Douluo Dalu 4 : Ultimate Fighting Chapter 1597: Waiting

  ”Yes, thank you for the second seat.” Lan Xuanyu said sincerely. In any case, Zhong Zhichang has always been really good to him.

  ”Second seat, what period can our reinforcements come to? Can you contact the first seat?” Lan Xuanyu asked directly without evasive.

  Zhong Zhichang glanced at him and said: “Let’s see how the Tian and the emperor reply.”

  When he said this, Lan Xuanyu immediately understood that the reinforcements of Ryoma Federation are probably already within a controllable range, but they did not choose to come to Tianhe Star at immediately. Of course, this is selfishness, and there is also the fear of Tianhe Fleet formidable. For Longma Federation, the best situation is still the loss of both Tianhexing and Crimson. The strength demonstrated by the Tianhe fleet before is already the exist(ence) that Ryoma Federation is almost impossible to confront with its fleet alone. That is also the greatest confidence of the Tianhe clan. Such a fleet of exist(ence), Dragon Clan and the Tianma tribe are actually ignorant, which undoubtedly greatly touched the nerves of the high-level Longma Federation. In particular, the battle method of the previous day and the fleet was clearly aimed at the strong Top Rank. That Federation system, even the Dragon Knight might not be able to break into it.

  Lan Xuanyu earnestly said: “Second seat, I don’t think we can wait. Regardless of the conspiracy in the Crimson Zone, the best way is to resolve it as soon as possible. There are many dreams in the night. The threat of the Crimson Zone is far from heaven. The threat of the clan can be compared. this time Tianhe clan is already badly injured, and their hole cards have been exposed. The exposed hole cards, the threat is actually limited.”

  Zhong Zhichang naturally understood what he meant. If Tianhe Clan’s hole cards are enough formidable and formidable to be able to play against whole Longma Federation, Tianhe Clan will not wait any longer and will be troubled. Although the Tianhe fleet is strong, it is still not enough to match Dragon Clan and Tianma Top Rank strong compared to.

  ”I understand what you mean.” Zhong Zhichang, nodded, didn’t say much, but from his expression, Lan Xuanyu can already see that he should agree with his opinion.

  About half an hour later, Prime Minister Tianhe flew back, with the color of grim/dignified on his face.

  ”How?” Zhong Zhichang asked.

  Tian and the Prime Minister said in a deep voice: “After contacting Your Majesty, I have also told your Majesty the current situation and our judgment. Your Majesty said that his at present is sitting at the core and has not been corroded yet. But the resistance is very high Difficult, the Crimson Realm is like a drill. unceasingly spirals downwards, trying to break through the planet Life Nucleus‘s defense, and in the process of breaking through the planet energy, it is very difficult to resist. Your Majesty will not last long, once the line of defense If it is broken, both Life Nucleus and Tianyang core will be exposed to the Scarlet Mother. As long as she sweeps away the two cores, then she can swallow and take away more than 70% of the life energy of the whole planet. It’s the arrival of disaster. My lord, how long will it take for the reinforcements of Federation to arrive?”

  Zhong Zhichang looked at Prime Minister Tianhe with a deep gaze, “The reinforcements will arrive soon, and the Prime Minister also asks the Prime Minister to tell your Majesty that, in any case, we must stop the erosion of the Crimson Region. The survival of the Tianhe Clan is here. We must be sure. make an all-out effort.”

  ”Yes!” Tianhe Prime Minister agreed, and said: “Then I will mobilize the army first and prepare for their next offensive.”

  After paying tribute to Zhong Zhichang and Lan Xuanyu, this one left again.

  Lan Xuanyu did not say anything. Prime Minister Tianhe’s reply was actually within his expectations. Whether his words are true or not, the purpose is to hope the reinforcements will arrive soon, this point without a doubt. The internal defense of Tianhe Xing should not be too big a problem in a short time, otherwise, the Tianhe Emperor should rush over by himself. The planetary core of life’s defense against the Crimson Realm is not more than one, and less than one. As long as the Tianyang core is left there, it is already the greatest help to Life Nucleus.

