Douluo Dalu Chapter 388: Strategy, Grandmaster (below)

Chapter 388 Operation Strategy, Grandmaster (below)

To give Dai Mubai the biggest blow, he used his trump card as soon as he came up.

Second Ring appears in front of Lei Dong for the second time. And Dai Mubai did not seem to see the condensed light of his lock ring. The first spirit ring lights up and a layer of white light covers the surface of Dai Mubai‘s body. It is the first Spirit Ability of Dai Mubai, White Tiger Barrier.

Lei Dong is angry, staring at his Dai Mubai, seems to be asking, are you going to use the first Spirit Ability to block my fourth Spirit Ability? You are too underestimated.

The Lockdown Ring disappears in front of Lei Dong. The next moment, it has completely acted on Dai Mubai. The thunder ring tightened, and Dai Mubai‘s forward body stopped suddenly. Dense rays of thunder erupted from the ring of locks and spread to the entire body of Dai Mubai in an instant. Just as Lei Dong thought, how could the defense of the first spirit ring block the limit of the fourth spirit ring?

Dai Mubai‘s gaze has not changed, and the evil eyes and two pupils are still staring at the opponent. Lei Dong showed obvious signs of overdraft of spirit power after this fourth Spirit Ability. The whole person shook a bit, his face as gold paper.

There was a slight disdain at the corner of his mouth. Dai Mubai suddenly raised his head and burst out from his mouth with a roar. Immediately afterwards, all the teachers and students of Thunder College completely lost their sight. The spirit ring on Dai Mubai has not changed, but a layer of bright golden color appears on the surface of his body. The white hair that appeared on the body because of Spirit attachment turned completely golden at this moment.

Click, to shatter sounds, the whole body muscles are tightened, and the power is released instantly. Dai Mubai‘s evil eyes widened, and the lock ring that restrained him even made a fragile moan.

Bang——, a little blue light is in the air Little San, the lock ring to shatter. Dai Mubai like a tiger ready to jump out.

How could this happen?

At this moment, it’s not just Lei Dong. The minds of all Thunder Colleges are blank. They don’t understand why Dai Mubai apparently did not use Spirit Ability, but was able to break free from the fourth Spirit Ability restraint of Lei Dong. Why wasn’t he paralyzed by the intense thunderbolt attached to the Lockdown?

Dai Mubai will not give them the answer naturally, when the teacher of Thunder Academy wakes up, Dai Mubai has already come to Lei Dong. Still not using Spirit Ability, just a tiger palm down shot, swept heavily on the shoulder of Lei Dong. The moment the tiger palm took the shot, the tiger claws popped out.

Lei Dong‘s body flew directly out of the field like a scarecrow. Before to lose consciousness. He clearly heard the sound of his bones cracking.

Tiger’s claws have left five deep blood grooves behind his back. His entire left shoulder bone has been completely to shatter. If it is not Dai Mubai retention, only this palm will kill him.

Flying opponents, Dai Mubai is like nothing. Turn around and walk towards your position before the game. His eyes are opposite to Tang San. There was a touch of purple gas in the evil eyes.

There is a smile on Tang San‘s face, and he thumbs up to Dai Mubai.

Their eyes communicate, but the Thunder Academy on the other side quits. Lei Dong was extremely injured. At this time, the entire back was already red with blood. People to lose consciousness. The left arm drooped softly. The power of Dai Mubai is even more overbearing than expected. With the fragmentation of the shoulder bones, several ribs also show signs of to shatter. Such a heavy hit, let alone the last two promotion matches. I’m afraid I can’t participate in the finals.

The teachers of Thunder College protested to the organizing committee almost immediately.

The referee ran to Dai Mubai for questioning. The explanation given by Dai Mubai was simple. Although he had the advantage at that time, the opponent did not give in. He didn’t kill his opponent either, he just knocked him out of the field and did not violate the rules of the game.

The fact is the same. No matter what, Dai Mubai does not mean to kill the opponent. At the time, the Thunder Academy did not give up.

Dai Mubai is still arrogantly stand in the middle of the venue, looking down at your right hand tiger palm. There was a feeling of blood boiling in my heart.

Finally no longer need to hide strength. It’s so uncomfortable to always suppress myself.

Since the start of the promotion, under the requirements of Grandmaster, he has not used his full strength. As the captain, watching his friends win every victory on the field. His wins were not outstanding. How can a person as good as Dai Mubai be comfortable? Only Grandmaster can let him do it.

In terms of age, Dai Mubai is the largest of Shrek Seven Devils and has the longest cultivation time. He is no longer forty-four, but forty-five. Just the day before yesterday. Just broke through to reach the ground. The reason why he was able to break free of the opponent with the first Spirit Ability. By no means fluke. When thinking of this, Dai Mubai will be very grateful to Tang San.

