Douluo Dalu Chapter 326: Tang San’s new tactics, cosmic sky flow (on)

Chapter 326 Tang San‘s New Tactics, Cosmic Sky Flow (Part 1)

Grandmaster has always attached great importance to the training of Tang San commanding ability. He nodded after hearing the words and said, “Talk about it, how are you going to arrange it?”

Tang San Shen channel: “I think so. In the last battle, we played three of Shrek Seven Devils, this battle, adjust it. Zhuqing replaces Tai Long, Little Ao replaces Zhuzhu. If we seven play five If people ca n’t beat their opponents, then how can we talk about winning the final championship? “

After listening to Tang San, a smile appeared on Grandmaster‘s face, “Nice, very targeted. It seems that you are well-informed.”

Tang San frowned slightly, saying: “It ’s impossible to say anything. It can happen in the game. But I think that playing this way is the best way. It has not exposed all our strength, but also allowed us to win. Maybe. “

The Tai Long on the side couldn’t help but said: “Three youngsters, why don’t you let me play? Aren’t the opponents all Spirit Master with equal defense and strength? With me, I can block at least one block in front. My ability to resist attack No problem. “

Grandmaster smiled and said, “The reason why he let Zhuqing take over your place, he didn’t plan to carry it with his opponents.” Who better than him knows the minds of his disciples?

Why is Dai Mubai willing to avoid war? Evil eyes shined brightly, “Little San, you can arrange it.”

Tang San nodded, recruited the candidates for this battle to his side, lowered his voice, and began to arrange tactics according to his own ideas.

Grandmaster, Liu Erlong, and Flender all listened quietly. The three did not participate anymore. They all understand that only by relying on their own strength and wisdom to hone in constant battles is the best way for these Little freaks to improve their strength.

The third day of the Continent Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Competition officially started.

Ten of the 28 teams entered the field. The layout of Nuo Da’s square is different from the first day. In addition to the original Tang San, they have used the same central competition platform, and there are also four cymbals of the same size. Although these five platforms are large in area, they are not crowded in the Heaven Dou Great Spirit Arena, which can accommodate 80,000 people to watch at the same time.

All 28 teams are still divided into three groups in this third day of battle. Shrek Academy is one of the first group on the field. Due to their explosive power in the first game of terrifying, and their opponent is also the Weevil Academy, which has been winning the lottery this time, the competition between them is still arranged on the center stage.

As a major event for several years, and Spirit Master participating in the competition are all the targets of the parties, today’s VIP stands watching the game is almost the same as the first day of the opening ceremony. Not only are Empire executives all present, Empire Emperor Emperor Xue Ye is still sitting in the center of the first row. It’s just that the two people around him turned into four today.

In addition to Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect Master Ning Feng­zhi and Platinum Bishop Salas, the two extra people are one of the two Titled Douluos of Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Bone Douluo Gu Rong. Another person is more weird. Not to mention that many of the Empire executives on the VIP seat fell on him, and even in the auditoriums farther on the sides, the audience noticed his existence. Because this person’s appearance is really special.

It’s a bit inadequate to use special descriptions. This person’s body is too big. Although he was sitting there, his body was much higher than that of ordinary people. Bone Douluo‘s body frame is already very tall, but compared with the person next to Platinum Bishop Salas, it is not inferior.

The height of this person is estimated by visual inspection. At least two meters and five or more, he will occupy three large seats on the VIP seat alone. Sitting there, like a mountain of meat. The skin was dark and a pair of big eyes looked like copper bells. There appears to be a special light on the dark skin, and when the whole person sits there, it feels powerful. Hair must be white and look at least seventy years old.

Ning Feng­zhi didn’t expect that this person would actually appear on the VIP table, and the Bone Douluo voice around him asked him: “Wind, why is the old boy like Hu Yan Zhen coming?”

Ning Feng­zhi also replied with a compelling line: “Just look at who the Elephant Elephant Academy is today. You will understand. Salas called Hu Yan Zhen, probably for them.”

The reason why Spirit Hall‘s strength is called the strongest in the mainland is that it can even be compared with the two major Empires and the support of the lower four cases in Seven Great Sects. In Seven Great Sects, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile cases of Upper Three Sects have always supported the Heaven Dou Empire royal family. The Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan remains neutral. Clear Sky Sect faintly supports the Star Luo Empire royal family. The next four cases are closely related to Spirit Hall. Although they are not affiliated, they are definitely connected. The location of Elephant Armored Academy is not far from Heaven Dou City. At this time, the meat mountain sitting next to Platinum Bishop Salas is Elephant Armored Academy Sect Master, and the sky Hu Yan Zhen. If not sect’s master, how could he be qualified to sit in the first row of the VIP seat?

