Douluo Dalu 4 : Ultimate Fighting Chapter 578: Do you still want to be my dad?

Xuanyu, this final exam doesn’t seem to be difficult. It doesn’t seem to require us to do anything. What do we do next?” Tang Yuge asked.

Lan Xuanyu furrows the brow, said: “I always feel something is wrong.”

“What’s wrong?” Qian Lei asked doubtfully.

Lan Xuanyu said: “Did you not find out that from the beginning to the end, the team leader did not tell us where the personnel to be rescued by this time was, and never discussed the specific rescue plan with us, and we What needs to be done. Just teach us some knowledge about Battleship Piloting and some situation on this Paradise Star. “

Liu Feng Shen channel: “It seems a bit. I think Commander is a bit too casual. It seems that the task of this time is not particularly concerned.”

Yuanen Huihui said indifferently: “Anyway, listen to his arrangement.”

At this moment, Soul Guidance Communication Device suddenly of Lan Xuanyu rang, he turned on communications device and there was a message in it.

“Start of final exam, the content of the exam, survive and leave. You need to find a way to return Home Planet and return within the next ten days. If it is overdue, it will be regarded as a failure of the exam. Your room fee will only be paid for one day. Blessing. “

The message was sent by Deng Bo. Lan Xuanyu showed the content to the partners.

For a time, everyone couldn’t help but feel a bit dull, and there was also a sense of laughter. This is really guessed by Lan Xuanyu!

In this unfamiliar place, the next thing they will face is survival.

Home Planet must be returned within ten days. What is this it means? it means, they need to own a battleship that can return in the next ten days, and successfully leave Paradise Star on battleship.

Is this simple? Of course not easy. From Black Horn City to battleship parking place, it takes three days, plus a five-day return flight. in other words, they need to find battleship and find a way to pass the blockade within two days.

“What should I do with Boss?” Qian Lei looked at Lan Xuanyu, and everyone else’s eyes fell on Lan Xuanyu‘s face.

Lan Xuanyu did not rush to respond to the partners, but fell into thought. Suddenly faced with situation, period he had just started was a little flustered. After all, this place is too strange for them, and it is still such an unsafe Planet of Sins.

They must first survive here and then find a way to go back. And only two days.

Yuanen Huihui also wanted to ask, but was waved by Bai Xiuxiu so that he would not disturb Lan Xuanyu thinking.

Lan Xuanyu did not guess that the content of final exam would be like this, but he told himself that as the mainstay of team, in this period, he should not panic or chaos first. Otherwise, it will have a huge impact on the mentality of the partners.

Then analyze the current situation, if they want to leave here, what are their options?

After a while, his expression gradually strengthened, said with a small smile: “At present, there are mainly several problems we will face. First, we need to survive here. in other words, we need the currency here, at least. You can eat and stay. Although there are only two days. Judging from the time when we came, if we do everything we can, we can almost reach the battleship parking area in two days. in other words, we have at most three days, we must find one battleship that can go to Home Planet. “

“This battleship ca n’t be Pirate Battleship yet, because after going out of the scope of Paradise Star, we still have to face the blockade of Federation. In case we are misunderstood by Federation Fleet and attack us, it is also a very troublesome thing. You must find a battleship that can travel between the two places like similar to Tang Sect Scout Ship. “

“These seem to be difficult, but after carefully thinking about it, according to the information left to us by previously Commander, it is not impossible. Here, rare metal(s) is a hard currency, I carry a lot, I can exchange it first Some of the currency here guarantees our basic life. Then, you should remember that Commander said that there are also Spirit Transferring Pagoda branches here. We must not find someone from Tang Sect to help, then, Spirit Transferring Pagoda is very good. Choice. Their battleship must be able to fly between the two places. So, we need to find Spirit Transferring Pagoda to help. If it pays a large enough price, I believe that Spirit Transferring Pagoda battleship is likely to carry us back to Douluo Planet. Next, our first is To change money, the second is to find the location of the Spirit Transferring Pagoda branch and ask how to return to Home Planet with their battleship. “

After listening to the analysis of Lan Xuanyu, everyone suddenly showed different expression, some admired, some relaxed, and some thumbs up.

Lan Xuanyu Shen said: “This is Paradise Star, and danger and sin may be hidden everywhere. Therefore, everyone must be careful. We do not have Growing Gear on our body, so it is easy to be noticed. But we are young and were The possibility of targeting is not small. Therefore, starting from at present, we must act collectively and cannot separate. “

“Yes.” The other six people agreed at the same time.

They all have a common emotion in their hearts. If there is captain, there will be a backbone. It seems that there’s nothing about it thing can always make him difficult.

Lan Xuanyu said: “You all stay in the room and wait for me. I will go to the hotel reception desk to ask first, where can I use rare metal(s) to exchange money.”

The content of final exam finally surfaced, and the most important thing next is time. It’s only three days to be full.

They lived on the second floor, went out of the room, went downstairs, and came to the hotel reception.

The front desk is a man with Growing Gear on his right arm. He is tall and has a vicious look.

Lan Xuanyu is tall among his peers, but only to the chest of this person.

“Hello. Where can I exchange rare metal(s) for Paradise Coin?” Lan Xuanyu asked.

The big man at the front desk lowered his head and looked down at him. suddenly grinned, revealing a gleam of silver metal teeth. “Little boy, just change it with Dad. One kilogram of rare metal(s) for an Paradise Coin.”

Lan Xuanyu also smiled, “We are civilized people, don’t talk rubbish.” At the same time he spoke, the people moved. Suddenly bouncing up, he jumped to the front desk in an instant, and at the same time, right hand grabbed at the front desk lightning.

At the front desk, the big man grinned, and the metal arm of the right hand swept out instantly, and the surface of the metal arm suddenly burst out with the dazzling lightning glow and hum of high-frequency vibrations.

The right hand caught by Lan Xuanyu deflects, and in an instant, above right hand, golden scales covers.


His right hand firmly grasped the opponent ’s right arm, and the current swept up, but they were all bounced off by golden scales on Lan Xuanyu right hand.

A touch of golden light flashed under the eyes of Lan Xuanyu. Suddenly strength emission, he just pulled the front desk lord who was two meters away from the back of the front desk, slammed it, and fell on the ground outside.

The whole body seemed to have swelled a bit. A strong force suddenly burst out from the hands of Lan Xuanyu. Only listening to the harsh rubbing sound, the big man ’s metal arm had been twisted into a twist. appearance, for a time, the electro-optics lingered above, and a harsh electric spark blew out, which seemed to be useless.

Lan Xuanyu‘s knees sank, and suddenly slammed against the strong man’s chest, and suddenly pressed him who wanted to stand up to fight back. The Three Soul Rings that the strong man had just released from release was shocked by him.

“Do you still want to be my dad?” Lan Xuanyu faint asked.

As he said, a piece of Ice Cone on his left hand had dropped in an instant, and went straight to the strong man ’s eyeball.


Douluo Ten YearLegend of Dragon King” mobile game at 8 o’clock this morning, ios, Android full platform official beta! The download address is published in my public account, and it is also available in major application stores. I also saw the promotional video filmed by Wu Xuanyi for the game, which is really Xiao Wu of cute. Welcome everyone to join me in the game duel, I will wait for you in “Douluo Ten YearLegend of Dragon King“!

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