Douluo Dalu 4 : Ultimate Fighting Chapter 152: Mobilization before the exam

Suddenly hearing this name, all Highly-Capable-Youngsters Class student(s)s were shocked. Even the Lu Qianxun and Lan Xuanyu that have been guessed, there is a feeling of blood boiling. It is because the name is too powerful and too powerful.

There are too many legend about Shrek, and among the strong ones about God Rank stage, I have never known how many times legend appear(ance).

“Yes, your surprise is normal. The assessment you want to participate in this time comes from Shrek Academy. Only Shrek Academy is required for the initial test to be 20th Rank at the age of twelve and 30th Rank at the age of thirteen. Conditions. This will be your closest First Academy to all Federation, and the closest to the most sacred place in the mind of all Soul Master of all Federation. Missed the opportunity of this time, many of you have to be overaged and will There is no chance to enter. “

In Ji Hongbin ’s affirmative words, the twenty-one student(s)s of Highly-Capable-Youngsters Class were even more shocked. They were almost unimaginable. The original establishment of Highly-Capable-Youngsters Class turned out to be a test for Shrek Academy. At this moment, what they are about to face at present is this assessment.

Everyone can be said to complain about the hard training on weekdays, but when they arrive at period, at present, they ca n’t wait to be more trying hard before, so they can get more one step further in the process of getting Shrek Academy.

Ji Hongbin raised his hand and pressed it, calming everyone down.

Shrek will be harder to get admitted than you think. Every year, Shrek Academy only enrolls students once. And this time, it is enrollment to the whole Federation range. in other words, all Federation any planet, any city , Any Academy, any student(s) has the qualifications to register, and there is a possibility of being admitted. However, do you know how many people of the age of the full Federation each year? I tell you, at least one million. I mean age , And it is Soul Master. And those who can meet the requirements of the initial test, very possibly will also exceed 100,000 people. And what is the number of Shrek Academy students enrolled each year? “

Ji Hongbin compares three fingers, “Thirty people. Just like when you entered Highly-Capable-Youngsters Class, there were only thirty people.”

It ’s easy to calculate, 30 / 100,000, 3 / 10,000 probability!

Only three in 10,000 chances will pass Shrek Academy.

Many student(s)s from Highly-Capable-Youngsters Class couldn’t help but take a breath.

“So, the next Sea Selection that you are going to participate in will compete with 100,000 people. Of course, we do not have so many people in Heaven Luo Planet itself. But Heaven Luo Planet meets the assessment conditions, there must be thousands of people. From thousands of Among the people, it is not an easy thing. What you need to do is to enter the Top 100 name of Heaven Luo Planet Sea Selection assessment to be eligible to continue to assessment. And then assessment, it will be directly in Douluo Planet, which is Federation headquarters The location is our mankind’s Home Planet. Because, Shrek Academy is also there. “

“Perhaps you would like to ask, Academy has spent so much effort to cultivate you, but what does it mean to give to Shrek Academy? I at present can tell you what the purpose is. First, after Shrek Academy assessment, It will be the best exercise for you, even if it fails, it will be an excellent improvement for you, and you will be our best talented person in Heaven Luo Academy in the future. Secondly, if you, someone really can test Join Shrek and become the official student(s) of Shrek Academy, then Heaven Luo Academy will also receive a reward from Shrek. For each student(s) admitted, Heaven Luo Academy will get a teacher qualification for further study for one year. This is for Academy like us , Has huge benefits and help. “

“So, whether it is Academy for you, or you yourself, you have to put forward a very demanding requirement, that is, at all costs, release produces its most brilliant rays of light and does everything possible to go to obtain. “

“This time of hard work, if you succeed, you will have the opportunity to set foot on the peak of your life, and you will have a Road to the Heavens. Even if you fail, you will not regret it, it will be a wonderful experience worth your life. Listen Do you understand? “

“Understood!” Almost all student(s) shouted and shouted.

The Liu Feng and Qian Lei around Lan Xuanyu, both excited body trembling slightly. Why did they ever think that one day they would be eligible for Shrek Academy admission to assessment!

And at present, this opportunity is in front of them, how can they not be excited? How can you not be excited?

Lan Xuanyu is much calmer. One is that he guessed it already, and the other is because when Ji Hongbin really told them to take the period for Shrek, the first appear(ance) in his mind was the beautiful one , With a beautiful shadow of long dark-blue hair.

She has to take Shrek too. She seems stronger than any one person in our class. If you want to be admitted to Shrek, it seems that it is not an easy thing!

Teacher Ji, what is the assessment method?” Lu Qianxun asked.

Ji Hongbin said: “The way of Sea Selection assessment is still unclear, because the way of Shrek Academy assessment is different every year. The only thing I can tell you is that this will be comprehensive assessment. The Shrek Academy requirement must be a group of three to participate in assessment. That’s why you joined the Highly-Capable-Youngsters Class and you are a group of three. “

Lu Qianxun was taken aback, and some anxiously said: “Then in other words, a group of three, if you pass the exam, are three people passed the test together? If you fail to pass the test, are you eliminated together?”

Ji Hongbin nodded, said: “Generally this is the case.”

Listening to him, many Highly-Capable-Youngsters Class student(s) couldn’t help but take a breath, especially the strongest people in each group, all frowned.

Like Lu Qianxun, his strength is obviously stronger than Ye Lingtong and Chang Jianyi. In a group of three, it would be it means, and the other two might pull his hind legs.

Ji Hongbin said with deep meaning: “The so-called comprehensive assessment not only includes your speed, strength, Soul Power, combat experience. It also includes your wisdom, Xinxing, team collaboration ability, and even some strange ability. Do n’t try to figure out To speculate on the assessment purpose of Shrek Academy, because Shrek has never been played according to common sense. After very possibly your outstanding performance in a certain area is instantly recognized, the remaining assessment need not be continued and it is impossible. The only thing can point you The thing is, you have to stand upright, this is where simply is located. “

The words Ji Hongbin can be said to motivate everyone, but in fact there is not much practical significance, because no one knows simply, what exactly Shrek Academy will take the test.

Start with Sea Selection, Simulation Cabin!

When Lan Xuanyu and other Highly-Capable-Youngsters Class student(s) entered Simulation Cabin together, they were surprised to find that Ji Hongbin and Mu Zhongtian also came in.

For the first time, they saw the figures of teacher(s) in Simulation Cabin.

“Come with us.” Ji Hongbin told the students nodded, all the instructions have already been told, and what happens afterwards depends on the individual’s fortune.

Under the leading of two teacher(s)s, everyone was taken to their familiar training ground. This is where they usually practice actual combat the most.

Ji Hongbin took them all the way to a counter on the far left, and when they came here they found out that they did n’t know what period, and there was a counter on the far edge of the training ground. The color of the counter is slightly lighter than other counters, and a beautiful woman sits behind.

This woman looks like a appearance in her 20s, dignified and beautiful, with a gentle smile between her brows and eyes. When she saw everyone coming, she took the initiative to stand up. said with a small smile: “Hello, I am Ling Yiyi.”

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