Douluo Dalu Chapter 144: Man Faced Demon Spider spirit ring (medium) exceeding limit

Chapter 144 Man Faced Demon Spider spirit ring Exceeding Limits (Medium)

Listening is the basis of practicing Hidden Weapons, and it is no secret. At present, Tang San is not shy away from the couple of Gai Shilong and Snake, and he simply said this practice method again. And explained a little Hidden Weapons practice method.

Meng still had some rumors in her mind at the beginning, but with Tang San‘s remarks, she nodded again and again. In less than a cup of tea, Tang San‘s words gave her a new understanding of Hidden Weapons World.

“… You can practice this well, and Hidden Weapons will help you a lot.” Tang San ended Meng’s teaching in the shortest possible words. Not because he blessed himself, but was eager to absorb Man Faced Demon Spider spirit ring to find Xiao Wu.

At this time, his physical strength and spirit power have recovered, and he feels that he can absorb spirit ring.

Longgong and Shepo have been watching beside Tang San teaching Meng but still didn’t interrupt. Longgong already had a smile on his face because of Zhao Wuji‘s words.

Meng still glanced deeply at Tang San, “I won’t say thank you to you.”

Tang San smiled indifferently, “I never expected it.”

Meng still smiled, Meng was already beautiful, this smile was as touching as the spring breeze thaw, “You are only twelve years old? Really a big kid. Come, let the sister kiss.” With that said, I suddenly went over and kissed Tang San on the cheek.

Tang San apparently did not expect that Meng would still “sneak” on himself, but felt that his face was moist for a while, and not only his face was blushing, but even his ears were red.

Meng is still looking at his embarrassing look a lot, and he is straightforward: “Don’t you have any other ideas. This is my return to your bet. May I bet on losing, I will not lie. Okay, we Let ’s go and absorb the spirit ring as soon as possible. The next time I hit Spirit Beast and hit you again, hum. ”While talking, I also demonstrated to the Tang San like a fist.

Of course, this is obviously not a deterrent.

Longgong Snake looked at each other and smiled, then nodded to Zhao Wuji, and then took her granddaughter away. They also need to quickly find a suitable Spirit Beast for her granddaughter, and then leave here as soon as possible. They also have to guard against the threat of Titan Giant Ape.

Oscar came to Tang San and smiled, “Saner, are you happy?”

Tang San glanced at him silently, “What’s up? Give me and recover Sausage.”

Oscar laughed, “I have a big Sausage.” Under the wretched soul curse, a Sausage was handed directly to Tang San.

Turn to look at the body of Man Faced Demon Spider. At this time, the rich purple and black light has condensed and formed on the body of Man Faced Demon Spider, which is the best time to absorb it. Looking at it, Tang San‘s relaxed face tightened again. He kept in mind that Xiao Wu was still waiting for his rescue.

Eat Sausage, he walked to Man Faced Demon Spider and sat down, “Trouble everyone.”

Zhao Wuji nodded to Tang San and waved his hand. The students surrounded Tang San in the center and watched carefully. With their protection, Tang San does not need to worry about the threats posed by ordinary Spirit Beast to itself, and finally can wholeheartedly absorb the powerful spirit ring in front of it.

Raising your right hand, the blue light brought by Blue Silver Grass Spirit slowly appeared in the palm of Tang San. Taking a deep breath, Tang San issued a call to spirit ring of Man Faced Demon Spider.

The purple-black light seemed to wait for a long time to finally find the gap in venting. As soon as I felt Tang San‘s Spirit, it suddenly swarmed towards Tang San like All Rivers Run Into The Sea.

Seeing the rich purple and black light instantly covered the body of Tang San, Zhao Wuji couldn’t help but be surprised, the strong spirit power fluctuated. How many years has this Man Faced Demon Spider been repaired?

As the person concerned, the Tang San experience is more clear. He just felt that a huge heat flow suddenly poured into his body. Before he could react, the heat flow began to burn his body like a hot flame.

The overbearing nature of Man Faced Demon Spider determines its spirit ring brutality. As soon as the strong breath entered the body of Tang San, he began to forcibly reform his body.

Although the energy contained in spirit ring is not conscious, it is not at all controlled by the consciousness of Tang San.

Under the powerful spirit power fluctuations, Tang San only felt that his body was about to burst open, and the severe pain caused him to spit out blood directly.

The crowd around him was surprised at the same time. They also absorbed spirit ring, but this is the first time they have encountered such a situation. Eyes couldn’t help but turn to Zhao Wuji.

