Douluo Dalu Chapter 180: control system Spirit Master’s strength (medium)

Chapter 180 The Power of control system Spirit Master (Middle)

“Your opponent is me.” Tang San‘s cold but firm voice sounded in the ear of the charming girl, Blue Silver Grass swarmed, and came straight to her body Binding. He will never give the rhinoceros a chance to restore combat effectiveness.

Dai Mubai has the absolute upper hand in front of the sheep Spirit Master. Although the opponent’s spirit power is not weaker than him, the advantage on Spirit is too great. In the face of his violent tiger claw attack, the opponent can only steadily Defeat, but neither side has used their third spirit ring, that is the last resort. No one will use it easily unless it is a last resort.

Unlike the ease of Dai Mubai, Xiao Wu has encountered some trouble. Her opponent is also a sheep Spirit Master. In addition to the collision skills, the second Spirit Ability of this sheep Spirit Master turned out to be a rare trample. Although the trampling range is only a small lap, whenever Xiao Wu is about to approach, he will launch his trampling skills once, and will not give Xiao Wu a chance to approach. At the same time, after being stunned by his trample skills, Xiao Wu also had to face the collision of his opponent, almost injured several times, and did not dare to be too aggressive for a while. Her Teleportation skills were actually restrained by a second spirit ring technique. Although the other party’s skill can only limit her time to one second, but this one second, but it makes Xiao Wu helpless. What’s more, the opponent’s spirit power is higher than her. For a moment, they can only entangle each other. No one can take the opponent.

The speed of Zhu Zhuqing is extremely fast. With the assistance of Ning Rongrong‘s Seven Treasure Glazed Tile tower, almost two flashes have come to the other party ’s Spirit Master. At this time, the two monkeys Spirit Master and her still have a period of time. Short distance.

The first spirit ring technology Hell Rush Stab, start. With the help of his own Spirit Ability, the speed of Zhu Zhuqing increased again, the fingertips and claws had popped up, and the target pointed directly at the opponent’s Spirit Master‘s neck. As long as she successfully controls her opponent and makes her auxiliary ability disappear, her purpose is achieved.

Blue Silver Grass is surging wildly, Binding is towards the glamorous girl.

Facing the Tang San attack, the fascinating girl didn’t dare to care. As soul figures on both sides, they finally collided together. The second spirit ring on the glamorous girl lit up, and both heads were raised at the same time. This time, instead of spitting spider silk from both hands, spider silk was sprayed from all over the body. Although the spider silk is thinner than Blue Silver Grass, it wins. In quantity, a barrier was formed in front of her, stiffly blocking the skills launched by Blue Silver Grass.

Spider silk comes in contact with Blue Silver Grass, and makes a continuous sound of crickets, which is the confrontation of toxins. With the spider Spirit, how can the Spirit Ability of the glamorous girl not contain poison?

The spooky silk of the glamorous girl seems to go in the same direction as the Blue Silver Grass of Tang San. The spider silk is tough. Blue Silver Grass itself is mainly flexible. The two sides are deadlocked in the air. They can only attack each other by means of toxins. In this respect, Blue Silver Grass, which has the Man Faced Demon Spider highly toxic, clearly prevails, and the accompanying corrosive toxins continue to erode the spider silk in front of it.

Although the seductive girl is surprised, her purpose at this time has been achieved. As long as she can take this opportunity to help liberate the rhinoceros, then the victory of this battle is still on their side.

At this moment, with a bang, an arm-thick flame passed through the gap of Blue Silver Grass, and directly bombarded the cobweb woven by the glamorous girl. The fuchsia flame not only reopened the cobweb directly, but also attached to it, spreading quickly to the side. It is the support of Ma Hongjun.

Tang San said a secret praise in his heart, a flick of his wrist, and a green light sent out. He just went through the hole in the other’s spider’s web and went straight to the charming girl. As long as the opponent’s name control system Spirit Master can be controlled again, this fighting spirit will lose suspense.

If the glamorous girl is not flashing fast, it will also be injured by Ma Hongjun‘s Phoenix Fire Wire. Phoenix Fire Wire has extremely strong attack power and extremely high temperature when Ma Hongjun has Bathing Fire Phoenix turned on. The most terrifying thing is that his Phoenix Fire Wire spitting is not just a straight line attack. Under the control of Ma Hongjun, it is like a fire whip, and her cobweb can be broken by a few waves.

Looking at the attack of Tang San, the glamorous girl could no longer afford to rescue the rhinoceros on the ground, her body turned upside down and dodged Spider Web Restraint from Tang San.

Spider Web Restraint spreads out in the air, and how easy is it for a five-meter-diameter coverage area? At this moment, the third spirit ring on the glamorous girl finally lighted up.

