Douluo Dalu Chapter 495: Shrek, meet again (middle)

Chapter 495 Shrek, reunion (middle)

The girl didn’t say much. “Don’t you know when you see it?” Under her cold face, there were a few big eyes with excitement.

The two rotating Shrek Academy students at the door have already noticed these two people. Seeing that they are standing right in front of the college gate, one student strode up.

“What do you do for two? Please don’t stand in front of our college. If you are coming to apply for our college, it will be late. Time has passed.”

Students who come up also look like they are in their twenties. After all, in general, the students in the Advanced Spirit Master Academy are around twenty.

The young blonde and the girl in white looked at each other and smiled, “We are not here to register. Are the Flender director and Grandmaster in?”

The trainee student frowned, “I don’t know if the dean and deputy are here. But the college rules that no outsiders are allowed to enter. If you want to see the dean, please register first. If you want to enter through the back door If it ’s a college, the two can invite you back. We Shrek Academy don’t welcome such students. “

From the outstanding appearance and temperament of the young woman in front of her, the trainees can be sure that the two are nobles, and immediately put them into the category of people who walk through the back door.

The young blonde smiled. “Student, you are very responsible. However, I don’t think I need to go back to the college for refurbishment. Please inform the dean and say that Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing are back. I think, dean Will welcome us. “

This outstanding young man and woman is the boss Evil Eyes White Tiger Dai Mubai and the oldest Hell Civet Zhu Zhuqing in Shrek Seven Devils.

For five years, they have not forgotten the agreement five years ago, although they still have a lot to do at Star Luo Empire.

But how could they forget the original five-year period? Those years of living at Shrek Academy will leave deep marks in their lives.

It’s been five years. They all want to come back and look at Shrek Academy, Flender, Grandmaster, Liu Erlong. They have taught their elders.

Of course. More importantly, I look forward to the exciting moment when Seven Devils meets together.

So they are back. The excitement inside Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing has even been revealed from the expression.

Unexpectedly, the trainees were calm before, but at this time they were full of disdain, “Are you Dai Mubai? Then I am still the senior of Tang San. Don’t pretend, you are already Twenty-three groups pretending to be seniors are planning to enter the college. I will not be fooled. I will leave here as soon as possible. Otherwise, I will have to rush someone. “

Dai Mubai froze for a moment. Of course, he wouldn’t make a fool of his peers at his age, and touched his nose. “Someone impersonating us? Zhuqing, it seems we really impressed the college.” >

Compared with five years ago, the current Dai Mubai is even taller, standing there without anger and arrogance, and suddenly releasing the power of the king. Zhu Zhuqing has also grown from a young girl to a stunning girl.

Although it hasn’t matured yet, it looks like it’s all over the country. The trainee has been very kind. Inseparable from their appearance.

The trainees are finally a little impatient. Looking at Dai Mubai with a little jealousy, “Hurry up. Otherwise, I’m welcome.”

“Oh? This student has such a big temper that he is rude to us Boss Dai. He is not timid!” The strange voice of yin and yang came from one side.

The eyes of Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing were drawn to the past. A big Fatty is standing there in the shade by the gate of the college. He looked at them with a joke.

This guy feels like he is eight feet tall and has a waist circumference of eight feet. Tall and plump, with a round head, short hair in the middle made Mosi dry, with a lewd smile on his face.

Although five years have passed. Even though his changes were so great, Dai Mubai recognized the Fatty at a glance. The small Fatty grows into a large Fatty, isn’t it the Seven Devils fourth, Evil Fire Phoenix Ma Hongjun?

“I rely, Damned Fatty, you are fat again.” Dai Mubai strode towards Ma Hongjun. Ma Hongjun Haha smiled, his big arms stretched out, and slammed into it. Hugged with Dai Mubai fiercely. The crackling sound of the bones that can be heard from both people knows how hard they are holding.

Boss Dai, why are you still so violent, in fact, I am going to hold Zhuqing.”

“Ah-” screams …

“Okay, I’m wrong, let me go. Boss. My petite body can’t stand this kind of abuse, don’t you do the same when you hold Zhuqing. Ah-” continue screaming …

Zhu Zhuqing looks around. Eye circles were slightly red.

