Douluo Dalu Chapter 413: Hell White Tiger’s life experience (on)

Chapter 413 The Life of Hell White Tiger (Part 1)

The Continent Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Competition has now come to an end, and at the same time it has reached a feverish level. What can be left behind is undoubtedly the strongest among the young Spirit Master.

Especially the golden generation of Spirit Hall, let people see the extent to which the potential of Spirit Master can be truly achieved.

Of course, this is under the premise that no one knows the true age of all Shrek Seven Devils.

After dinner, the students of Shrek Academy all returned to their rooms to rest.

Spirit Hall is well arranged in terms of accommodation. Everyone has a separate room. Tomorrow’s opponents will have to draw before the match to decide. But no matter who you are facing, it is always right to stay in the best shape.

Tang San was preparing to start meditating, but the door was knocked.

“Who?” He asked with a little surprise. Everyone had just returned to the room. Who would come? Xiao Wu?

“I.” A low voice told the Tang San answer.

Opening the door, Tang San looks at the pale Dai Mubai outside the door, “Mubai, don’t hurry and rest to recover spirit power, why are you here?”

Dai Mubai sighed, “I want to talk to you.”

“Come in.” Tang San let Dai Mubai into his room.

Into the room, Dai Mubai sat down on the sofa beside. The look on his face was now much calmer. When Tang San closed the door, Dai Mubai sighed and said, “Little San, thank you.”

Tang San smiled and said, “Even if you thank, you should thank everyone. It is the joint efforts of everyone to win this game. What’s more, between our own brothers, do you need to say this thank you?”

Dai Mubai leaned freely on the back of the sofa and smiled, “Little San, have you guessed anything?”

Tang San is still smiling, “What do you say? His Royal Highness. Except for the royal family. I really can’t think of any family in which the intra-clan competition will be so fierce. Even brothers will be disabled. The family you said Inheritance, it should be the throne. “

Dai Mubai sighed, “Are you testing me? There is nothing to hide between our brothers. Yes, I am the third prince of Star Luo Empire. Today we defeated Dai Weisi, which is my elder brother. His strength and talent He and his age made him the number one heir. In fact, what Zhuqing said today is a bit exaggerated. If the competition fails, maybe I will not necessarily die, but spirit power will inevitably be abolished. Then he will be assigned to a marginal place The ban ends in old age. “

Tang San frowned slightly, “What’s the difference between that and death? Is the Royal really so cruel?”

A sneer appeared in the corner of the mouth, Dai Mubai said: “You are not a royal person, and you don’t understand the complexity. The two major Empires on the mainland, do you know how the strength compares?”

Tang San shook his head blankly. He never cared about political things.

Dai Mubai sneered: “If there is no Spirit Hall to play a role in this, maybe this world is already ours. On national strength and military power. We Star Luo Empire are far above Heaven Dou Empire. Although there are several kingdoms in our country, they are not The imperial power is scattered like Heaven Dou Empire. And these are the special competition methods derived from our royal land. Although this method is cruel, every generation of Emperor that grows up in this way is not outstanding. It is not comparable to Heaven Dou Empire. Heaven Dou Empire The only advantage is where the domestic Upper Three Sects Sect is. In Upper Three Sects. Although Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan and your Clear Sky Sect have never participated in political struggles, Seven Treasure Glazed Tile cases always support Heaven Dou Empire. There is a Spirit Hall cross between the two big Empire. Otherwise, The war may have happened long ago. Until recent years, the development of Heaven Dou Empire has been faster. However, some problems have arisen within our Star Luo Empire. The strength comparison between the two major Empires has begun to develop toward a balance.

Tang San said: “This is the Spirit Hall most want to see, right?”

Dai Mubai‘s mouth corners. “Of course. For the existence of Spirit Hall, it is in their best interest to keep the two Empires in balance. The number of Spirit Master mastered by Spirit Hall is really terrible. The two Empires are not as much as it adds up. But if the two Empires are combined For one, becoming a unified and powerful Empire, Spirit Hall still cannot exist after all. After all, no centralized imperial power will allow such an organization to exist.

