Douluo Dalu 2 – Jueshi Tangmen Chapter 278: First battle (on)

To others, this voice is strange, but to him, it is familiar, old but full of majestic voice. At the beginning, it was the owner of this voice who stopped him. Xuan Lao should also be afraid of it.

He is the only remaining Limit Douluo in the black and white double holy dragon, the highest level of ninety-nine, Dragon Emperor Douluo Long Xiaoyao!

He was also there, and in order to give Sun-Moon Empire a strong momentum in person. Huo Yuhao is now completely certain, Holy Spirit Cult and Sun-Moon Empire royal family have extremely close relationship.

Tangerine only cleared her throat at this time. Her pleasant voice came out through the amplified Soul Guidance Device, and passed into everyone’s ear. If the voice of Long Xiaoyao is a demonstration of Xeon strength. Then, the voice of orange is the high-tech presentation of Sun-Moon Empire Soul Guidance Device.

“Dear people of Sun-Moon Empire and guests from afar. Here, on behalf of His Royal Highness, I welcome you. At the same time, I announce on behalf of His Royal Highness. All Great Continental Youth’s Advanced Soul Master Elite Competition, now.”

It’s a very simple opening statement, and there is no unnecessary nonsense and sounding official articles. This is the style of Xu Tianran. Everything speaks with strength. In his opinion, talking more nonsense can only be a waste of time.

“The Regent King Chitose, Chitose, Chitose.” The people of Sun-Moon Empire collectively fell to their knees, saluting to the regent who would ascend to the throne as a new generation emperor, although sitting in a wheelchair.

Xu Tianran is still smiling in a wheelchair. Right handed to the orange who returned to him.

Tangerine puts his right hand in his palm, then sits next to him with a slight smile on Qiao’s face.

Xu Tianran patted her hand without saying anything, looking at the competition table below calmly.

“Zhong Aiqing, take a seat.” Xu Tianran said lightly. The ministers of Sun-Moon Empire dare to sit down. There is a corresponding nameplate in front of each seat. This seat cannot be seated wrongly, it corresponds to the status of ministers.

The one sitting on the other side of the Regent King Xu Tianran is not Bright Virtue Hall Master Jing Hongchen. It was a middle-aged man in a black rolled gold robe. The man was expressionless and pale. What is even more strange is that there seems to be a mist on his face, making it impossible to see his appearance clearly. Bright Virtue Hall Master Jing Hongchen is sitting on the other side of the orange.

“Read the rules of the game below.” A loud voice sounded. Then there is the reading of the current great competition rules. Same explanation as each team.

After reading the rules, an old man walked to the loudspeaker in front of the podium, and said loudly: “The first round of the preliminaries. Sun-Moon Royal Soul Engineering Academy vs. Slaughtering Dragon Sect. The two sides will select seven players to enter the battle zone.”

The combat zone is a dedicated area just in front of the pergola rest area. In fact, seven chairs were placed 20 meters apart.

Huo Yuhao shows a smile at the corner of his mouth. No wonder the first round left Shrek Academy empty. It turned out to be this abacus.

According to the rules of previous great competition, the first game should have the previous champion. The first round of this great competition Shrek Academy was taken by no means. Naturally, the second place in the previous session, Sun-Moon Royal Soul Engineering Academy appeared in the first round of the first round. This is undoubtedly a little flower played by Sun-Moon Empire

Soon, Huo Yuhao saw old acquaintances. Xiao Hongchen and Meng Hongchen brothers and sisters were at the forefront. They followed five young Soul Engineer who had never seen it. Directly into the waiting zone.

The unlucky egg Slaughtering Dragon Sect, who encountered Sun-Moon Royal Soul Engineering Academy in the first round, has also sent seven people into the waiting zone. However, what surprised Huo Yuhao was that in his observation, the seven people participating in Slaughtering Dragon Sect turned out to be full of confidence. Not at all timid because the opponent was the runner-up in the previous competition. This momentum is really good!

In fact, Huo Yuhao is not clear. After this session of great competition allowed clan/sect to participate in the war, for most clan/sect, they are not very worthy of Academy. Academy teaches students that there must be a time limit. With the exception of very few special existences. Academy training students are still very different from clan/sect.

Joining clan/sect means that most of your life means being in clan/sect. Many clan/sects with a long history have their own unique features.

In the first full Continent Advance Soul Master Elite Great Competition, clan/sect was included. It was later unknown why it was cancelled. This Slaughtering Dragon Sect is a clan/sect that has been passed down for more than a thousand years from Dou Ling Empire. It is the traditional Soul Master clan/sect, which has always had a deep-rooted rejection of Soul Guidance Device. They are more dismissive of the Sun-Moon Royal Soul Engineering Academy team. I don’t think this is a game that must be lost.

