Douluo Dalu 2 – Jueshi Tangmen Chapter 579: Three Wars, Lady Phoenix (middle)

Not to mention, Ma Xiaotao will fall into such a field, Huo Yuhao will lay a large part of the responsibility on himself, thinking that it was caused by her failure to take her away in the first place. That’s why he has to rescue Ma Xiaotao at any cost.

A layer of ice crystals appeared on the surface of Extreme Ice Battle God Armor, the ice emperor’s body.

At the same time, Huo Yuhao made a clasping motion towards his chest with both hands. Snow Dance Extreme Ice Domain broke out.

The eighth Soul Ring shines!

Ice Bear Snowstorm, burst!

Snow Dance Extreme Ice Domain plus Ice Bear Snowstorm. Two powerful skills, blooming out of the center of Huo Yuhao instantly.

At this moment, he is like the eye of a Snowstorm, like a tornado-like snow vortex, heading for Ma Xiaotao swept away.

This is even stronger than his direct use of Wuhun avatar, but he also has better control. It will not end the battle with a collision, but he will cut the meat with a blunt knife. Only in this way can he control his attack power based on the Soul Power changes of Ma Xiaotao.

The only drawback of this is that his Soul Power consumption will be greater than using the Wuhun avatar.

General Soul Master will fall into weakness after using Wuhun avatar, but Titled Douluo level Huo Yuhao is not worried about this aspect, but the domain-level ability is to consume huge Soul Power regardless of the level To maintain.

Ma Xiaotao‘s Phoenix avatar rushed into Ice Bear Snowstorm, as if chained to a chain. The horrible Snowstorm revolved crazy with her Absolute Fire by virtue of ultra low temperature. A large amount of mist rose in the air, making it impossible to see what was going on.

Zongli Wu looked gloomily into the air, but deep under his eyes, there was a hint of color.

Huo Yuhao does not know that although Zongli Wu does not plan to compete with him in all ten games, preparations for five games are still available, and among these five games, Ma Xiaotao is the maiden of Phoenix. In itself.

What else is more difficult to use Absolute Fire against Absolute Ice? However, according to the original plan of Zongli Wu, Ma Xiaotao should play in the fourth. It is only one bit ahead of time, but it does not have much impact on the overall plan of Zongli Wu.

Zongli Wu of course knows the origin of Ma Xiaotao. Ma Xiaotao, that is the top student of Shrek Academy. Radiant Phoenix Yan Shaozhe of direct disciple. Huo Yuhao is also from Shrek Academy, and their close relationship is naturally normal.

So, when Ma Xiaotao is playing, he doesn’t need to worry about the safety of this Phoenix maiden, and once Ma Xiaotao consumes Huo Yuhao to a certain extent, then. It was the moment when he settled down.

In the bottom of Zongli Wu, the most important thing is not the zombie Ice Bear King, but the Huo Yuhao talent pair.

Absolute Ice Wuhun! Without a Blue Silver Saintess, if you exchange it back for a Absolute Ice, and it has reached the Absolute Ice Saint Child of the Titled Douluo level, the strength of the Holy Spirit Cult will inevitably increase. In the future, there are likely to be two Limit Douluo dead men beside him, and they are both Absolute Wuhun levels. By that time. Who else can compete with him on this world? Not even those Soul Engineer.

Absolute Ice plus Absolute Fire, Limit Douluo, what a powerful existence!

To be able to get this Saint Child. Even a little more sacrifice is worth it. Because his arrival will make the future of Holy Spirit Cult infinite.

Zongli Wu‘s ambitions are more than just a country’s State Master. His ideal is the ruler of the future. The ruler of Continent throughout. Either Douluo Continent or Sun-Moon Continent. It’s all his goal.

In the sky. Fire Phoenix is desperately struggling, but Ice Bear Snowstorm and Snow Dance Extreme Ice Domain continue to strengthen.

The burning heat in the air has disappeared and it has been replaced by cold. The temperature varies from high to low and it is amazing.

Phoenix flames continue to bloom outward, but every snowflake falling on the Phoenix flames will take away a lot of its temperature.

Suddenly, Fire Phoenix paused in the air, his wings spread to the maximum extent, and then the whole body hovered in the air. Circles of dazzling halo were carried by her wings. The bright phoenix cry continues to ring through the sky. Circles of strong dark red light bands expanded outwards, wherever they passed, they even blocked Snowstorm.

The Fire Phoenix also accelerated instantly. Almost just moments ago, it came to Huo Yuhao.

Huo Yuhao has no time to do but raise his hand and his own right hand, trying to block the huge Fire Phoenix.

Eighth Soul Ability, Fengwu nine days!

The blazing phoenix flame has arrived, but behind the Huo Yuhao, two groups of dazzling brilliance are illuminated.

January, the day is golden and the month is blue. The strange intersection of the sun and the moon made him seem to have entered a special state.