Another trainee in front of the Shrek Academy gate has also come over and murmured: “This looks really like this! It is better than the previous acting skills.”

“Pretend you look.” Ma Hongjun glared angrily. After finally breaking free from the bear hug of Dai Mubai, a surging, thick, and violent coercion suddenly released from him.

The two trainees were sent on rotation. Naturally, they would not be any outstanding college children. They were only over thirty in strength. Under his overwhelming overbearing power, his face suddenly panicked.

Ma Hongjun is threateningly compared with the big fist rounder than himself, “Do I still need to learn this strength of Lao Tzu?”

“I haven’t seen it in five years, Fatty has a lot of sensuality, but there is more arrogance!” The clear voice came from a distance.

Ma Hongjun didn’t want to show prestige, turned back sharply, saw the person, immediately opened his arms, and flew forward, “Wow, Rongrong has become a big beauty. Let my brother hug one.”

Pink coat, pink trousers, loose hair and hips, Ning Rongrong has grown up. Her beauty is different from Zhu Zhuqing. Zhu Zhuqing is the beauty of hot body and cold beauty, but her beauty is the softness of the body, exuding a special nobleness, just like her Spirit Nine Treasure Glazed Tile tower.

Although she is less than twenty years old, she already has a kind of grace.

Fatty, go to death.” The sharp edge of the blade made Ma Hongjun‘s rushing body stop abruptly, Zhu Zhuqing has rushed forward like a phantom and hugged with Ning Rongrong.

The big hand of Dai Mubai put on Ma Hongjun‘s thick shoulders, “Damned Fatty, still want to take advantage! Although Little Ao is food system Spirit Master, if you touch Rongrong, he will fight with you desperately.”

Ma Hongjun sighed, “I think I can be regarded as a handsome god, a generation of arrogance, why no beauty fancy me? Looking at you one by one, I am jealous!”

Dai Mubai said angrily: “The four words Fengshenjunlang are similar to me. Don’t insult these four words, OK.” Speaking here, he shouted at Ning Rongrong: “Rongrong, Little Ao What? “

Ning Rongrong, who was hugging with Zhu Zhuqing, became stiff and his eyes became red. “I don’t know if he will come.”

Five years have passed, Oscar has no news, and has not even returned any news to Seven Treasure Glazed Tile. The whole person seems to have evaporated out of thin air.

Ning Rongrong has been waiting for him, but as time goes by, she never waits for him to return.

I did n’t think it was okay when we were together, but when we really separated, Ning Rongrong understood deeply the status of Oscar in our hearts. The heartbreaking thoughts made it difficult for her to extricate herself.

She found that after Oscar left, she fell in love with him deeply.

Every time she thought of the stern and terrible eyes when Oscar was leaving, when she thought of the ten-year covenant, her heart could not bear the intense colic, and her eyes were hazy. Ten years, how many decades a person has in his life.

She can even imagine how Oscar will experience in this decade.

She often runs to the mountain alone, shouting into the void, Little Ao, you come back to me. I don’t want you strong, I just want you back. As long as you can come back to me, even if the rules of Sect are strict, I will never be separated from you.

However, no matter how she screams, the only answer to her is the empty valley echo. Oscar still has no half-point news.

Ning Rongrong really regrets why I was so opinionated and why I couldn’t find a way to be with him. She was really scared. She was afraid to see Sect‘s disciples bring his body back one day.

In order not to let him think about him, in the past five years, Ning Rongrong has desperately anesthetized himself with cultivation. Even boring practice is better than that heartbreaking miss.

Seeing the expression of Ning Rongrong, Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun have realized that they are wrong. They quickly surrounded Ning Rongrong, and Zhu Zhuqing asked her in a low voice.

On the other side, the two trainees were obviously scared by Ma Hongjun, and whispered a few words, one of them quickly ran back to the college to report.

In the face of a partner who hasn’t been seen for five years, Ning Rongrong can’t bear the sadness in his heart anymore, and while crying, he said the process of leaving Oscar.

Listening to her, the Dai Mubai all three were silent, and even Ma Hongjun put away the laughter on her face.

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