Douluo Dalu 4 : Ultimate Fighting Chapter 268: Powerful Yuanen Huihui

With Yuanen Huihui‘s cultivation base, it is almost certain that he must be admitted to Shrek Academy. If they can also pass the exam, the future and Yuanen Huihui will be classmate, will also be competitors, then follow the opportunity in front of properly to observe, obviously it can not be better.

At this moment, Yuanen Huihui seemed to be chased a little bit anxiously, while running forward quickly, rays of light blinked in his eyes, and Soul Ring on his body began to change appear(ance).

Second Soul Ring light flashed. In his hand, Purple Star Spirit Bow suddenly showed a darker green energy flow. While running forward, he turned back to shoot arrows. At this time, the arrow shot again, the color is also turned into dark green.

The arrow he shot was like having long eyes, hitting the blue panther behind precisely. After the blue leopard in the front was shot, Li Xiao snorted, but it looked like he hadn’t been hurt, but there was a layer of dark green mist on it.

Lan Xuanyu looked very carefully. He found that after this blue leopard was rendered with dark green mist, the other blue leopards around him also began to be contaminated. The dark green mist seemed to be contagious.

The blue leopard that was first shot quickly slowed down, unable to keep up with the Yuanen Huihui in front, and the blue leopard contaminated by the dark green mist began to slow down until the one by one fell.

Just one arrow, and a few moments later, seven or eight blue leopards fell to the ground.

Second Soul Skill, poisonous and contagious.” Lan Xuanyu said aloud.

Seven or eight blue panthers died, and the pressure of Yuanen Huihui was significantly relieved. As he ran, unceasingly shot Poison Arrow, shooting at monsters chasing him in all directions. Many monsters fell to the ground.

Everyone on the hillside could n’t help but admire it. It would n’t take too long to follow this kind of situation, maybe he could really grind these hundred monsters to death! After all, it’s just Second Soul Skill, he has Five Rings cultivation base, Soul Power should be enough to support.

Apart from being surprised by the strength of Yuanen Huihui, outside, everyone else is slightly anxious. They only got a dozen crystal cores in at present, which is one or two in everyone’s hands, and Yuanen Huihui has at least dozens of them. Maybe there will be hundreds of them right away, and the gap is too big.

It seems to feel the eagerness of the partners. Lan Xuanyu looked back at everyone and whispered: “don’t be impatient.”

He is waiting, and his waiting is not too long.

Having seen half of the monsters die under Yuanen Huihui Poison Arrow, suddenly, a scream came from afar. As you can see from the top of the hillside, in the distance, a figure of blue swept like lightning.

Its speed is too fast. Lan Xuanyu and others who are on the hillside are a bit unclear about it.

Lan Xuanyu immediately made a silent gesture to the partners.

The following monsters besieging Yuanen Huihui suddenly paused, but surrounded from all sides, but no longer rushed forward.

Just between these needs, the blue light and shadow have arrived.

The speed of Yuanen Huihui is already fast, but this blue light and shadow is much faster than him. Just catch him in the blink of an eye.

Yuanen Huihui also clearly felt the crisis. The first and second Soul Ring lights up at the same time, and an Poison Arrow beamed out, intercepting the blue light and shadow with great precision.

The blue light and shadow suddenly flicked to the side, but the arrow chased away as if it had long eyes. Undoubtedly, the arrow of Yuanen Huihui has a locking effect.

A blue light shot from the blue light and shadow, Poison Arrow instantly died out under the blue light covering, the next moment, another blue light has arrived in front of Yuanen Huihui.

At this time, the blue light and shadow paused slightly, and all the talented person could see its appearance clearly.

It is also a creature similar to the blue panther chasing the fastest speed of previously, but its size is much larger than the previous ones, more than four meters in length, body even has a flashing light sense, just like whole The body is transparent. Speed ​​extremely fast.

The blue light that has just been shot is shot by the one-horn on the top of its head, like lightning, and its speed is unpredictable.

Yuanen Huihui clearly realized that he was in trouble, and after shooting that arrow, the speed also increased sharply. At the same time, Third Soul Ring on his body lights up, period and arrow with the long bow open again follow turned into to scarlet-red.

His pace of under the foot suddenly became illusory. Although the blue light behind him was fast, he shunned him.

Seeing his footwork, Lan Xuanyu couldn’t help but froze for a moment, because he was surprised to find that the footwork used by Yuanen Huihui was very familiar with him, and it was very similar to the footwork taught by Teacher Nana.

The bow string hums, and a red light has burst out.

The single horn above the Lightning Blue Leopard suddenly shot a blue light again, and wanted to intercept it, but when the red light and the blue light touched, the resounds suddenly roared, and the flames exploded in the sky, and immediately caught up behind Lightning Blue Leopard swallowed it.

Third Soul Skill, Exploding Arrow?” Lan Xuanyu whispered.

“The temperature is very high.” Lin Donghui, which is good at using fire, supplemented it. When the flame exploded, period, you can see that the surrounding air shows a general distortion of the water wave ripple, which is obviously extremely high temperature.

After shooting this arrow, Yuanen Huihui accelerated to run, and in the flame behind, blue light flashed, a few pieces of black Lightning Blue Leopard rushed out of his body, roared, and one after another blue light sprayed out of his head and chased Yuanen Huihui.

Yuanen Huihui once again stepped out of footwork of previously, while evading and shooting with an arrow, the Lightning Blue Leopard speed fragmented, but under his bombardment like Exploding Arrow, can’t do anything about it was too close.

However, in this period, other monsters have been surrounded. With the restraint of Lightning Blue Leopard, Yuanen Huihui is too late to attack other monsters.

Walk together, and see it is about to take shape.

Yuanen Huihui has a light body, even in this period, he still does not have the appear(ance) panic situation.

Qingxiao came from resounds in the mouth of Yuanen Huihui, even if they were far away, they could hear his voice in Lan Xuanyu.

Only listening to Yuanen Huihui screamed, “Rain Spirit Tide.” In his hand Purple Star Spirit Bow rays of light big release, turned into instantly got silver-white, the next moment, he suddenly looked up and shot a silver arrow into the air.

The arrow shot, rays of light of the longbow in Yuanen Huihui quickly dimmed, and his own speed slowed down a bit. almost was hit by a blue light. And that Lightning Blue Leopard has already arrived.

Yuanen Huihui changed to both hands holding a longbow, hard to block the impact of Lightning Blue Leopard. Longbow was slightly bent by Lightning Blue Leopard impact, but in the next moment, he ejected Yuanen Huihui and flew away more than 20 meters. He landed lightly on the ground, obviously not injured.

At this time, silver arrow suddenly, which he shot into the air, exploded in midair, and the next moment, one after another silver light fell from the sky, like rain, covering the earth.

The First Soul Ring shines on Yuanen Huihui. Lan Xuanyu remembers that he called the name of this Soul Skill on the ring formerly, called Divine Spirit Focus.

It seems that he was guided by Divine Spirit Focus, and the silver shimmering from the sky found the monster very accurately. Almost all the monsters from the siege are covered.

A large number of monsters were shot and killed along with a series of “pop” sounds.

Lightning Blue Leopard is also covered by silver light, but it has one after another blue light on it, and unceasingly offsets the silver light from the sky. Still obsessively chasing towards Yuanen Huihui.

“So strong.” Bing Tianliang frowned, Shen Sheng said.

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