Douluo Dalu 4 : Ultimate Fighting Chapter 154: Start of Sea Selection


Another roar of roar resounds, deafening roar echoed in the valley, enduring.

“Boom, boom, boom.” The muffled sound of gloomy, resounds, echoed in the valley of whole. Then the dense and shattered sound rang.

Lan Xuanyu glanced away, and was surprised to see that in the valley, I did n’t know where to drill many creature, and was rushing towards the mountains in all directions. If you look closely, it is a long and thin lizard. These lizards look different in size, but the smallest body length will be more than one meter. The skin is grayish-brown, and there are dark-red marks on the skin. , dark-red rays of light flows like magma.

Land Fire Lizard. So much?” Lan Xuanyu recognized these types of Soul Beast at a glance.

Land Fire Lizard, Fire Attribute Soul Beast, Soul Beast. Generally, two or thirty live for ethnic groups. The defense ability is extremely powerful, generally living on the volcano nearby, and comes with Fire Attribute ability. It is said that Land Fire Lizard with cultivate exceeding Ten-thousand Years can evolve into Land Fire Dragon. Sub-Dragon Species. It is a very powerful Soul Beast.

At this time, there are more than a thousand Land Fire Lizard appear(ance) in that valley. They are rushing in all directions at the same time. Highly-Capable-Youngsters Class, who is on the mountainside, will undoubtedly be affected by them.

“Retreat up the mountain.” Lu Qianxun make a prompt decision, without the slightest hesitation said.

As he said, he took the lead and turned toward the top of the mountain.

The place where they are located is on there’s nothing about it Road, surrounded by steep mountain walls, but for these student(s) of Highly-Capable-Youngsters Class, this is obviously not difficult.

Everyone also understands that it is the most correct choice to go to the top of the mountain first. If the terrain outside is open, it is much easier to escape. Land Fire Lizard has a defect that the speed is not specially quick.

They did n’t have any white snow in the Ji Hongbin class, and they still remembered the characteristics they learned about.

“Roar” roared once again appear(ance). The Land Fire Lizard in the valley below heard the roar, and the speed of escape suddenly increased. Then, Lan Xuanyu they saw a shocking scene.

A huge figure is slowly coming out from behind a mountain wall in the valley. The muffled sound of “Dong, Dong, Dong” turned out to be the sound of its footsteps.

This is …

Everyone ’s eyes are a little frozen. What ’s more terrifying is that the giant looked up at them with a huge pair of eyes.

“What kind of stuff is this?” Qian Lei cannot help groaned.

That’s a huge Soul Beast. Its height is more than thirty meters, with a huge tail dragging behind. The body stands upright, with its legs and tail supporting a huge figure walking vigorously. There are also a pair of small wings behind. The wings are small, obviously not enough to support it to fly. However, it is still constantly flapping, and the level‘s weight reduction will cause the delay and increase the speed.

The head has a huge mouth, the whole is tapered, and there is a huge thorn extending from the top of the head to the back, which spreads to the tail. The whole body is covered with scales of dark-red. In its around the body, within a range of several tens of meters, the air is twisted by water-like ripples, and the high temperature of as you can well imagine is around it.

No one has seen this kind of Soul Beast. This is true even for Lan Xuanyu who knows Soul Beast best. But regardless of size or aura, everyone knows that they are in big trouble.

Before Highly-Capable-Youngsters Class cultivate, this kind of survival training is often arranged, but all the survival training arranged by period is for their own cultivation base. in other words, they meet better than Soul Beast. It has never been like this, facing the exist(ence) that simply cannot match.

Anyone can see that this giant Soul Beast is at least Ten-thousand Years stage, and it is by no means ordinary Ten-thousand Years.

simply did n’t give them more time to think. Then the next moment big guy watched at expression, a mouth, a huge ball of Fireball came towards them.

