Douluo Dalu 4 : Ultimate Fighting Chapter 88: Unreliable teammates

Lan Xuanyu pulled Qian Lei, while left hand swung out, four Ice Cones flew away, hitting Lava Hound with four heads rushing up, and screamed them down. One of them was stabbed in the eye and fell to the ground. He was hit hard.

Qian Lei at this time only felt that Lan Xuanyu was too much to grasp his right hand power, and his body was obviously stronger than him, but he was pulled by his with no difficulty.

“Crouch down.” Lan Xuanyu screamed and Qian Lei couldn’t think about it, so they squatted according to words. Then he felt that as soon as under the foot slipped, body rushed out.

Surprised, I could n’t help but yelled out, and at this time I realized that I did n’t know what period had a layer of ice under him. And he was pushed out by Lan Xuanyu above this ice layer.

Introducing Qian Lei, without his drag, the speed of Lan Xuanyu increased sharply, shaken, under the foot took one step east and one step west, but actually got out of the siege of Lava Hound, although there were many robes on his body It was torn and broken everywhere. But finally there was no injury.

On the other side, Liu Feng has already rushed to the wall at this time, but as Qian Lei said before, his attack power is really not strong enough, even the Lava Hound that previously was picked up by him did not suffer fatal injuries, seven or eight The head Lava Hound was chasing behind, but with his super fast speed, he just ran in the Colosseum, and for a while, he would not be caught by Lava Hound.

But there is no doubt that their three children, who are only seven or eight years old, are in desperation.

Lan Xuanyu is very skeptical that Liu Feng and Qian Lei have never passed in this elementary assessment before.

After the Lava Hound rush, he quickly rushed in the direction of Qian Lei. He can’t be left alone. But the back Lava Hound has already rushed up.

Lan Xuanyu can dodge with the flexible footwork, but he is still small after all, and the absolute speed is still not as good as these Lava Hound. Seeing so many Lava Hound rushing from behind, he would be swallowed up.

At this moment, Lan Xuanyu lifted left hand in the direction of Qian Lei, dozens of Silver Marked Blue Silver Grass suddenly rushed in his direction, and then yelled, “Pull me.” While talking, others have jumped up .

Qian Lei copied the Blue Silver Grass of Lan Xuanyu, dragged it, and suddenly pulled him in the air to himself, temporarily pulling away from the many Lava Hound behind him.

Too many!

Lan Xuanyu doesn’t think they can still win, but in this period, he has no other choice but to stick to it.

Turn around, left hand swung out, Ice Cone lasing, waiting for Ice Cone to hit those Lava Hounds, under the control of Lan Xuanyu has already exploded into a cold ice mist.

It is obvious that for Lava Hound, this kind of low temperature attack is obviously very annoying. Coupled with the cover of ice mist, their forward speed is much slower.

Liu Feng, come here!” Lan Xuanyu screamed, pulling Qian Lei ran in the direction of Liu Feng. at present only has three people together to have the opportunity to face so many enemies. After Qian Lei release Summoning Gate, it is basically useless. He needs some time to recover before he can summon again.

“How long will you have?” Lan Xuanyu asked Qian Lei, pulling his head and pulling towards himself.

Qian Lei‘s helpless face, “It will take another half a minute. The kitten just didn’t consume me too much Spiritual Power and Soul Power.”

If we say that his Martial Soul is not reliable, every time he casts Soul Skill, the cost will be determined according to the summoned object. This uncertainty is no more.

Lan Xuanyu‘s corners of the mouth are drawn, he knows that if he wants to fight back, at present may only hope that Qian Lei will be a miracle, and it is possible to summon Soul Beast of formidable.

“I’m coming!” Liu Feng avatar a white light, quickly rushed in the direction of Lan Xuanyu and Qian Lei. His speed is not too fast, but it seems a little too fast.

“Stop.” Seeing that the figure of white was getting closer and closer, but it didn’t mean to slow down. Lan Xuanyu hurried to screamed.

