Douluo Dalu 4 : Ultimate Fighting Chapter 61: Two Colonel

The new school year of Heaven Luo Academy Purple Luo Branch Institute begins!

Early in the morning, all kinds of Soul Guidance Flying Car gathered towards the building where Academy is located. Even the rare traffic jam phenomenon is appear(ance).

The eight-month separation was not in vain, because of the excellent performance in the interstellar exploration species research, Lan Xiao was promoted. Hang Colonel military rank. Although the position has not changed for the time being, it is clear that next he will be transferred in very possibly. According to Lan Xiao himself, it may be transferred to Research Institute of Heaven Luo City higher stage.

in other words, their very possibly is going to move with their family and go to Heaven Luo City from Purple Luo City.

Nan Cheng felt that this was a coincidence, because she immediately remembered that Heaven Luo Academy had to enroll in Highly-Capable-Youngsters Class. in other words, if Lan Xuanyu is admitted to Highly-Capable-Youngsters Class, it would have been to Heaven Luo City!

So, before coming to go to school today, Nan Cheng rarely gave Lan Xuanyu a bit more advice.

Some of period do n’t believe that luck is impossible. Lan Xiao is promoted. If Lan Xuanyu is admitted to Highly-Capable-Youngsters Class again, it will undoubtedly be a big improvement for their whole family.

Okay. Go in.” Lan Xiao smiled and watched his son walk into Academy. Sophomore! The son grew much taller.

“Daddy goodbye.” Lan Xuanyu waved at Lan Xiao with a smile on his face. It has been a long time since my father sent him to school.

“Goodbye.” Lan Xiao smiled and nodded to him.

As he turned back to leave period, he saw a familiar figure. It is still a Ye Feng in a uniform, and came with a cold face and Ye Lingtong.

Lan Xiao subconsciously stood up straight for body, but he was immediately surprised to find that Ye Feng‘s epaulet was actually missing a star.

Samsung is also two bars. Like him, it is Colonel.

Senior Officer, long time no see.” Lan Xiao subconsciously greeted.

Ye Feng looks more than his vicissitudes and sighs, “I’m not a Senior Officer anymore. I’ve transferred. I want to congratulate you and get promoted!” Because originally is Senior Colonel, he knew better What a difficult thing it is to be promoted in the military.

“Dad, I’m gone.” Ye Lingtong naturally saw the back of Lan Xuanyu and couldn’t wait to say to Ye Feng.

“Go.” Ye Feng touched her daughter’s head.

The two watched their children enter Academy and Lan Xiao: “Senior Officer, what happened to you? Is it convenient to ask?”

Just like military rank is difficult to upgrade, it will not be downgraded. How much contribution points must be accumulated to get promoted! Once demoted, that’s a big deal.

Ye Feng said with a forced smile: “I’m fine, if you are fine, shall we go for a cup of coffee?”

Lan Xiao nodded, “Okay! That’s my pleasure.” The one in front of him, even if military rank is like him, is also a strong Eight Rings Soul Douluo stage, and is the main battle Soul Douluo. Naturally, his position in the military is not his best compared to.

The two went out of Academy, about Okay, and each drove to a cafe in nearby.

Senior Officer …”

“Do n’t call me Senior Officer, just call me by name.”

“Okay, brother Ye Feng, what happened?” Lan Xiao asked doubtfully.

Ye Feng said with a forced smile: “You should have heard about the Horizon Building tragedy. The take responsibility for who arrested the criminals was me. There was a problem with the whole plan, and we completely fell into the trap of City of Sins. Although I do n’t know which great expert take action , Finally did not let them succeed. But after all, hundreds of people died. As the chief officer at the time, I had no way. There is no responsibility. “

Lan Xiao frowned, saying: “However, if you are so young you can stand high, you must have set up countless heroic contributions for Federation! How can this be …”

Ye Feng raised his hand and interrupted his words, “This is already the best to take over. It is the military’s protection. Otherwise, I have already gone to the military court. I have settled for a few years. I am preparing for trying hard cultivate, see See if you can have a chance to impact Titled Douluo stage in the future. If you can own cultivate to Titled Douluo, then different. “

Lan Xiao nodded hurriedly and said, “Sai Weng lost his horse and knew nothing.”

