Doomsday Bunker Upgrade Chapter 764: New situation

The recovery of industrial production capacity in European countries has not only improved the situation of various countries and improved the quality of life of the people, but also had a great impact on the battle situation on the front line.

Originally, the countries of the European defense line were only struggling to support it, but after receiving the support of the Yan Kingdom, the situation improved.

However, the production capacity of the various military equipment provided by the Yan Kingdom to Europe is also limited. Even if the domestic war has ended, the Yan Kingdom still cannot provide a large amount of military equipment and materials to Europe.

Thanks to Chen Xin’s efforts before, the aid fleet was able to establish a large number of sub-bases in Europe, which finally increased the production capacity of various military equipment and materials, and could stably deliver equipment and supplies to the front line.

But this is still not enough to change the situation of the war. It just stabilizes the already precarious line of defense, so that the Europeans will not continue to retreat and lose their already few territories.

With the recovery of European industrial production capacity, the situation will be very different after countries can produce foreign trade equipment provided by Yan Guo.

Although the production capacity of each country cannot be compared with that of the Yan Kingdom, even if it is added up, it is only equivalent to the production capacity of the European aid fleet, but being able to provide equipment and ammunition for the front-line army with twice the amount before will undoubtedly make the front-line Troops are able to change their outfits faster.

Although it sounds unbelievable, even with the production system that Chen Xin worked hard to build in Europe for a year, the entire European defense line has not yet completed all the renovation work.

Although it is said that foreign trade-type power armor, exoskeletons and electromagnetic rifles have been allocated to almost every line of defense, there are still many troops who have not obtained new equipment.

This is not because the Yan Kingdom has not provided enough weapons and equipment, nor is it because the European countries are still playing some intrigue and have not issued enough equipment to all the troops.

It is because in order to resist the invasion of alien creatures, the line of defense is too long, and there are too many troops stationed on the line.

Even if the European aid fleet has been fully produced, before the industrial production capacity of European countries is restored, the number of weapons and equipment produced is still limited, and only part of it can be replaced by the troops.

In the case of considering combat effectiveness, only elite troops can get priority for new weapons and equipment.

In addition to the systems such as the Knights and the Joint Security Maintenance Force developed by Chen Xin before, although it is said that the army can quickly familiarize with the equipment and form combat effectiveness after changing clothes, it also causes the speed of changing clothes. The fact that it’s not that fast.

The recovery of European industrial production capacity not only allows European countries to start mass production of new weapons and equipment, but also allows the aid fleet to expand production capacity.

With 3D printing equipment, for the European aid fleet, the only limit to expanding production capacity is raw materials.

Relying on these, the soldiers on the front line finally have enough weapons and equipment to stabilize the line of defense in a real sense. Even if the alien creatures attacked many times on a large scale, there will be no more breakthroughs on the line of defense. crisis.

The defense line has stabilized, no doubt letting European countries finally breathe a sigh of relief.

After all, it was precarious at the beginning, and after receiving the assistance of the Yan Kingdom, there were only sporadic warnings of large-scale attacks. Although European countries rationally knew that they were not so dangerous, they were still worried about the defense line. It was breached, alien creatures flooded into Europe, and everyone was finished.

Now that the defense line is stable, they will undoubtedly be completely relieved, and they no longer have to worry about the defense line being broken.

This has a very big impact on European countries.

It’s as if there is a wall in front of you, and outside the wall is a large group of hungry lions and tigers preparing to eat. If it is just a wooden fence, you will feel that your life is in danger at any time.

If you replace the fence with barbed wire, you will know that you are safe, but when the beasts roar at you, howl, or even fly at you, when the barbed wire is crushed and deformed, you will still feel the hair on your back. cold.

Only when the fence is replaced by a high reinforced concrete wall, the lions and tigers cannot jump at all, and the fence is connected to the power grid, you can feel completely safe, even if the lions and tigers bark loudly outside, you will not have Dangerous feeling.

European countries that feel safe now have more energy to manage their domestic problems.

I have always been worried that the defense line will be breached. All countries are doing their best to supply and maintain the defense line, and they are simply unable to maintain their own national economy and people’s livelihood.

Now that the defense line is stable and not so dangerous, and with the restoration of industrial production capacity, countries can finally make efforts to improve their national economy and people’s livelihood and carry out post-disaster reconstruction.

It’s just that when countries start post-disaster reconstruction in their own countries, they inevitably have some new ideas.

Especially as the communication channels between countries gradually recover and the efficiency of information flow improves, they also know that the Yan Kingdom has encountered alien, but they are all wiped out in the end.

Although it is said that the scale of the invasion of star creatures inside and outside the Yan Kingdom is not large, and it is not difficult to eliminate them with the national strength of the Yan Kingdom, it still gives European countries new ideas.

They think that since the Yan Kingdom can eliminate the alien creatures, can they do the same?

Even if it can’t be done, with enough weapons and equipment, can the front line be pushed forward to recover some areas previously occupied by alien creatures?

This is not a fantasy. After all, there are examples of the Yan Kingdom successfully eradicating star creatures at home and abroad. They don’t think this is impossible.

As for nuclear weapons, England and France are both nuclear-armed countries, and Lucia is a nuclear power, so it is not difficult to get some nuclear weapons that can be cleared.

The emergence of this idea has had a great impact on European countries. After all, no country does not want to be able to regain lost land.

Even Yan Guo and Lucia did not stop the Europeans in this matter, but only persuaded them to be cautious and to be fully prepared.

It is best to wait for the success of the Nantianmen plan, the launch of a large-scale aerospace strategic carrier platform, and to cooperate with the armies of various countries to launch a counteroffensive.

Although the European countries feel that this very safe suggestion put forward by Yan Guo is a bit too safe, they also know that without the support of Yan Guo and Lucia, they really cannot complete the counterattack and regain lost ground on their own. plan.

Therefore, although European countries have started preparations in this regard, they have not acted impulsively. They are just resuming domestic production and construction on the one hand, and on the other hand, they are starting to accumulate supplies and silently preparing for the counter-offensive.

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