That Fireball resembles a meteor, not only the speed extremely fast, but also dragged a long tail flame during the flight. The horrible aura seems to burn the world. The huge Fireball rose in response to the storm, but it was only one meter in diameter when it just spewed out, but the period close to the mountain wall on this side was already five meters in diameter.

This is almost like some small battleship guns.

“Run quickly.” I don’t know who is screamed. All Highly-Capable-Youngsters Class student(s) did their best to turn around and run.

This time, no one can care about the formation, first avoid the big guy attack as much as possible.

Lan Xuanyu responded quickly, left hand grabbed Qian Lei, right hand grabbed Liu Feng‘s arm, right hand Golden Marked Blue Silver Grass emerged instantly, not rewind‘s own palm, but to wind around on Liu Feng‘s arm.

After cultivation base has been upgraded to Two Rings, he has discovered that to assist Liu Feng and period of Qian Lei, he only needs to live with their Blue Silver Grass to wind around, so even if there is no body contact, as long as Blue Silver Grass is in contact with each other, the auxiliary effect is the same.

Liu Feng has already summoned his White Dragon Spear. Two rounds of Yellow Soul Ring were raised from under the foot, the tail of the gun was on the rock wall a little, and he rushed out.

Like white light and shadow, with Lan Xuanyu and Qian Lei directly rushed out of the mountainside, with an increase of Lan Xuanyu, his speed is not only extremely fast, but also controllable.

The body made a graceful turning in the air. After climbing up seven or eight meters in an instant, a roundabout approached the mountain wall. White Dragon Spear supported the mountain wall and took the two men to continue to climb up quickly.


The roar of the mountain shaking resounds. That huge Fireball hit **** the dodge.

For a time, flying sand and rocks, a huge sound wave accompanied by a terrible fire wave.

Lan Xuanyu exudes a layer of ice mist, covering Qian Lei and Liu Feng as much as possible, against the sudden heat of suddenly increases.

However, the formidable shock wave still rushed the three people up to flying.

Lan Xuanyu pulled Qian Lei by his side, guarding him in front of him, and a layer of ice condensed behind him. Use your own body to block Qian Lei, and also help Liu Feng block a lot of shock waves.

A layer of golden light flickered away from him. When the shock wave hit period on his body, although they were flying, Lan Xuanyu obviously felt a strong force spread all over his body. Instead, spiritual increased significantly.

Golden Marked Blue Silver Grass Second Soul Skill, Tyrant Body!

The Lan Xuanyu that enters the Tyrant Body state instantly can transform part of it to itself while significantly resolves attack power.

This period they ca n’t see anyone else at Highly-Capable-Youngsters Class anymore, and they do n’t know how other people responded to the impact of the huge Fireball just now.

Liu Feng continues to climb upwards. With the increase of Golden Marked Blue Silver Grass, he has great control over his speed. White Dragon Spear seems to be alive. Every time he taps on the mountain wall, he can take two people to climb seven or eight meters.

By blocking the shock wave, Lan Xuanyu turned back and looked down the mountain.

The giant Soul Beast was bowing its head, biting a huge Land Fire Lizard, and then swallowed it with three or two mouths. body was swept horizontally, and its huge tail swept across, directly swept a piece of Land Fire Lizard.

Then it was the big step that rushed in their direction.

At this time, Lan Xuanyu also saw some classmate in the Junior Class.

There are also some who climb up to them like this, such as the Jin Xiang group that is good at flying, and the powerful Lu Qianxun group. But several other groups chose to fall.

Yes, when Fireball arrives, seeing the unavoidable period, how can the distance be the fastest? Free landing!

So, almost all the other four groups of Highly-Capable-Youngsters Class student(s) have chosen immediately to jump off the mountainside platform. They even better avoided the aftermath of that Fireball. You only need to deal with rocks that roll from the sky. However, by doing so, it will undoubtedly shorten the distance between them and the giant Soul Beast. At the same time, they will also catch fire with Land Fire Lizard of rushed over.

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