Douluo Dalu 4 : Ultimate Fighting Chapter 1169: Jinlong Town Prison Kill

Xu Yanmo was in a trance, what kind of opponent was he facing? The next moment, he saw that the originally on the ground had lost the flying ability figure, and it was slowly suspended. Those eyes full of crazy taste, staring at him so much, with the burning of the flame on his body, the speed of the blue flight getting faster and faster, like a moth rushing to the fire, went straight to him.

At this instant, Xu Yanmo’s heart also seemed to be ignited, and all reason was completely vanished. If you want to die, then you die! Xu Yanmo is absolutely calm in Dragon Clan, but even if he is calm again, in such an atmosphere in front of him, the inner flame is also ignited. Although he could not hear the shouting of keep it up outside, he could feel that everyone’s attention was not on himself as a winner. His inner pride caused his own blood to boil. He no longer ignored the power of the Dragon God shock that was rapidly invading within the body, and once again lit up the brilliant golden rays of light.

Has broken two wings, he still has four wings and can fly. With a bright and eye-catching golden rays of light, he fought off bravely, with his wife’s dragon’s roar, and with the domineering dominance, he greeted the golden figure that flew to himself. On the column of Long Li, the dinosaur knight Luo Lan has stood up, he can accept the blue loss of this competition, 1 is not just him, so are the other three dragon knights. They can all see that during the first battle today, Lan’s performance has ignited the enthusiasm of all the younger generation of Dragon Clan.

As long as “She” can grow up, “She” will be spiritual leader-like exist(ence) in Dragon Clan in the future! This is the heir needed by Dragon Clan genuine, even a successor. How rare is such a talented person! The dragon knights have already prepared take action, to end this competition of blue vows. However, just in this period, the expressions of the four dragon knights first became stiff, and the next moment became weird. originally was still sitting on the pillar of Long Li, and the dragon dragon, Yang Chaoyang, stood up suddenly. His eyes were full of disbelief and he looked at the third theater.

In the next moment of consternation, Luo Lan asked the bookstore to read the fastest! In a flash, he stood in front of Long Chaoyang. “Poof one -” In the third war zone, the two bright figures collided again, but there was no tremendous roar of previously. One of the figures, suddenly, was broken like a bubble. Yes, it was broken. It became faint light halo and dissipated in the air.

Xu Yanmo’s make an all-out effort attack completely fell into the air, the huge Light Element energy turned into a huge shock wave and rushed into the distance, directly bombarding on protective shield. full-power attack fell through, and Xu Yanmo, who was ready for the impact of originally, spurted blood out. The feeling of using the wrong force made him like a deflated ball, and he fell into the most empty state. And just in this period, he resounds a cold female voice in his ear. “Golden Dragon, kill one in one prison” 064, the dazzling golden light advances, and countless golden light shadow madly fall on Xu Yanmo in the empty state.

The figure that has already returned to human form burns golden flames, bursting with eye-catching radiance. The tall Xu Yanmo was directly pressed from in the sky and smashed **** the ground. The remaining four wings were broken at the same time, and countless golden lights shone. whole instantly became silent on the Shenglong stage, and all eyes were condensed on the figure. Yes, at this moment, there was only one standing figure in the third theater. Although “she is bending over and spitting blood, and although the flame of life on “her” is fading, “she” is still standing and is the only one on the battlefield who is still standing.

In “Her under the foot, formerly formidable‘s opponent was pressed to the ground by “She”, she has completely lost consciousness, but “She” did not play the killer, and did not destroy the opponent in the situation that can kill the opponent. “Announce the result. !” Bai Xiuxiu screamed and rushed towards the third war zone. The referee only awakened at this moment and announced loudly: “Blue, win! Yes, win. Lan Xuanyu won, under the nearly impossible win situation, he obtain won this competition victory. All his forbearance is for the final blow.

From the beginning of the collision between the two sides, he knew that his cultivation base and Xu Yanmo compared to, which were close to Limit Douluo stage, had a huge gap that was close to the general divide. Therefore, he is laying out, laying out at the expense of himself, waiting for the final opportunity. He used the Dragon God shock at all costs, resisting the other party’s attacks time and time again, and being hit by the other party time and time again, all of which are true. Although he could not use the power of Silver Dragon King, the part of the power belonging to Silver Dragon King was also added to Golden Dragon King bloodline in the transformation of blood 065 pulse vortex.

The only thing Xu Yanmo did not know was that Lan Xuanyu was stronger than he thought when fighting ability. Even in the end, Lan Xuanyu did not reach the seriously injured level. The mentality has been calculated. He burned with the last bloodline, Lan Xuanyu even the other party’s belief, in that period, no matter what kind of opponent, it is impossible to think that he still has the possibility of a false sight. And he did it in this period. Treasure-Hunting Beast at the last moment take action, helped him transform the huge Golden Dragon figure, and transform the tragic scene. In fact, the Lan Xuanyu body of genuine has changed to turn into a human form,: Seeking the bookstore to watch 20 volumes! Hidden in the corner, waiting for Xu Yanmo to let all attack power vent on the phantom, and give him a fatal blow.

Golden Marked Blue Silver Grass, Sixth Soul Skill, Golden Dragon Town Prison Kill! This is Soul Skill inherited from Golden Dragon King and formidable Soul Skill inherited from Golden Dragon Yue Talk Tang Wulin. In the final battle, it gave the opponent a fatal blow. If it were not for Lan Xuanyu‘s last hand-off, he might have killed Xu Yanmo. But he knew that he couldn’t do that.

A proud Tianlong knight is present. If he really kills Xu Yanmo, I am afraid that it will be difficult for him to get out of this dragon platform. Moreover, he was not so cruel. Won, he won after all. He had an unprecedented victory over a Super Douluo stage opponent, still wearing a dragon armor and possessing Radiant Holy Dragon with Dragon Clan strong body. That moment of brilliance made his own bloodline active. With the referee Yibu competition winning and losing, Lan Xuanyu can no longer control his own body, directly fell to the ground, fell to Xu Yanmo’s side. At this moment, his consciousness was blurred, he could only feel a familiar voice calling himself, everything seemed to be blurred, but the smile of faint066 unconsciously appeared on his face.

No one noticed that the blood on the ground was decreasing in noiselessly, and it was in the broken gap on the top of the dragon platform, vanished. The four dragon knights are now standing on top of their dragon beams of light. Although they did not visit the competition venue in person, with their super high stage cultivation base, they could clearly feel that the two Dragon Clan young talents who were fighting were only seriously injured and were still alive.

Luo Lan has given way, turning his head to look at Long Chaoyang. Long Chaoyang was also watching him. In the next moment, Long Chaoyang suddenly smiled, stretched take action to Luo Lan, h showed his thumb, and then both hands struck and applauded. Luo Lan laughed, and applauded. “Pappa and palapa applause from the top four dragons on the light column resounds, then, the applause spread down to the Dragon Clan seniors, and finally, the whole applause thundered, cheers, whistles came one after another…

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