Gu Rong smiled and said, “It seems that this year’s Continental Spirit Master Academy Elite Competition is becoming more and more interesting. It really is the rise of the young generation. Fengzhi, when you predicted that they would be the golden generation of Spirit Master’s world I still have some doubts. But now it looks like it should be good. I just don’t know what teams will appear in the finals. Today Shrek Academy‘s opponent is Elephant Armored Academy, do you still like them? “

Ning Feng­zhi smiled and said, “Why not? Although Elephant Armored Academy is not weak, their shortcomings are also very obvious. With Tang San as clever, there is a theoretically invincible Grandmaster instruction. As long as they fully attack, they win It shouldn’t be a problem. Wait, why is this so … “

While talking, Ning Feng­zhi has seen the players on both sides who are on the central stage. He has seen Shrek Seven Devils. The first thing he saw at this time was Dai Mubai, Huang Yuan and Jing Ling who came to power. Seeing Huang Yuan and Jing Ling, Ning Feng­zhi immediately understood that in this game, Shrek Academy is still not going all out.

Gently patted his forehead, Ning Feng­zhi shook his head helplessly, and said to the Bone Douluo around him: “This Shrek Academy is really awesome. In the face of Elephant Armored Academy, it is still not a full shot. Fortunately, they changed two people. Hope this is not One mistake is all right. “

While talking, Ning Feng­zhi‘s eyes subconsciously flew to the platinum bishop Salas on the other side of Emperor Xue Ye, just catching the gloomy flash in Salas’s eyes.

In the first game, Ning Feng­zhi had clearly stated the relationship between Seven Treasure Glazed Tile and Shrek Academy. At this moment, Ning Feng­zhi‘s heart suddenly tightened for a few moments, and he also vaguely understood that the real purpose of Salas calling the celestial Hu Yan Zhen. And Shrek Academy‘s opponent does not seem to have encountered it because of bad luck.

Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Competition is hosted by Spirit Hall and co-organized by the two Empire. Although the four words of absolute fairness are reflected as far as possible in the rules, at this time, there are only four words in Ning Feng­zhi‘s mind: black box operation.

Saras, seeing no hope of solicitation, obviously intends to suppress Shrek Academy‘s reputation before it rises. I am afraid that today’s Elephant Armored Academy combat method will be the same as the last battle Shrek Academy. What a platinum bishop.

Want to understand this, Ning Feng­zhi‘s face suddenly sank. Fortunately, he did not see his daughter in the lineup of Shrek Academy. At the same time, I was secretly sighing, hoping that my protection would not be a bad thing. The outcome of this game is no longer important, Ning Feng­zhi just hopes that Shrek Seven Devils will not be hit hard in this game.

Although the players of Shrek Academy have been prepared psychologically, when they really see their opponents, they can’t help taking a breath. Are these really human?

When the seven members of the Elephanta Academy stepped on the central stage, the entire stage was shaking with their pace. Those who stepped on the competition platform were not like seven people at all, but seven mountains.

All of them are in black. Among the seven contestants of the Weevil College, the shortest is also in the early two meters, and the tallest one has even exceeded two and a half. Standing in front of the players of Shrek Academy is completely condescending.

Compared with height, what is more terrifying is their weight. Just by visual inspection, Tang San can see that among the seven people, the one with the smallest weight must be 300 kilograms away, and the one with the highest weight may be at least 500 kilograms or more.

The same black hair, shaved on both sides, only the middle hair combed into a strange ponytail, dark skin is not much worse than the clothes on them. Seven people stood in a row there, like a thick wall, blocking all the sight of Shrek Academy players.

Standing in the center is the extraordinarily strong man. He took a step forward, his legs stood up, and there were two bangs on the floor of the competition platform, which caused a strong shock.

“The Elephanta Academy team, captain, Hu Yanli. Forty-three defense system battle Spirit Ancestor.” The captain’s voice was snoring, the fat on his body seemed to tremble slightly with his own voice, a pair of small eyes Staring at Dai Mubai in front of him, the fierce light flashed.

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