Ye Feng took a sip of coffee and saw a few wisp of soul colors in his eyes, “It’s your family’s Xuanyu very unusual! Last semester, he defeated Lingtong again. Is this child Twin Martial Souls?”

Lan Xiao‘s heart was awkward, with no opening.

Ye Feng said: “You do n’t have to deny it. In fact, natural talent is a good thing! I used permissions to read the competition. If I read correctly, the Blue Silver Grass variation of the two hands of this child is different. So Lingtong will lose so badly. I have been dealing with my affairs before, and I haven’t had time to find you. I just met you today. I want to discuss with you about thing about Xuanyu. “

Lan Xiao said: “What do you mean?” He didn’t admit or deny that, in front of smart people, over-denying one thing would make people doubt.

Ye Feng said: “This child innately gifted should be cultivated by properly so as not to fall. Frankly speaking, from the first time he led to Soul Skill lose effectiveness of Lingtong I noticed him. Although the Heavenly Astral Dragon Martial Soul of Lingtong is not the strongest Dragon-Type Martial Soul, but also True Dragon Attribute. Lan Xiao brother, you are research Ancient Soul Beast, so you should be very clear about the status of Dragon-Type Martial Soul in Martial Soul. That is definitely exist(ence) of highest stage. So, in Xuanyu, situation it means of appear(ance) is self-evident. His Martial Soul’s variation, or It’s related to Dragon-Type, and it’s Dragon-Type Martial Soul of higher stage, or another formidable Martial Soul. Maybe at present has not been developed yet, but Martial Soul aura can’t be fake. “

“I asked the situation that Lingtong played with Xuanyu several times in detail. It is almost certain that his Variant Martial Soul is quite remarkable. Since your son has such a natural talent, how can it be buried?”

Lan Xiao said: “There is no need to bury it! After the this time school starts, they will have to take the Heaven Luo Academy Highly-Capable-Youngsters Class. I do n’t know if they can take the exam.”

Ye Feng said with deep meaning: “In fact, there is another direction. It is not necessary to take the path of Soul Master Academy. If you agree, I can help him enter the military system and enter the military school to train directly. Future The direction of development can even be trying hard in the direction of War God Temple. “

War God Temple?” Hearing these three words, Lan Xiao couldn’t help but body shocked. Of course he knew what exist(ence) was.

War God Temple belongs to Federation direct management, but it is also part of Military’s, but it is the gathering place of the strongest military. Any exist(ence) who can be known as War God has the status of play a critical role in the military. At least Major General military rank. But wanting to become War God is no easy thing. According to the rules of War God Temple, you can only have up to eighteen War God, preparatory War God do not know how many. To become War God of genuine, preparatory War God needs to challenge War God and win.

And how easy is this?

However, once it succeeds, it is Kangzhuang Avenue. The War God Temple system is an Military’s shortcut.

Ye Feng nodded, “Yes, I think Xuanyu has this potential. Lingtong is not necessarily possible, but he should have a chance. Brother Lan Xiao …”

Lan Xiao then shook his head at without the slightest hesitation, “No.”

Oh?Ye Feng did not expect that he refused so quickly.

Lan Xiao said: “If you enter the military system, the child it means will leave us, and my mother and I are reluctant. So, let him follow the normal Academy path.”

Ye Feng frowned, “How do you spread your wings without flying the young eagle? Brother Lan Xiao, can’t you be so short-sighted?”

Lan Xiao lightly sighed, “It ’s not my short-sightedness, it ’s really after separation that I understand how intense this pain is. I recently participated in interstellar exploration and it ’s been eight months since I left. I ca n’t say what I did. But eight For months, it has been a great torment to me and to their mother and son. In our opinion, there’s nothing about it is more important than a family reunion thing. “

Ye Feng didn’t expect him to say that, but subconsciously recalled his period of time in confinement. Isn’t it a wife and daughter?

lightly sighed, “Okay. If you change your mind, come to me anytime. That’s it.” After that, he stood up and walked away without any mud.

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