Tang San is somewhat surprised: “Even if the two Empires are combined, can they cope with Spirit Hall? Do n’t they have a large number of Spirit Master? On the battlefield, with an overwhelming number of Spirit Master, they should be able to directly control a game. Victory in war. “

Dai Mubai smiled slightly. Tao: “I am not as good as you in terms of talent, but you are not as good as me when it comes to political struggles. Spirit Hall cannot be the master of the mainland. Although they have mastered Spirit Master, they have only mastered Spirit Master. The people of the mainland are thousands Ten million. All Spirit Master are also from the two major Empire. Although Spirit Hall can command them, it must not make them treason. Therefore, no matter from what perspective, Spirit Hall only continuously expands its influence, but it is never possible. Become a ruler. “

Tang San suddenly realized. He had never thought of it before. There is such a complicated relationship.

Dai Mubai stood up and came to Tang San. Raising his hand and grabbing his shoulder, the evil eyes stared firmly at Tang San, “Little San, now you have attracted Spirit Hall attention. They will not let you go. With the attention of Spirit Hall, you will be on the mainland in the future It’s hard to walk. School Master Ning can keep you for a while, but it can’t follow you forever. Unless you join the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile case. “

Tang San nodded silently. He certainly understood what Dai Mubai said.

Dai Mubai continued: “After the end of this competition, we will officially graduate. Zhuqing and I will return to Star Luo Empire. Come with us and bring Xiao Wu. Now I have the qualification to officially compete with the elder brother for the throne . At Star Luo Empire, the royal family is more powerful than Heaven Dou Empire, and Spirit Hall does not dare to be too persecuted. I really do not want to see the news of your death someday. “

Dai Mubai‘s eyes are full of sincere light. If it is someone else, maybe he thinks he is soliciting Tang San for himself, but Tang San feels it. Dai Mubai said that it was all to protect him and nothing else. Any idea.

“Big brother, thank you. No matter what the future, you are my big brother. But this thing, I have to think about it. Can’t rashly decide. I want to listen to the teacher’s advice. You also know that we Spirit Master Cultivation is like sailing against the water, if you do n’t advance, you will retreat. I went to Star Luo Empire, I ’m afraid … ”

Dai Mubai said categorically: “There is nothing to be afraid of. At my site, what kind of cultivation environment do you need? Isn’t your brother able to provide it to you? Our brothers join forces. If I sit in the seat of God in the future, you are my three armies Commander-in-chief, Empire military officer. That Xue Qinghe has always wanted to solicit you, I can see it. But, listen to the elder brother, the power of Heaven Dou Empire‘s royal family is too scattered. Even if he becomes Emperor, it is not easy to make a big difference. And in Star Luo Empire As long as I sit in the seat of God, then the matter for the royal family is my own decision. “

Tang San said: “Boss, I can’t promise you this thing now. I understand what you mean. In the future, if I really want to choose to be attached to one party, you will definitely be my first choice in the future. If you later I have difficulties and need me. With just one sentence, no matter how many mountains and rivers, Tang San will come. “

Dai Mubai didn’t say any more words of persuasion. The two palms slapped their right palms together. Although they didn’t really swear, this was already equivalent to their vows. Even more effective than any vow.

The fourth round of the Continental Spirit Master Academy Elite Contest started after a day of rest.

Unexpectedly, after the tragic last round, this round became normal.

The last six teams determined their opponents by drawing lots.

Among them, the Spirit Hall Academy team, Shrek Academy team, and Kamikaze Academy team, which are obviously stronger, have not drawn the other two teams. The three strong teams have each drawn an opponent who is not very strong.

This also ended the fourth round without any suspense. The final three are just the strongest three. By this time, the moment of last struggle has been entered.

The three teams are basically intact.

The finals are just around the corner. They are only one step away from the final championship.

Bright sunshine spreads over the ground. Under the sunlight, Supreme Pontiff Palace is even more brilliant, just like a fairy house.

Before Supreme Pontiff Palace, two rows of temple guards lined up from the front of Supreme Pontiff Palace to the mountain. The bright silver armor and heavy knight sword made the whole Supreme Pontiff mountain more majestic.

The eliminated teams have all left, not even allowed to watch the battle on the last day. Only real young strong men are qualified to set foot on this square before Supreme Pontiff Palace.

In the early morning, the three teams that entered the final three finals have quietly waited before the Supreme Pontiff Palace. Teachers of the three colleges were not allowed to stand in the square, but could only wait outside.

A total of twenty-one players who participated in the finals stood quietly above the square, and they were all waiting for this final moment to come.

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