“I …” Liu Feng also wanted to stop, but in order to run before, he was already at full speed and could not stop for a while.


Accurate hit, the three collided together and suddenly became a hoist.

Lan Xuanyu wants to cry a little, what teammates are these? No wonder Highly-Capable-Youngsters Class is left with two of them, this is definitely the most unreliable of all in class. Even the Ye Lingtong that I do n’t like is more reliable than them!

At this time, Lava Hound has already gathered up.

Qian Lei, ready to call. I will help you to hold on for a while.” Lan Xuanyu said while left hand quickly pressed on the ground, Soul Power make an all-out effort output.

Thick thorns suddenly drilled from the ground, protecting the three people’s body.

Each of these ice thorns is as long as one meter away. The three body are small and protected by ice thorns. They immediately opened the Lava Hound isolate outside.

The Lan Xuanyu, release, consumes more than half of its own Soul Power. After all, he is only a dozen levels!

Several Lava Hound were too fast, rushed up, and were suddenly stabbed by the ice thorn, “Aoao” screamed and backed away. In addition to the outside that was shot in the eyes by Lan Xuanyu previously Ice Cone, a total of forty-nine Lava Hound were outside, the dog stared, and the unceasingly snarled. But finally stopped the attack, after all, they are only Ten Year Soul Beast.

“Oh, it’s finally safe, it really scares me.” Qian Lei screamed, fell to the ground.

Lan Xuanyu ill-humoredly said: “You have won this elementary training before?”

Qian Lei said: “I won it once! That time I summoned a giant bear, and these Lava Hound crying dads were called mothers. Haha. Even Hundred Year Soul Beast ca n’t stop it. Fireball of Hundred Year Lava Hound spit on it It can’t hurt it. But that time I was overdrawn with Spiritual Power, I rested two genius and recovered. “

“What are you talking about?” Lan Xuanyu‘s expression suddenly froze. Because, he captured several important situations from the words of Qian Lei.

Hundred Year Lava Hound, Fireball

Yes! There are three Hundred Year Soul Beast without appear(ance), but it is also Lava Hound, but also Fire-Spitting Sphere ……

Common Lava Hound can’t rush into the ice thorn, but the ice thorn is ice, it will melt! The temperature on the ordinary Lava Hound body will make the ice thorns melt faster, then the Fireball of Hundred Year Lava Hound ……

“Bang–” The ice thorns broke a few, and the outside was fiery red.

In the distance, the huge Lava Hound with a length of 1.8 meters away from the three heads came slowly. The Fireball was just one of them spitting out, and the other two mouths were also smoking. Obviously, Fireball will come one after another.

Finished …

For a while, Lan Xuanyu felt helpless. His icy thorn would be good to block another Fireball at most.

Sure enough, two Fireball came roaring.

“I’m coming!” Liu Feng moved, he jumped violently, body actually had a hover in mid-air, Soul Ring light flashed on his body, people rushed out. It is First Soul Skill, White Dragon Flash!

People walked with the gun, White Dragon Spear was picked up in the hand, a Fireball was picked from the side, Fireball suddenly changed direction, and flew in the direction of Lava Hound. Flashing Soul Ring rays of light on his body again, he actually changed the direction of the almost unbelievable complete in the air, but this time was obviously a bit over the head, actually hit the Fireball directly.

A Silver Marked Blue Silver Grass just right appear(ance) is behind him, to wind around stays in his waist to stop him early, White Dragon Spear stabbed, and finally changed the direction of Fireball.

Two sounds of “Boom, Boom!”, the two Fireballs exploded separately, and turned into countless sparks scattered. Seven or eight Ten Year Lava Hounds were involved, and the screams of bombing repeatedly made the dogs a bit confused.

After Silver Marked Blue Silver Grass pulled back, he forcibly pulled Liu Feng back from the air, but at this time he was already complexion pale, both hands account burst, bloody. It seems that there is no fighting strength.

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