Douluo Dalu 4 : Ultimate Fighting Chapter 966: War Titled Douluo

Lan Xuanyu moved at this moment, his body flashed like a ghost, walking through the gun as much as possible. It is Tang Sect secret arts, Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track Steps!

With the cooperation of space-time coagulation domain, it is distinguished by Purple Demon Eyes and evaded by Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track Steps. Make him look like a multicolored light and shadow, just shuttle between the guns.

Not only that, one after another ice walls, earth walls, fire bombs, and wind blades bloom wildly, blocking those unavoidable guns. Even if it is only for a moment, he can buy him time.

The ability of most formidable displayed by Lan Xuanyu at this time is that he blocked the attack of the other party in period in his Elemental Power, he can feel the speed and direction of the gun in immediately, and avoid it in time.

Spiritual Power entered Spirit Domain Realm stage, and his perception has evolved into a whole new world.

You know, even if it is a normal Eight Rings Soul Douluo, Spiritual Power can reach Spirit Domain Realm is rare. And after Titled Douluo was promoted to Nine Rings, the most wanted thing was to evolve Spiritual Power to Spirit Domain Realm, thus having the opportunity to impact Super Douluo.

Lan Xuanyu is just Five Rings, Spiritual Power has already reached such level, which also makes him an unusual formidable in ability of elemental control.

Do n’t forget ten millions, his Five Soul Ringss are all Hundred-thousand Years stage. Each one has elements that make the control force of level.

In an instant, the antiseptic in the cave has been turned into and multicolored world. When Lan Xuanyu passed through the period from that piece of lance, he already had a lot of traces of to sweep past on his body, but he didn’t have a spear stab.

The ups and downs of Lan Xuanyu ’s chest are a little intense, and in the face of great pressure, he has done his best. The fighting strength of Titled Douluo is really formidable. Moreover, he is very skeptical that the Titled Douluo in in front of yourself is Titled Douluo from Shrek Academy, not the ordinary Titled Douluo.

long spear flashes again without pause. In an instant, Lan Xuanyu only felt that the gun in front was weaker than previously intensity, but it was dense and dense, and sealed the whole space. Even Purple Demon Eyes, it could not find any flaws.

And within this dense gun lance, there is a vaguely hidden Vicious Qi. Once he is caught by the gun lance, very possibly will face a fatal blow.

Lan Xuanyu frowned, Dragon God Transformation turned on to the strongest level, and even his heartbeat could be clearly heard. Lan Xuanyu‘s eyes also became brighter and brighter. Point your toes, turn around and run.

Yes, he ran away.

The guns of previously are too fast to run. The dense guns in front of him blocked the space, but the speed was a bit slower. His wings flapped behind his back, and under the impetus of Wind Element, he quickly ran towards the road.

The terrain here is too narrow. Fighting Titled Douluo here, he has no room to move. Otherwise, it will not be so difficult just to dodge the gun.

When the other party ’s attack method changed to period, Lan Xuanyu immediately turned around and ran. While turning around and running away. As soon as he raised his hand, he threw something.

That is a yellow ball. The period and Titled Douluo that he threw at this thing all felt a huge threat coming, the gun stopped suddenly, and stopped instantly.

But, next to “whoosh”, the yellow ball suddenly vanished was condensed into a filament by Lan Xuanyu with Wind Element, which was pulled back and fell back into his hands.

In this short time, Lan Xuanyu has rushed out of the cave and came to the open space of the second level of previously. Behind the wings spread, flying into the air. At the same time, his Heavenly Sacred Splitting Abyss Halberd has been appear(ance) in control.

Only Heavenly Sacred Splitting Abyss Halberd, no Golden Dragon Spear.

After all, he is not familiar enough with Golden Dragon Spear, but he is much more familiar with situation of Heavenly Sacred Splitting Abyss Halberd.

Titled Douluo furrows the brow, also came to the empty field outside, looked at Lan Xuanyu with some doubt, “What was that thing you just did?”

Just now, when he saw the period of the yellow ball, a soul-shaking fear appear(ance) was in his heart, otherwise the attack would not stop. He had expected Lan Xuanyu to run. So all shots with gathering strength are ready to pierce.

But that period, he saw the yellow ball. At that moment, his feeling was that if he had a spear stabbed out, he would die at very possibly. subconsciously interrupted the attack.

Lan Xuanyu grinned, “So you can talk! What are you talking about? I don’t know!”

This Titled Douluo looks like a appearance in his thirties. It looks ordinary and very ordinary. But the aura in him is full of oppressive sharpness.

He did n’t open any more, and a pair of wings spread slowly behind, which were dark wings, and at the same time, a piece of black armor covered his body, under the foot, ring of light in black purple lit up.

Lan Xuanyu‘s mouth twitched, “Don’t be like this. For small shrimp like me, do you still use Three Words Battle Armor?”

The answer to Lan Xuanyu is a gun, which is three points faster than previously. Not only that, Lan Xuanyu only felt that his space suddenly in around the body was twisted violently, spiritual sea was boiling, and a spiritual thought of formidable went straight to his spiritual sea.

spiritual domain, the other party also has …, also spiritual stage of Spirit Domain Realm.

A lore shot, with spiritual domain. Even more frightening is that the Battle Armor ring of light of the other party ’s under the foot also flashed, and Lan Xuanyu instantly felt that he could not move.

Three Words Battle Armor domain, space confinement. Effect, imprisoned for one second.

If the opponent’s strength is extremely formidable, it may only be imprisoned for a moment. However, in the period battle of the strong, even if it is only a moment, very possibly will decide the victory or defeat.

When I came to this empty space, this Titled Douluo used his full strength as soon as he came up, spiritual domain, soul tremor, Battle Armor domain, space confinement. There is also a speed shot under the increase of Battle Armor.

He will tell Tang Wulin by action that the enemy will not give you a chance to speak or a chance to survive. Faced with any enemy, the decisive victory is often in an instant.

This is the absolute gap on cultivation base, the absolute gap that simply cannot fight.

This gun is to give Lan Xuanyu a lesson. If it is in reality, in the face of such an attack, he will definitely die.

The blood test is not just a test, in fact, it is also hoped that the students of Stellar Battle Experimental Class will be hit, so that they will not be too proud of being admitted to the Inner Court collectively. Let them be more cautious in facing period, a strong enemy.

But also in this period, Titled Douluo saw the strange smile on Lan Xuanyu‘s face.

A ball of yellow light, so noiselessly floated from above his head, the next moment, an extremely terrifying sense of crisis came instantly.

The pierced gun, domain used. They all played a role in an instant. However, at this moment, Titled Douluo has an indescribable sense of great crisis.

All realistic weapons and equipment can be determined by projection and brought into Douluo World. In Douluo World, these weapons and equipment will have the power of originally. Of course, the premise is that Douluo World can determine the might of this weapon.

Dragon ’s Fury, of course appear(ance) in mankind’s in history, and played a huge role. In the library of Douluo World, this kind of thing is naturally exist(ence). It’s just that it was a few Thousand Years before, and there was no appear(ance) after that.

The period that Lan Xuanyu just withdrew backwards was thrown out of the Dragon Wrath for the first time, and it has already triggered it. The explosion time is set to five seconds, yes, it is five seconds.

Throw out, withdraw, one second, rush out, five seconds. Being chased by the opponent for one second. At this time, it was almost time.

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