On the sides of her head, the eight strands of hair that spread across it instantly spread under the pink light, and turned into eight two-meter-long whip. At the same time, she drew the Spider Web Restraint of Tang San. He paused for a moment. The most peculiar thing is that the pink long whip she swayed was not touched by the stickiness of the spider web, and her body rolled over, and she had escaped the coverage of the spider web.

Bang-Ruyi disk Spirit Master has no chance to face agility-attack system‘s Zhu Zhuqing. Just like control system and agility-attack system, agility-attack system also specializes in support system. Zhu Zhuqing cut on the opponent’s neck with one palm, Ruyi Pan Spirit Master did not even hum, and fainted.

However, the moment Zhu Zhuqing was in front of him, he knew he could not escape, and released his third Spirit Ability. That Ruyi silver plate released a strange layer of silvery waves. Immediately after the Zhu Zhuqing hit his body, that silver light had successfully turned into six strands and injected into the other six members of the Berserker team.

At this moment, it was the moment when the glamorous girl escaped from Tang San Spider Web Restraint.

Silverlight entered the body. The six members of the Berserker team trembled at the same time. In the next moment, their eyes turned red at the same time, and their bodies expanded a full circle. Even the wild rhinoceros on the ground jumped from the ground with its waist power in Spider Web Restraint.

Dai Mubai originally had the upper hand, but his opponent suddenly became manic after the silver light was injected. Not only did spirit power increase sharply, but his eyes became red, and Dai Mubai was forced back, and he rushed madly. Come up.

Xiao Wu‘s situation is even worse than Dai Mubai. That silver light injection has not only greatly increased the sheep Spirit Master spirit power she faced, the whole person has become crazy, at the same time, the scope covered by trampling skills has also become much larger. Along with a strong shock, Xiao Wu‘s body suddenly became stiff, and he couldn’t dodge while watching the other side collide.

At the critical moment, the team’s cooperation was shown. A Blue Silver Grass quietly Binding was around the waist of Xiao Wu, forcing her body to tear, allowing the other party to attack.

The speed of the two monkeys Spirit Master increased sharply, and they even caught up with the speed of Zhu Zhuqing and forced her. And the eight long pink hairs waving on the head of the glamorous girl in front of Tang San were prolonged instantly, and four strands of cobwebs on the body’s standing rhinoceros were pulled, desperately pulled, and the rhinoceros itself was fully launched, Binding The Spider Web Restraint on him was pulled away a little bit. Although there are large net wounds on the rhinoceros body, as long as he can get out of the cobweb range, the scene will change immediately when he joins the opponent’s camp.

The other four strands stretched quickly and went straight to Tang San.

At this time, Tang San had a emptiness in his body, released two Spider Web Restraints in succession, and consumed two-thirds of his spirit power. In the face of the opponent’s frenetic attack, the Blue Silver Grass was not enough to stop it. In desperation, it had to step back Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track. Fortunately, the Phoenix Fire Wire cover of Fatty blocked the opponent’s attack.

Among the seven members of the crazy team, except for the to lose consciousness Ruyi plate Spirit Master, most of them have fallen into a special state. It seems that only the spider woman Spirit Master is still awake. Although the phoenix phoenix was her nemesis, she used the wild rhino body in front of her as a shield. Ma Hongjun‘s Phoenix Fire Wire burned up, although it would make the rhinoceros roar again and again, but it was not enough to cause enough damage to him. The Spider Web Restraint of Tang San was also overpowered by the evil fire. Pulled by the desperate rhinoceros and spider woman Spirit Master, Spider Web Restraint finally Was lifted.

The original situation was completely changed under the other party’s wishful thinking disk Spirit Master a Spirit Ability. The technology of the Millennium spirit ring is truly extraordinary. What Shrek Seven Devils does not know is that the reason the opponent is called a crazy team has a lot to do with their situation at this time. The third spirit ring skill of the Ruyi Pan Spirit Master is derived from a fanatical monster lizard. Once used, this millennium spirit ring technique can keep us in a state of fanaticism for three minutes.

After the blessing, you will lose the feeling of pain. If the mental force is not strong enough, you will also lose your mind. In return, all attributes instantly increase their pervert ability by 15%. The blessed support system Spirit Ability will also be solidified for one minute. In other words, even if the Ruyi disk Spirit Master has passed to lose consciousness at this time, the auxiliary effect he had previously applied to the team members will still last for one minute and be added to the amplification of the fanatic itself.

It is for this reason that they can turn things around instantly.

Of course, the fanaticism is so overbearing, naturally it has its shortcomings. The defect is very direct. The fanaticism lasts only three minutes. After three minutes, those who have been attached to fanatical skills will be unable to use and condense spirit power for an hour. That is, if they fail to defeat their opponents in a frenetic situation. The dead is himself. This is a Spirit Ability desperately used, but its role is absolutely good. Critical moments can play a role in turning things around.

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