Douluo Dalu 2 – Jueshi Tangmen Chapter 1: Spirit Eyes Youth (2)

Soul Power belongs to the category of Soul Scholar from level 1 to level 10. In Martial Soul Awakening, the stronger the Innate Soul Power appears, it means that the better the talent after becoming Soul Master, the faster the cultivation speed will be. If Soul Power is tenth level when awakening, that is the best talented innate Soul Power, also known as the genius Soul Master. As long as Wuhun itself is not too bad, there will be no small achievements.

Huo Yuhao Although he is the son of the Duke, he has not inherited the powerful martial arts soul belonging to the Duke’s vein. Otherwise, even if the Duchess does not like him anymore, as long as he has the Duke vein martial spirit, he must report to the Duke. Since then, the fate of Huo Yuhao and mother will also change.

Unfortunately, the martial spirit of Huo Yuhao has a very rare mutation.

Spirit Eyes, this is the martial spirit of Huo Yuhao.

In the category of Wuhun, there is a small classification, which neither belongs to Tool Martial Soul nor Beast Martial Soul. It is Innate Body Martial Soul, that is, Wuhun is a part of the body after awakening, such as hands and feet.

Almost all Body Martial Soul are very powerful, but the chance of appearing is very small, it can be said to exist above Beast Martial Soul, Tool Martial Soul. Therefore, it will be valued as soon as it appears.

Unfortunately, the martial spirit of Huo Yuhao is an exception.

Spirit Eyes Wuhun appears naturally in the eye, and it is extremely rare spiritual attribute sexual Wuhun. Under normal circumstances, Huo Yuhao should have received great attention. Unfortunately, two points restricted his development. When he was in Martial Soul Awakening, Innate Soul Power had only one level. It can be said that his talent was very poor, and the speed of cultivation must be slow and slow. The second point is even more deadly. spiritual attribute is not only rare in martial arts, but spiritual attribute‘s Soul Beast is also extremely rare. And when each Soul Master is repaired to improve to the bottleneck of ten units, he must hunt a Soul Beast that matches his own attributes, obtain a Soul Ring and make a breakthrough.

Soul Ring is not only a necessity to break through the bottleneck, but also provides Soul Master with a skill, which is also the root of Soul Master‘s strength.

Two restrictions have almost destined that Huo Yuhao cannot make a difference in this life.

However, he is the son of the Duke anyway, after all, he got the simplest Soul Power practice method. And for a long time afterwards, it also proved that his talent in cultivation was really bad.

In Duke’s Estate, even if it is a child of some servants, as long as they have Martial Soul Awakening innately, up to three years, it is enough to reach Soul Power level 10, and the lowest Soul Scholar level will impact the Soul Master level.

But Huo Yuhao is eleven years old this year. It took him five years to reach the tenth level of Soul Power. Moreover, in the past five years, his efforts have been almost three times that of his peers!

After his mother died, Huo Yuhao stayed in Duke’s Estate for another year. He was still young. He left Duke’s Estate without any source of life, so he could only hold all the hatred and grievances in his heart. Under the pressure of life, his heart grew much faster than his peers.

Mother told Huo Yuhao that the only way to become a leader is to become a Soul Master. Even if it is just the most ordinary Soul Master, on Continent, it has a much higher status than ordinary people.

Just yesterday, Huo Yuhao passed five years of hard work, and cultivated Soul Power to level ten under the condition of extremely poor talents. And this is the day he left for Duke’s Estate.

He needs an Soul Ring, even the lowest ten-year Soul Ring! That way, he can become a real Soul Master and have his own skills.

On Douluo Continent, the level of Soul Beast is differentiated according to the age of existence. The ability of Soul Ring is closely related to the age of Soul Beast and the ability of Soul Beast itself.

In general, Soul Beast is divided into 10 years Soul Beast, 100 years Soul Beast, 1,000 years Soul Beast, 10,000 years Soul Beast and 100,000 years Soul Beast.

Soul Master must hunt Soul Beast by hand in order to get an Soul Ring from Soul Beast after its death.

Continue to stay at Duke’s Estate, Huo Yuhao knows that it is impossible for him to get Soul Ring. There, no one would help him at all. Therefore, even if he knew that he was going to find Spiritual System Soul Beast alone, he could say that it was a life of nine deaths, but with the courage of a newborn calf not afraid of tigers, he simply left Duke’s Estate.

All the way to the north, he soon set foot on the official road. Although Huo Yuhao is still young, in order to achieve the goal of Soul Ring, he has already begun to prepare. In his little backpack, in addition to changing clothes, he also had some dry food and a little money and a short knife that his mother had done rough work in the house these years. Most importantly, there is also a simple Continent map.

Duke’s Estate and Star Luo City are located in the north and middle of Star Lou Empire, and Huo Yuhao chose to hunt Soul Beast, just north of Star Lou Empire, Star Dou Forest bordering Sky Soul Empire. In this forest that almost occupies the size of a province, there are many kinds of Soul Beast, and there are many of them.

If anyone knows that Huo Yuhao, who is only 11 years old, dare to go to Star Dou Forest alone without his teacher, he will be shocked by his uncontrollable power. He does not have an Soul Ability, even if he has encountered Soul Beast for ten years, he may not be able to defeat it!

The road is straight, Huo Yuhao walks along the side of the road and moves forward quickly. Although he is young, he is already a class Soul Scholar, which is much better than the average adult’s physical strength.

Walking forward, Huo Yuhao looked far away. If you look closely, you can see that his dark blue eyes become clearer instantly, and there is a halo flowing.

Since the Spirit Eyes has awakened, Huo Yuhao has found that his vision is far superior to ordinary people. He can see details that many others can’t see. When he is far away, he can see more than twice the distance of ordinary people.

With the improvement of Soul Power, vision is constantly improving. It is precisely because of the changes in the body as Xiu Wei increased, that he has become more and more firm in what his mother said, Soul Master, must be a Soul Master.

“Mom said that if I could have an Soul Ring, then I would be a control system Battle Soul Master. My martial arts spirit is not bad and my talents are poor, so I will spend more time trying to cultivate than others.”

Supported by this firm conviction, Huo Yuhao is practicing while moving forward. When you are thirsty, you can find some spring water to drink. When you are hungry, you can eat the rough cakes you bring. In addition to hurrying to meditate on meditate, at his age, he can hurry three hundred miles a day, which has to be said to be a miracle.

He only has seven Silver Soul Coin and five Bronze Soul Coin, which saves money.

Since the end of the battle between Douluo Continent and Sun-Moon Continent, Continent has evolved over thousands of years, and the currency is completely unified. One Gold Soul Coin equals ten Silver Soul Coin equals one hundred Bronze Soul Coin.

When he was a kid, his mother occasionally took him out of Duke’s Estate in order to make him eat better, looking for some fruits and wild vegetables in the woods outside. So there are quite a few plant types that Little Yuhao knows. Many times, he was reluctant to buy even the cheapest burritos, and in the process of rushing to find some food from the roadside woods.

———————————- That ’s all right this time! It is the first on any list on the homepage, and it will be continuously updated … Let’s start with two chapters to let everyone find the feeling that belongs to Doula. Collect and recommend. Weekly is the most chance first. Come on!

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