Doomsday Bunker Upgrade Chapter 545: The whole line is urgent

The entire coast of Dongting Lake has been in an emergency. Alien creatures have emerged from various places around Dongting Lake, just like mushrooms growing out of the ground, flooding all of a sudden, and everywhere.

If Chen Xin had not discovered the traces of this alien creature before, and notified the military, so that the military could take precautions, I am afraid that these alien creatures would break through the defense line and begin to attack the surrounding Dongting Lake. The city drove straight in.

But even so, the military’s defense against these alien creatures is still very difficult.

On the one hand, the strength of the alien creatures is strong. Even if the ordinary soldiers are equipped with exoskeletons, it is difficult to confront them head-on. It requires at least several soldiers to work together to kill a combat child.

On the other hand, it is also because the alien creatures are large in number and attack from the ground.

In the process of attacking, these alien creatures show extremely high intelligence. When they are bombed by the air force, they will quickly burrow into the ground to resist the air attack. When they encounter a solid defense, they will think about the Dig a tunnel underground to go through and attack from behind the defense line.

While this was not too difficult for the military to deal with, it still caused considerable trouble and resulted in considerable casualties.

If it weren’t for the timely support of the follow-up armored troops to stabilize the defense line, I am afraid that these alien creatures will cause even more damage.

But even so, when these ant-like alien creatures began to bloom on the shores of Dongting Lake, the military did not have enough troops to establish a strong enough defense line in every place for a while to resist their invasion.

After all, Dongting Lake is located in the inland area and is considered the hinterland of the Yan Kingdom. Even if the military has troops around it, it is only a small amount of troops stationed, and the main force of the military will not be stationed here.

If it wasn’t for the notification and warning that Chen Xin had discovered alien creatures, the military mobilized a part of the army, and now the alien creatures would have broken through the defense line long ago.

Even so, the military is now suppressing the proliferation of alien creatures with high-intensity air force bombing in order to buy time to mobilize troops.

Hearing this news, Chen Xin felt as if his head had been hit with a stick.

I originally thought it was just a group of alien creatures that accidentally landed on the Blue Star. After eliminating all individuals, the incident was resolved, but I didn’t expect them to multiply underground, and now it’s because of myself action erupted.

This made Chen Xin even think that he was the culprit who caused this disaster. If he was not so radical, he would first study the fighting offspring that attacked him, analyze the situation clearly, and then go to exterminate these alien creatures. The military is fully prepared, is it not as troublesome as it is now?

However, this thought only existed in Chen Xin’s mind for a moment before he dispelled it.

Even if this is the case, he doesn’t want to think about what the **** is going on, the only thing he needs to do now is to find a way to help the military defeat these alien creatures, as to how these alien creatures are flooded Yes, and how it spread to the entire Dongting Lake coast, Chen Xin didn’t want to know at all.

He just wants to know how to effectively kill these alien creatures, and how to solve them completely.

For the current battle situation, Chen Xin has something to support the battlefield. Although he wants to drive the white dragon to the front line to resist the invasion of alien creatures, this time he was stopped and banned by the top management. front.

I didn’t think it was that dangerous before. Chen Xin had the White Dragon Titan in his hand, and the mere alien creatures really couldn’t threaten his safety.

But the battlefield is different. Even if Chen Xin has a White Dragon Titan in such an environment, it cannot guarantee absolute safety, not to mention that the new progeny displayed by those alien creatures have the ability to destroy the Titan. ability.

The fourth seeds that Chen Xin and the others didn’t understand before, showed their effect on the battlefield.

This is a daughter body that can emit high temperature body fluid vesicles. They look like a hermit crab with a volute on its back, except that their back is not a volute, but a huge vesicle The same organ can throw vesicles formed in the body composed of highly corrosive and high temperature bodily fluids into the human position, causing huge damage.

The high corrosiveness of this high-temperature body fluid can even corrode the armor of tanks and Titans, and can cause great damage to vehicles and unprotected personnel.

The good thing is that the progeny fires the vesicles very slowly, giving the fighters enough time to dodge or blast the vesicles with their guns without causing more damage, but even so at the beginning Lost a few Titans and tanks that could not be avoided.

Now the entire front is showing a stalemate. The number of alien creatures is extremely large, and they are not pure wild animals. Although they have a certain wisdom, they are not as good as But still Shows some simple tactics.

It can even be said that it has fought back and forth with humans, and even has a certain advantage on the battlefield.

Under such a situation, the military is constantly mobilizing new troops to the front line to fight the invasion of alien creatures, and on the other hand, it is constantly using artillery, missiles and air force bombing to suppress the expansion of alien creatures .

Although the front line is still holding up now, and the front line is being consolidated as reinforcements arrive, Chen Xin is worried that these alien creatures will reemerge from elsewhere.

And ordinary soldiers don’t have enough advantages against this alien creature, which is one of the reasons why the military is currently at a disadvantage on the battlefield.

The military now needs equipment that can withstand alien attacks on the battlefield and help secure the front line.

Chen Xin can of course make such equipment, but the temporary production of equipment is only a drop in the bucket. On a battlefield of this scale, a single piece of equipment cannot turn the tide of the battle, unless it is a massacre such as an atomic bomb. device.

But apparently the top executives don’t want to use such a thing yet, and are still just using conventional force.

This made Chen Xin feel annoyed. If he had completed the design of the self-disciplined titans earlier, and now he could pull out 180 self-disciplined titans to support the front line at any time, the military would not be left in such a passive situation. .

However, it is not too late to make amends. Chen Xin quickly upgraded the self-disciplined titan in his laboratory, upgraded it to the point where it can be put into actual combat, and copied the artificial intelligence in it to let the factory Start producing this self-disciplined weapon that can fight on its own.

At the same time, Chen Xin is also seriously thinking about how to create a greater advantage for the military on the battlefield.

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