Phoenix flame fell on him, but hovered violently, and was flung outwards by strong centrifugal force. The Snow Dance Extreme Ice Domain outside has also had strange changes.

Snowflakes are connected together in the air so that they become a line of snow, and then entangle and entangle with each other, turning into a chain of snow and ice, entangled from all directions, toward that Fire Phoenix.

This is an evolved version of Snow Dance Extreme Ice Domain, ice and snow chain.

Every ice and snow chain is the cohesion and fusion of Absolute Ice, falling on Fire Phoenix, which makes her tremble violently. The temperature of the Phoenix flame plummeted. But no matter how she urged her Soul Power, she couldn’t pass through the palm in front of her.

In the palm, there is a powerful rotating force. All the energy rushed into it will be instantly thrown away and cannot be really charged.

The sun and moon light behind Huo Yuhao has also become stronger, and even the sun in the sky has become overshadowed by them.

What is this power? Everyone was shocked, but no one could name it.

Not even Zongli Wu. However, he knows a little more than others, because he deeply remembers that he had seen similar sun and moon light shadow behind Beast God Di Tian. However, the power of Beast God is much stronger than Huo Yuhao, but the breath is very similar.

What kind of power did he realize?

At the same time that Zongli Wu is shocked, the joy deep in the eyes is also stronger, and the more powerful the Huo Yuhao is. This means that as long as his plan is successful, the Holy Spirit Cult‘s Saint Child will become stronger in the future.

Okay, a good Saint Child!

Ice crystal chain stalking, Fire Phoenix‘s struggles have begun to get smaller and smaller.

The Soul Power of Ma Xiaotao drops linearly under the limitation of the ice crystal chain.

Huo Yuhao was slightly relieved. He used the power of his own Dual Soul Nucleus to be able to trap her with Ice Bear Snowstorm and Snow Dance Extreme Ice Domain without harming Ma Xiaotao. You know, it’s not easy. It can even be said to be difficult.

But he succeeded after all. No matter how much it costs, it seems to him worthwhile.

But just when he was relieved, the bound Fire Phoenix suddenly raised his head, and deep under his eyes, a kind of almost crazy light bloomed.

Huh? not good.

Huo Yuhao was shocked, but when he wanted to react again, it seemed too late.

A group of horror to the golden red light of Absolute suddenly burst out from Phoenix avatar of Ma Xiaotao. All the ice and snow chains instantly turned into powder. Hot, once again became the mainstream. And the horrible explosive Phoenix flames also swallowed Huo Yuhao in an instant.

Yes, this is the ninth Soul Ability of Ma Xiaotao!

Phoenix nirvana.

Phoenix. After the fire, Nirvana is born again!

The moment of Nirvana is also the strongest and weakest moment of Phoenix. Nirvana was extremely powerful at the beginning. After Nirvana. Extremely weak. But the same will also bring new life to Phoenix.

Phoenix Nirvana, this is Ma Xiaotao‘s most powerful ninth Soul Ability. Desperately Soul Ability.

If the enemy does not die, then after the execution of Phoenix Nirvana, she must be weak for one month, and she will die. However, the power of this blow is enough to reach the level close to Limit Douluo. If she can become Transcendent Douluo in the future, even if Limit Douluo faces this attack, she must be frightened.

This is one of Zongli Wu‘s hole cards. He never worried that Huo Yuhao will kill Ma Xiaotao from the beginning, let alone that Ma Xiaotao‘s Phoenix Nirvana will not be used.

This Soul Ability doesn’t even need to be ready, as long as your mind moves, it will break out. The horrific flame that erupted at the cost of a month of weakness can be imagined.

Huo Yuhao didn’t know, so he was swallowed up by Phoenix Nirvana. The entire sky has completely turned into a golden red, like there are countless golden red flowing clouds in the air.

WShrek City to the hundred-mile range of the Sun-Moon Empire camp, it seems that they have entered the intense heat in an instant, and it is hot, making everyone feel deeply annoyed and afraid.

Tang Wutong stood on the ground, staring blankly at everything that happened in the air. She didn’t move, but her eyes were deeply disturbed.

Zongli Wu smiled, he smiled happily.

Huo Yuhao is dead? He certainly won’t die, Zongli Wu is very confident in Huo Yuhao. A Absolute Ice owner who has achieved Transcendent Douluo has so many powerful Soul Guidance Device and Absolute Ice Divine Tool short blades. How can he die so easily.

But under Phoenix Nirvana, even if he doesn’t die, he will definitely peel off the skin!

This is enough.

The blazing golden red flame continued to fade for almost a minute in the air.

The first figure to appear is suspended in mid-air in parallel.

Every strange golden red rune, hovering around her body. She was lying peacefully in the air, her hair loose and her eyes closed. It seems that everything outside has nothing to do with her anymore.

———————————————– –

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