Doomsday Bunker Upgrade Chapter 492:

Finally, with the help of the Simplified Machine and a few miners equipped with exoskeletons, the stuck Titan finally got out of trouble, and the test was able to resume smoothly.

This time, however, the pilot, not the miner, is driving the prototype Titan.

After all, it is a real Titan, and it must receive professional training to drive it, not ordinary miners can play it.

And seeing the mining efficiency of the real Titan, both the miners and the technicians of the mine are full of praise for this large machine, especially seeing that the Titan can continue to crush the rock wall while using the lower abdomen. The two mechanical giants kept stuffing the ore into the mine cabin behind the stomach, which made their eyes brighter.

Although the development of modern technology has freed the industrial and mining industry from primitive and heavy manual labor, in this environment, the mine is still using a relatively primitive manual labor model.

Workers use air picks to break the structure of the rock wall, breaking it into ore, which is then manually loaded into a minecart and transported from the ground to the surface.

It’s not that the mines don’t want to use new technologies, it’s just that they don’t have the money to purchase new mining equipment. Although the state is also vigorously organizing production, this kind of thing is always in short supply, and the factory produces it. To use it, such a small mine with a small amount of mining can only rely on air picks and manpower.

There are no other advantages, the only advantages are low labor costs and cheap equipment.

But that doesn’t mean that people in the mines don’t want good labor tools that can improve their labor efficiency.

Just looking at the prototype, although the workers’ eyes brightened, the technician could only smile bitterly and dismissed the idea of ​​buying this.

Of course he can see that the prototype is good, but he can also see that the prototype is expensive. Even if this valuable item is really mass-produced, it is not something that a small mine like them can afford. .

In contrast, he felt that the simplified machine he saw below was more likely to be equipped on the mine.

“Master, do you think the two big clips for picking up ore are necessary?” Chen Xin found the previous foreman and asked him.

The foreman stared at the two big eagles at the bottom of the prototype, and then nodded seriously to Chen Xin: “It is very necessary, with this, we can keep drilling without stopping to pick up ore. .”

Obviously, the foreman is very pleased with and yearns for this design, which can save a lot of money.

However, he also understands that the prototype is not something they can think about, so he added: “Actually, I think the previous one is very good, and it would be great to improve the design. Although this is good, it is too It’s not realistic to use it underground.”

Hearing what the foreman said, Chen Xin glanced at the huge prototype in front of him, thinking that it would actually get stuck in the tunnel just now, it is hard to disagree with the foreman’s remarks.

He thought about it seriously, and felt that it was indeed the case. The giant Titan was huge, even if the mining type deliberately reduced its size.

Compared with the simplified machine, which is basically similar in structure and volume to the exoskeleton, and compared with the height and size of the prototype machine, Chen Xin also thinks that the smaller one is more practical in the mine.

After all, in a narrow mine tunnel, once a large machine like the prototype gets stuck, the effect will be comparable to a mine disaster.

The simplified machine is different. The relatively small structure also brings lighter weight, so that it can not be delayed due to its large size in the event of danger.

So after this field test, Chen Xin has an idea for the mass production of mining Titans.

After finishing the test in the mine, Chen Xin and his party returned to the research center.

The huge prototype machine was naturally driven into the warehouse and still on standby, but the simplified machine was dragged to the laboratory, ready to put the ideas just generated into practice immediately.

The previously dismantled robotic arm was added back, and the mine bucket also reopened a mine entrance, which was placed in the middle of the two robotic arms, which looked like the front face of a crab.

Seeing this design, Chen Xin did not hesitate or hesitate for a long time, and then killed the design draft.

At first glance, this kind of thing that adds the original design back only solves the current problem, but does not solve the previous problem. Otherwise, the design sketches that Chen Xin sees will not just copy the prototype completely. ‘s design.

Although the manuscript was killed, Chen Xin gave his plan.

“It’s good to design the two robotic arms to be able to flip 180 degrees.” Chen Xin directly modified the performance on the design drawings submitted by the researcher, and said: “There is no need to stick to the following Just put the ore in it, let the robotic arm flip 180°, and then throw it into the ore bucket! We are building industrial machines, which do not need to be too novel or high-tech designs to run smoothly, or to solve some problems. Nothing is good enough.”

Hearing this, the researcher immediately felt a sense of broadening his mind. At the same time, he also understood that Chen Xin’s method of directly turning the robotic arm 180° was far simpler and more straightforward than his own idea of ​​opening the door on the mine bucket. Much rougher, but also solves the problem of workers having to bend over many times a day and the ore in the hopper slipping.

“The academician, can this be finalized for production?” Looking at the blueprints that had been altered by Chen Xin, the researcher asked Chen Xin.

Because in the past, the designs made by Chen Xin are always ready for mass Xin rarely revises his own designs many times, so the researcher asked this question.

However, Chen Xin didn’t answer this question, just shook his head at him.

“After the first modification, make a few prototypes, send them to the previous mine, continue the test, and record the feedback of all workers after using it.” Chen Xin instructed the technicians, he did not have this problem, Chen Xin did not Answered, just shook his head at him.

“After the first modification, make a few prototypes, send them to the previous mine, continue the test, and record the feedback of all workers after using it.” Chen Xin instructed the technicians, he did not have this problem, Chen Xin did not Answered, just shook his head at him.

“After the first modification, make a few prototypes, send them to the previous mine, continue the test, and record the feedback of all workers after using it.” Chen Xin instructed the technicians, he did not have this problem, Chen Xin did not Answered, just shook his head at him.

“After the first modification, make a few prototypes, send them to the previous mine, continue testing, and record the feedback of all workers after use.” Chen Xin instructed the technicians, he

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