Doomsday Bunker Upgrade Chapter 603: Design of land-based aircraft carrier

Although Chen Xin expressed the impossibility of designing a larger mobile base in a short period of time, both the military and the high-level officials entrusted this task to him.

Faced with the entrustment of the military and high-level officials that is half an order and half a request, Chen Xin can only agree.

After all, this is indeed about the victory of human beings in this war against alien creatures. If possible, Chen Xin also hopes to provide more advantages for the country and the human side.

The design of a large mobile base is naturally not as simple as the previous mobile base.

It can even be said that because of the difference in function and size between the two, it is almost a complete redesign.

After all, the size of the hull has been enlarged so much, and the entire hull structure and way of travel must be redesigned, rather than simply enlarging the original mobile base.

Although a lot of technical experience can be learned from the original mobile base, the large mobile base still cannot copy these experiences.

While thinking about how to design a large mobile base, Chen Xin also picked up a pen and paper to draw a sketch on the paper.

According to the requirements of the military, in fact, an aircraft carrier is the most suitable for them, but it is obvious that the aircraft carrier cannot be driven to shore, and the previous disaster has also made all the naval ships useless, so the aircraft carrier naturally No exception.

“So you want to design a land-based aircraft carrier?” Chen Xin shook his head helplessly, looking at what he had randomly sketched on paper that resembled an aircraft carrier with crawlers.

The drawing is simple, but if you really want to design it, it is not so simple to install the tracks under the aircraft carrier.

If nothing else, the displacement of a large aircraft carrier is more than 70,000 tons, and the largest one can even reach more than 100,000 tons. Such a huge weight does not matter at sea. There is no problem with sea water. .

But on land, these weights are all on the ground, and any uneven force may cause the entire hull to overturn or even break.

And a runway that can take off and land fighter jets, even if it is a carrier-based aircraft, needs to be at least two or three hundred meters long. Such a large movable object moves on the ground, not to mention the problem of load-bearing and force. Whether there is terrain to pass through is a question.

However, since taking the job, what should be done is still to be done.

The requirement put forward by the military is that fighter jets can take off and land, but it is unrealistic to make a runway two or three hundred meters long like an aircraft carrier.

However, the take-off and landing of fighter jets is not the only way of taxiing. The catapult or vertical take-off and landing used by the aircraft carrier itself in order to shorten the length of the runway can be used as a reference.

“Using vertical take-off and landing to shorten the length of the runway and increase the missile silo…” Chen Xin gradually sorted out his thoughts, and as his thoughts were clarified, he gradually had a general direction.

As Chen Xin gradually found the direction, the sketches on the drawings gradually became clear: “The vertical take-off and landing position is set up on the deck, the lifting platform is installed, the hangar is placed under the deck, and the missile silo is installed on the side, which can be tilted. It can be put away normally…”

In this version of the design, Chen Xin did not lengthen the runway too much, but just changed the take-off and landing platform extending from the side of the mobile base hangar to be placed on the top deck.

And the vertical take-off and landing method is adopted, only the top deck is used as a take-off and landing stand, and it is not used as a runway, so there is no need to lengthen the length too much.

As for the missile launch port, it was originally placed on the top deck. Although the launch port of the original mobile base can be retained after the top deck is used for take-off and landing, in order not to affect the take-off and landing of deck aircraft.

After thinking about it, Chen Xin put it on the side of the mobile base and made it at an inclined angle. The bottom is inside the mobile base and the launch port is outside.

“It’s almost the same as this. Next, we need to make it bigger.” Chen Xin looked at what he had designed and nodded with satisfaction.

Although it takes a lot of process and verification to convert the drawings into real objects, and many places need to be modified according to the actual situation, but at present this is only a conceptual design drawing, which can reflect the design ideas, but it is not It needs to be done in too much detail.

So it didn’t take too long for Chen Xin to complete the blueprint for the so-called large mobile base.

The large mobile base on the blueprint is indeed larger or longer than the mobile bases used by the military today.

After comprehensive consideration, Chen Xin did not make the top deck a runway, but lengthened the overall length of the mobile base, and installed catapults and arresting cables on the top deck to make it necessary to can be used to take off and land aircraft.

Of course, although such a function is designed, the large mobile base still uses vertical take-off and landing as the main take-off and landing method. Although doing so requires a redesign of a fighter jet that can take off and land vertically, Chen Xin thinks that this is not bad. worth.

As for the lengthening of the hull, it is not only to allow the top deck to have the function of a runway, but also to expand the hangar so that it can accommodate more fighter jets.

After all, fighter jets are not the same as helicopters. They are more powerful and larger, so a hangar large enough to accommodate fighter jets is required.

For this reason, the decks of aircraft carriers are actually very high. Although there is a huge space inside, the biggest space is always the hangar.

So when Chen Xin was designing a large-scale mobile also removed the deck below the original hangar and turned it into a part of the hangar, so that there was a larger deck in the hangar. The space can accommodate more fighters.

In addition, there is the missile launch port on the broadside. Although the method of slanting is adopted, so that part of the launch mechanism extends out of the hull, but most of the structure is still inside the hull. Chen Xin also carried out this part. Some adjustments, but not much overall.

The other parts of the mobile base Chen Xin did not make much adjustments, but just optimized the internal space structure and expanded the area used as a field hospital.

“It looks alright, but the power system and mobile mechanism will probably have to be redone!” The structure of the superstructure is well designed, but the mobile mechanism at the bottom is the focus of this large mobile base. The part that Chen Xin felt a headache.

Fortunately, he didn’t need to worry about this alone. After reprocessing the completed conceptual design and converting it into a more detailed and formal design, Chen Xin sent the drawing to the relevant unit so that the They came up with a design based on this blueprint.

For Chen Xin, what he wants is not technology, but ideas. As long as ideas can solve problems and are practical, he can turn them into actual technologies.

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