound and screamed in pain.

Long Yang stomped on another person. This person’s head was actually crushed by Long Yang‘s foot. immediately, blood sprayed Long Yang‘s face.

Long Yang was stunned for a moment. He wiped the blood on his face with his hands. He saw that a drop of blood turned red, and the color became more intense.

“Ah! Not good!”

Long Yang‘s face changed, and he quickly resisted, trying to stop his blood from discoloring.

But as soon as he resisted it, he felt like the spiritual strength in his whole body was being evacuated.

The attack of the Hell Earth Boss came again, and Long Yang flew out all of a sudden.


Another mouthful of blood spurted out.

Long Yang felt extremely uncomfortable and suffered two consecutive attacks,

At this time, his body became very weak, and all the spiritual strength on his body was exhausted. He flew out again and fell to the ground.

“Clap La La!”

Falled to the ground next to a large pit.

Long Yang saw Wang Meng get up from large pit, his corner of the mouth showed a mocking smile, mocking Wang Meng’s stupidity.

Wang Meng felt a little guilty when he saw Long Yang‘s smile. He didn’t listen to Long Yang‘s advice and suffered first.

Long Yang saw a green pill beside Wang Meng with a strange fragrance, and knew that it was a rare Vajra Pill that could improve his power. It should have been dropped by him when he fell.

He immediately reached for it and swallowed it.

In an instant, Long Yang only felt that the real air was rushing up, constantly impacting the acupoints, and Long Yang wanted breakthrough again.

Hell native coldly snorted, disdainfully looks at he said: “Beyond our own ability!”

He threw a handful of sand hard and hit Long Yang eyes.

Long Yang‘s corner of the mouth showed a trace of domineering, pulled out the Dragon’s Backbone, and shot the **** native in the stomach. His stomach swelled like a balloon, and flew five or six feet away.


The **** earthman fell to the ground on his back.

Long Yang was also shaken back several steps.

Under Hell, he got up from the ground. He swayed and rushed towards Long Yang. At the same time, he had a gourd in his hand. The gourd contained a dark ball, exuding a strong sulphur. taste.

“Poison Gourd!”

Everyone knows that once this kind of thing is placed on the human body, it will corrode the human muscles, bones and internal organs, making the human body vulnerable and defenseless.

Long Yang looked at the **** earth uncle took out a poison gourd, and his face changed slightly. He didn’t expect that there was a poison gourd hidden on his body. It seemed that he must have a lot of good things hidden on his body.

“Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!”

The poison gourd shoots out needles one by one.

These poisonous needles quickly attacked Long Yang.

Long Yang hurriedly dodges.

His body is like electricity, wandering in the circle of the **** natives, constantly dodging the attacks of poison needles.

Long Yang movement skill is fast, dodging the poison needle’s attack, flipping over and dodging behind the cave wall.

The Boss of Hell saw the opportunity, and a lump on his arm ejected a thorn, which pierced Long Yang‘s left shoulder.

The clothes on Long Yang‘s left shoulder was stabbed to pieces by a soil thorn, revealing a muscle like white jade, which shows that the soil thorn of this **** native is extremely powerful.

Although Long Yang is Hundred Poisons Immunity, it hurts a lot to get hurt.

Hurry up and force out the poison needle.

Long Yang know that this **** native is afraid of water and cannot leave the ground.

When he flies into the air, he is very weak.

So push him off the ground, it’s easy to beat him.

If he was forced into the water, he would lose his power.

Long Yang just found a lake on the road on the left, and immediately used Divine Consciousness to notify Wang Dachui, Zhang Mo, Huoyun, and Snake Soul,

Collectively, they forced him into the lake.

Wang Dazhu has been paying attention to the situation of Long Yang. Hearing the words of Long Yang, he took the lead in launching the offensive. The Dragon and Phoenix double ring made a harsh whistling sound and smashed into the **** native.

Under Hell, seeing a beauty like Wang Dachui approaching him,

“Hey!” The grinning voice is creepy

With a flick of his sleeve, a cloud of sand splashed across his face.

pēng pēng pēng!”

Wang Dachui’s cheeks and head were covered with dust, making her unable to see clearly.


She shouted as she avoided the sand.

Haha! Little girl, just stay here with obediently!”

The **** native complacent said.

After he finished speaking, he threw the lump of soil in his hand at Wang Sledgehammer.

Wang Sledgehammer saw a cloud of dust coming towards him, and quickly raised his sword to block the dust.


The sword and sand in Wang Dachui’s hand touched together, making a harsh sound.


Wang Sledgehammer felt his arm go numb, and the sword in his hand almost fell unsteadily.

My heart scolded: “Old Monster‘s kung fu is really amazing.”

Here Earth Boss threw another soil thorn, smashing Wang Sledgehammer into the ground, and Wang Sledgehammer immediately retreated towards the lake.

Zhang Mo also launched an offensive, and the Zhuxian piece of sword killed the past with lightning speed.

The **** native felt a gust of wind coming from behind, and quickly turned around to meet the enemy.

A thousand-year-old meteorite ancient sword, sword qi was muddy and enormous and powerful hit Zhang Mo.


Wang Dachui saw that her back was empty, Dragon and Phoenix double rings flew out immediately and hit his legs, he was attacked by the enemy on his stomach and back, and he had no choice but to fly into the air, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and his clothes was cut several times. Mouth, fresh blood drip Li, looks very poor.

Zhang Mone rolled on the ground a few times before finally stopping.

Long Yang was fighting beside Zhang Mo, at this time ascend rose up to kill the **** earthbok in the air.

Aerial combat is his Long Yang world.

Long Yang is now above the Hell Earth Boss, and the Dragon’s Back smashed down on him with overwhelming force.

The Hell Earth Boss leaves the ground, his strength is instantly weakened, and he can only fly to the ground while blocking.


With a loud bang, his bulky body, heavily, fell to the ground.

Seeing that as soon as he fell to the ground, the snake soul spit out a blood-red snake letter and bit him, and he quickly rolled away.

Huoyun lit his clothes with a mouthful of True Fire.

He hurriedly continued to roll twice in the direction of Wang Dachuan, extinguishing the flame.

He was not far from the lake at this time.

He stood up and saw that there were several more holes in his chest, and there was a blood hole from which blood was flowing.

This is the wound that Long Yang left him, screaming in anger.

At this time, Long Yang also fell beside Wang Dachuan. He was also injured and was trying to mix aura thoroughly.

“I’m going to kill you!”

Unable to bear it any longer, the native of **** shouted and wrote, waving an ancient sword, and rushing towards Long Yang.

Long Yang and Wang Dachui flew to the lake together, saw the opportunity, and landed on the shore.

Under Hell, because he couldn’t leave the ground, he could only keep moving on the ground, so he was trained to run very fast, and he came to the two of them in an instant.

“I see where you’re going!”

Long Yang shouted.

Long Yang saw him coming, and quickly separated from Wang Sledgehammer and dodged to the sides.


Unable to hold back, the uncle of **** suddenly rushed into the lake.

The huge body splashed the water of the lake.

His body was slowly dissolving in the water, only the ancient meteorite sword glittering was holding the cold rays of light, Long Yang flew over the water surface, snatched the sword over, looked at the **** man, and tried to save him, but there was nothing he could do.

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