Zhao Wuji Shen channel: “This Man Faced Demon Spider‘s spirit ring is too overbearing. It is not easy to absorb. Now he can only rely on himself. spirit ring cannot absorb any external force of relies on. Otherwise, it will only have an adverse effect. I can believe that Tang San can insist on putting it back to its own use. “

Zhao Wuji did not say that the more difficult it is to absorb spirit ring, the greater the effect will be. After all, the energy attached to it is huge, and the Spirit Ability generated will naturally be extremely powerful.

Meng Shu, Chao Tianxiang and Meng are still moving in the other direction of Star Dou Great Forest.

Chao Tianxiang has been watching her granddaughter. After leaving the Shrek Academy group, Meng still kept his head down and seemed to be thinking about something.

“Still, what are you thinking?” Chao Tianxiang asked.

Meng is still awakened from her thoughts by her grandmother’s voice, “I’m thinking about what Tang San said. Grandma, what kind of bone penetrator should I use in the future?”

Chao Tianxiang smiled and said, “If you feel good, just use it. Although the shape of the needle is a bit special, it is not difficult to find someone to build it. I still saw such a long needle for the first time. There are actually five inches. “

Longgong Meng Shu suddenly said: “The child of Tang San is very good. Not only is he very talented, but also he has no arrogance. He is a rare talent. Unfortunately, he would not join our family. Ten years will definitely lead the family to a new level. “

Chao Tianxiang sighed and said, “Is Jin Lin a thing in the pool? Whenever the situation changes, it ’s not just Tang San. I think those children are very good. I do n’t know where Zhao Wuji found these talents. Such a wonderful child. Listening to Zhao Wuji, what do they seem to be Shrek Academy. Why haven’t I heard the name of this student? “

Meng Shu said: “These are not important. Although the other ones look good, but I think they are still a bit different from Tang San. Still, what do you think of Tang San?”

Meng still froze, her eyes flashed, and finally she couldn’t help but said, “It’s just an old child.” Thinking of the serious face of Tang San, she couldn’t help but add, “He doesn’t look It ’s like twelve years old. “

Meng Shu smiled, “I’m asking you how you feel about him.”

Meng is still sixteen years old. It is the age when love is in his early years, and he is extremely intelligent. He has a vague understanding of the meaning in Grandpa’s words.

“Grandpa, wouldn’t you be messing around? I’m more than three years older than him. How is that possible?” She just passed her sixteenth birthday and was indeed more than three years older than Tang San.

Meng Shu grinned, “Age is not a problem, it’s a junior junior, it’s a brim.”

Meng is still ashamed of pretty face, “Grandpa, you …”

Meng Shu said: “What? You don’t want it? Still think he looks too ordinary?”

Meng still snorted and said, “His length is normal. You can see from his dress that he is not a famous kid. I really do n’t understand why he can practice the waste Spirit like Blue Silver Grass. So fast. “

Meng Shu frowned. “Girl, when did you become judged by appearances? The child of Tang San is not as simple as you said. How do you know that he is not famous? Blue Silver Grass? Have you seen that you can practice Blue Silver Grass? Is it Spirit Master above level 30? And what he called Hidden Weapons, these are enough to prove the child’s extraordinaryness.

Meng still sees Grandpa angry, and he can’t help but spit out his tongue. “Grandpa, don’t be angry. Let’s talk about it later. If you can see him again in the future, it’s not good.”

Meng Shu sighed, “Children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren. It’s up to you to decide for yourself. However, Grandpa asks himself that old eyes are not spent. There is only one chance in life. Or very short. Live, you will lose a lot. “

Chao Tianxiang held Meng Shu’s hand, “Okay, old man. Do n’t say it is so serious, we still need to help find a suitable third spirit ring first. Other things will be discussed later. When we return, Let ’s first inquire about this Shrek Academy. “

Shrek Academy everyone’s eyes have become very grim at this time. In the crowd of everyone, Tang San sitting cross-legged in the center can no longer see the figure. The whole person was shrouded in a layer of light red mist.

The red in the mist is not the light of spirit power, but the blood of Tang San.

Not long ago, with the violent spirit power fluctuations on the body, the skin of Tang San began to overflow with a layer of fine blood beads. As spirit power transpired into the air, it became this kind of reddish mist.

Tang San Brows are tightly locked, lips are tight, and the body is constantly convulsing, coupled with blood drops coming out of the skin, one can imagine how severe the pain he is suffering now.

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