Why can he do this? Why can’t he be paralyzed in a thunderbolt? It’s simple. Because of a Immortal Herb. An Immortal Herb named odd Singular Velvet Sky Chrysanthemum.

Fantastic Singular Velvet Sky Chrysanthemum, the gas of food can be transported on all four limbs, and the blood passes through eight veins.

King Kong’s not bad is obviously an exaggeration, but it is also enough to show the effectiveness of this Immortal Herb strain. Dai Mubai‘s white tiger Spirit and odd Singular Velvet Sky Chrysanthemum can be said to complement each other. Ma Hongjun has removed the threat of evil fire under the action of Cockscomb Phoenix Sunflower, making the Phoenix Spirit pure. How can Dai Mubai not benefit?

At this time Dai Mubai The body can be said to be King Kong’s body, with strong resistance to all attributes, even taking the same route Zhao Wuji They were all amazed.

Lightning paralysis is not ineffective for Dai Mubai, but the opponent’s spirit power is not as good as him, and his physical resistance is so arrogant. Naturally, the impact of lightning has been greatly reduced. At least the ring of locks wasn’t enough to restrict his actions.

The greatest effect of the lock ring is reflected in the paralysis of thunder and lightning to the opponent. It is not very tough. How can it limit Dai Mubai when the paralysis can not exert much effect?

This is the true strength of Dai Mubai. With his physical condition after taking Singular Velvet Sky Chrysanthemum, let alone an opponent with spirit ring, even if he is an spirit ring higher than him, the opponent may not be able to hurt him.

Tough and overbearing, this is the characteristic of Dai Mubai. Grandmaster‘s guidance to him is to turn this domineering into a domineering world.

Without any fruitful negotiations, the last member of the Thunder Academy, and also their captain, finally appeared.

Yu Tianxin, forty-three level attack system battle Spirit Master, Spirit: Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon. Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan is a direct child of Seven Great Sects. In terms of seniority, he is also the cousin of Yutianheng of the Heaven Dou Royal Academy team. But the strength is slightly inferior to Yu Tianheng.

Seeing Yu Tianxin’s appearance, Grandmaster frowned slightly, he and Liu Erlong both came from Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan. Yu Tianheng is his own nephew, this Yu Tianxin is also his cousin, and is also the eldest grandson of Liu Erlong father, Liu Erlong is his relative aunt.

Seeing Sect, Grandmaster will inevitably think of yourself and Liu Erlong. He has already explained Dai Mubai, so he doesn’t have to keep his hands when facing the opponent. As long as you don’t kill the other party in violation of the rules. It is not that he is unfriendly, but that he does not want to affect Shrek Seven Devils because of himself.

“You have to pay for everything you just did.” Yu Tian stared at Dai Mubai fiercely. As the captain of the Thunder team, watching his partner was seriously injured, his eyes have become a bit red.

Dai Mubai calmly said, “It depends on whether you have this ability.”

With a cold hum, Yu Tianxin released his Spirit in a roar.

A dazzling group of blue light suddenly lights up from Yutian’s heart and eyebrows. Then, the blue light spreads instantly and falls from his eyebrows to his whole body. Strips of blue-violet electrical polarization erupt like small snakes and surround him Walk around. A blue lightning bolt was added to his forehead. Unlike the original Yu Tianheng, his body had two places because of the Spirit attachment.

It’s his arms that are changing. The sleeves all burst into ashes due to the expansion of the arms. The length of the arms has increased by more than half a foot. The two arms are extremely large, covered with blue-purple scales. The hands have become claws, covering the same scales. Each of the bone joints has become extremely thick. The blue-violet snake electric coiled around him keeps condensing or flowing on the arm. The two spirit rings of two yellow and two purple are not circling on the body like other Spirit Master. On the special abnormal arm. There are two spirit ring on each side.

Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Spirit, starting from level 30, every time you get an spirit ring, a part of your body will become similar to a dragon. The original Yu Tianheng was 39th level, so only one arm was like this. At this time, Yu Tianxin exceeded level 40, and both arms became dragon-like. Regardless of breath or momentum, he is now much stronger than Yu Tianheng at the time.

Staring at the opponent, Dai Mubai fully felt the pressure from the opponent. At the beginning, facing Yu Tianheng, Dai Mubai felt the coercion from Spirit for the first time. Now, this feeling has emerged from his immediate opponent.

As one of Upper Three Sects, the power of Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan‘s Spirit is beyond doubt. However, Dai Mubai believes that after taking the odd Singular Velvet Sky Chrysanthemum, its white tiger Spirit is no longer under the opponent.

Looking at the opponent’s red eyes, the eyes of Dai Mubai‘s eyes became deeper. The two looked at each other and did not let go.

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