“The referee enters the field. The first player in the individual knockouts of both sides appears.” The voice of the old man in charge of the podium was heard.

Because of participating in great competition, Huo Yuhao will naturally compare the two sessions of great competition with each other. Although he is unwilling to admit it, he can be sure that in his heart, he is actually more confident in the current great competition session. Because it’s simple. Less flowering is more real fighting. This is the true meaning of the game. Promote confrontation and communication between Soul Master and Soul Engineer.

The referee is an old man in his fifties, and he ca n’t see the cultivation until Wu Hun is released. The first player to represent Sun-Moon Royal Soul Engineering Academy was Meng Hongchen. As a team second only to Jing Hongchen, she even appeared in the first game. It can be seen that Sun-Moon Royal Soul Engineering Academy is bound to win this first game. This is not only a question of outcome, but also the face of Sun-Moon Empire.

Slaughtering Dragon Sect, here is a young man with a small figure. His looks are a bit special, his head is flat and not tall, but he looks very heavy. The palms of both hands are particularly large. Spread out like a fan on both sides of the body.

At this time, the people watching the battle in the distance continue to keep quiet, and the time is tight, so that they have not fully sobered from the coercion of the previous Dragon Emperor Douluo.

“Personal knockout, until one side loses its combat power or the end of the defeat or the referee will decide outcome. Try not to harm the opponent. Understand?” The referee Shen Sheng said to both sides.

“I see.” The youth on behalf of Slaughtering Dragon Sect played a smart look. After promising, he turned and walked towards his side, without even the most basic common etiquette. According to the rules of the game, both sides must be at one end of the competition table before the war begins. Open a hundred meters away. This will be more fair to some Soul Master and Soul Engineer that are good at long-range attacks.

Meng Hongchen has n’t changed much in the past five years. It ’s already a big girl. It has a slender figure, full of charm and long hair. Although the appearance is not like Wang Dong’er, Jiang Nannan and other characters, but it can be considered a first-class beauty. But the other party didn’t even look at it and turned away. This disregard made Meng Hongchen very uncomfortable, the eyes of the eyes were exposed, and a cold hum, also turned towards the edge of the other side of the competition table.

Soon, the two sides stood at each end.

The referee held up his right hand. When the palm of his hand fell, the first round of the new Great Continental Youth’s Soul Master Great Competition officially began.

“Bang!” The referee dropped his right hand, and a low roar erupted under the young man at Slaughtering Dragon Sect. The hard metal ground just made him step out of a depression, and his short body shot like a cannonball in the direction of Meng Hongchen.

The appearance of contempt doesn’t mean that the enemy is really dismissed. Fighting with Soul Engineer, getting closer is undoubtedly the most important. When the Slaughtering Dragon Sect player’s body broke out, only Soul Ring came on. It is not difficult to see from the powerful power that erupted that this is a attack system Battle Soul Master. With a violent explosive force, in a short time, he can even make his own repair comparable to agility-attack system Battle Soul Master.

Two yellow, two purple and one black, the five best matching Soul Ring will rise from this youth. You have to know that in the previous great competition, the players in the fifth ring level have been quite strong. six rings has only a few top Academys.

The reputation of Slaughtering Dragon Sect is not obvious, but a five-ring Soul King can be dispatched as soon as it comes up. The background of clan/sect is obvious. It made all the leaders of the Academy team look great.

Meng Hongchen did not rush forward, not even released her customary Soul Guidance Device, but walked forward like a walk in the court. There was only a circle of ice-blue Halo, slowly spreading out from under her feet. Two yellows, two purples, two blacks, and six Soul Rings rose slowly, making all the Slaughtering Dragon Sect players in the watching team discolored.

Because the last great competition did not allow clan/sect to participate, and each session of great competition was separated by five years, so few people can participate in two consecutive sessions of great competition. Therefore, this Slaughtering Dragon Sect has little research and understanding about the Sun-Moon Royal Soul Engineering Academy team.

Although they felt bad luck in the first round of the second round, they did not think they would lose.

However, at this time when Meng Hongchen released their Soul Ring, everyone in Slaughtering Dragon Sect finally felt extraordinary pressure. six rings is still the best Soul Ring ratio. Is this something Soul Engineer can have? The age limit is less than 20 years old!

Just when their hearts were swaying, the Slaughtering Dragon Sect youth was already in front of Meng Hongchen. In the Slaughtering Dragon Sect team, he is also the second best player, and his fighting style is always forward. Even if he saw five Soul Ring rising from Meng Hongchen, he was not half timid. With the forward rush of the body, the first and third Soul Ring lights up.

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