  The mentality of Tianhe Clan Lan Xuanyu at present can also guess the best ten. The invasion of this time Crimson Zone undoubtedly caused heavy losses to the whole Tianhe Clan. But after all, the Tianhe clan also has the Tianyang core in obtain. As long as Life Nucleus can swallow the Tianyang core, then the loss is not unacceptable. After all, the most deadly force was that collision. Overall, the vitality was still retained. As long as the planet can evolve after this war, then the Tianhe tribe will have a comeback simply, plus the Tianhe fleet. There is no need to fight the Longma Federation, as long as there is time to develop, at least it will be able to fight against the Dragon Clan and the Tianma tribe’s exist(ence).

  Unfortunately, they didn’t know that Tianyang Dragon’s Head seat Jiang Weiqiang had long been backdoored in Tianyang Core stay behind. In any case, Jiang Weiqiang would not allow Tianyang Core to be swallowed by Tianhe Clan. The necessary period, detonating the core of Tianyang, is not only used to deal with the Crimson Realm.

  Lan Xuanyu looked at Zhong Zhichang, Zhong Zhichang said: “You first retreat to a safe place, you don’t have to worry about the battle here. Just look at it from a distance. After the reinforcements arrive, you return to the fleet and continue to command the take responsibility for fleet. At the same time take responsibility for responds to us.”

  ”Yes!” Zhong Zhichang’s order is undoubtedly to keep him away from the battlefield. The arrival of reinforcements in period will also be the beginning of the genuine war, which will be the most dangerous. Let him return to the fleet, of course, to ensure his safety.

  Bid farewell to Zhong Zhichang, Lan Xuanyu quickly returned to the partners, I have to say that the energy that was swallowed before was really quite a lot. Help him fully stabilize the cultivation base of True God realm.

  Partners also gathered together to rest at this time. Among at present 33 Sky Wings, Lan Xuanyu, Bai Xiuxiu, Tang Yuge, Qian Lei have successfully broken through God Rank. Lan Mengqin, Yuanen Huihui and Liu Feng are not far apart. Others also made progress under the energy provided by Lan Xuanyu.

  ”How about situation?” Bai Xiuxiu hurriedly asked when he saw him coming back.

  Lan Xuanyu nodded and said: “at present is still unclear. Everything will not be seen until the reinforcements of Longma Federation arrive. What we have to do at at present is to watch the changes. Once the reinforcements of Longma Federation arrive, we will retreat immediately. The order given by the Dawn Dragon Knight is that when reinforcements arrive, we will return to the fleet and take responsibility for will respond.”

  Bai Xiuxiu gave a low laugh, and said: “The second seat is really good for you! Will you also like you?”

  Lan Xuanyu rolled his eyes, “You think too much. Be prepared, we are ready to withdraw at any time.”

  Bai Xiuxiu some surprisedly said: “Is it really withdrawn?”

   Lan Xuanyu Nodded, “It was terrifying at the Crimson Mother before. If the reinforcements arrive later, God Dragon’s Head Seat and first seat of Pegasus very possibly Will come. That kind of battle is not something we can fight against. It’s better to stay away. Although wealth and wealth are in danger, if the danger is far away far exceed It is better to avoid the edge if it is beyond the scope of our tolerance. this time Everyone’s gain is not small. The next battle is not so easy to end, look for another opportunity. “

  ”Okay.” Bai Xiuxiu took his hand and whispered softly: “Dragon Knight that cultivation method, shall we try?”

  Lan Xuanyu was taken aback, “Didn’t you always object to it?”

  Bai Xiuxiu ill-humoredly said: “But I want to help you. I don’t want to wait for you to come back every time. Do you know what it’s like to wait? At least that way, I can stay by your side and help you.”

  Lan Xuanyu looked at her somewhat resentful appearance, full of apologetics, squeezed her hand, and then nodded.

  Bai Xiuxiu pinched him, and whispered: “Did you wait for this day for a long time? You just want to ride me, right?”

   “I don’t have one. Even if there is, I don’t intend to let others see it.” Lan Xuanyu said with a smile.

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