Doomsday Bunker Upgrade Chapter 682: Artillery support

  Chapter 783 Artillery Support

   Although he came to inspect the position, he really needed to know the combat situation of the forward position, but Chen Xin didn’t have any idea of ​​running into the trenches at the forefront.

   climbed up to the fire observation post of the stronghold, and using the binoculars, Chen Xin could directly overlook the entire position, and he did not need to run to the forefront of the position like a big-headed soldier.

  The position inspected by Chen Xin looks like an upside-down “亼” shape, and the front line is the foremost trench to stop the attack of alien creatures, even if standing at least one thousand meters away Looking at the base, you can still clearly see the fire of the soldiers firing and hear the intense gunfire.

   And at the back of a horizontal, two diagonal trenches are not only the extension of the front trench, but also its firepower supplement.

   There was obviously more heavy firepower on the two trenches that were spread out diagonally. Chen Xin even noticed that they had also dug artillery positions between the two trenches, and arranged mortars and flat anti-aircraft guns.

   But looking at the appearance of those weapons, they should be old antiques pulled from the warehouse, mostly from the Cold War period.

   But it has to be said that these old guys are quite useful. At least on this battlefield, these Cold War-designed weapons have more advantages than modern weapons in terms of lethality.

   It’s not that technology has regressed, but that modern weapons are less powerful than those of the Cold War.

  Modern weapons place more emphasis on precision and effectiveness, focusing on one hit and destroying the enemy at the least cost, which is also determined by the form of modern warfare.

  But the weapons in the Cold War were different. Most of them were prepared for the possible three wars, more to meet the needs of large-scale wars, and more emphasis on lethality and large-scale attacks.

   So in this situation, the old guys from the Cold War really played better than modern weapons.

   After all, to fight alien creatures, steel core bullets are far easier and cheaper to use than missiles, and they have a lot of capacity.

   Seeing that these Cold War-era weapons are now widely used, Chen Xin couldn’t help but ask the major beside him: “I saw a lot of anti-aircraft guns deployed on the position, are these old guys easy to use?”

   “It’s really easy to use, the anti-aircraft guns are flat, and the killing power to alien creatures is very good.” The major nodded, and explained to Chen Xin: “The old-fashioned anti-aircraft guns are not as fast as modern anti-aircraft guns, but this is in Now it’s more of a plus than a minus.

   After all, in modern anti-aircraft guns, hundreds of shells may be fired in one or two minutes. Although the firepower is fast, it is not sustainable. What we need now is the firepower that can be sustained and stable for a long time. This is the old thing. Better to use. “

   “Understood, the output speed of modern anti-aircraft guns is indeed a bit high.” Hearing what the major said, Chen Xin nodded slightly and wrote it down.

   Chen Xin really didn’t pay attention to this issue. When he was in China, the Yan Kingdom’s military didn’t have this trouble. He felt that the weapons had a high rate of fire, so they could naturally be replaced with anti-aircraft guns with a lower rate of fire.

   Especially on the Dongting Lake defense line built by the Yan Kingdom, the anti-aircraft gun is not the main weapon. After all, the firepower output brought by the soldiers of the Yan Kingdom with a set of exoskeletons and heavy machine guns is enough to meet the needs of the battlefield.

   In addition, there are no flying units of alien creatures in Yan Kingdom, so there is no need for anti-aircraft guns to fight mosquitoes.

   But when it comes to the European battlefield, there is a lack of firepower configuration for ordinary soldiers like Yan Guo, one heavy machine gun per person, they really need to use anti-aircraft guns as a necessary firepower supplement.

  The electromagnetic rifle provided by Chen Xin solved the problem that ordinary soldiers could not cause damage to alien creatures, but although the electromagnetic rifle had sufficient penetrating power, its lethality could only be said to be usable, not excellent.

   After all, electromagnetic rifles have been accommodating in caliber in order to be compatible with European rifle bullets, and electromagnetic rifles also mainly emphasize penetrability. Power is limited.

   Therefore, on this battlefield, the tactic of laying anti-aircraft guns flat to hit ground units has become extremely effective and practical.

  , paired with those large-caliber mortars, constituted the main heavy-fire strike force in the forward positions, and was also the main means of killing alien creatures in the European battlefield.

   As for the firepower with greater power and caliber, it is the 155mm caliber howitzer attached to the stronghold.

   However, in order to protect the barrels and save shells, these artillery pieces usually do not fire. Only when the forward positions are really unbearable, they will roar to support them and push back the offensive of alien creatures.

   It was just that even with these heavy howitzers before the support of Yan Guo, the front line of defense was often in a hurry, and the support of air strikes was needed to stabilize the front line.

   There were even several times when alien creatures broke through the first trench, but only relying on the output of heavy firepower on the second trench and the timely support of the air force, the alien creature was pushed back. .

   However, that time, more than half of the soldiers stationed on the position were killed.

   After that, this position encountered similar situations several times. However, with the fire support provided by Yan Kingdom’s land runners and fighter jets, the losses were smaller each time.

   Recently, there have been powerful equipment such as electromagnetic rifles, exoskeletons and power armors. The combat effectiveness of the first trench has skyrocketed. They have not been broken through by alien creatures for a long time now. Even the calls to artillery fire support have become much less common.

  It can be said that Chen Xin’s Their defense line is getting more and more stable.

   However, it seems that the offensive of alien creatures is a bit fierce today, or they want to show it in front of the big man Chen Xin. The soldiers on the front line have called for artillery support after a long absence.

  Because the weather is too cold, all the guns are tightly protected and covered with a thick thermal insulation blanket to avoid freezing or other damage to the guns.

   After all, the metal properties of metal parts change at a low temperature of minus tens of degrees, but they are easily damaged.

   Now received the order to use artillery support, the artillerymen ran out of the bunkers of the stronghold, quickly lifted the insulation blanket covering the artillery, and then quickly corrected the shooting Zhuyuan, ready to launch Prepare.

   At the same time, another group of artillerymen transported the cannonballs to the artillery positions. With the calibration of shooting Zhuyuan, the loading of the cannonballs was also completed.

   refused the major’s request to let him enter the bunker. Chen Xin just stood on the observation post, watching the artillerymen complete their preparations for firing, and then——

   “Boom!” “Boom! Boom!” “Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!” The God of War started his roar.

  (end of this chapter)

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