Doomsday Bunker Upgrade Chapter 487: Return to China

Chen Xin and the others are not slow to return to China. Although the mobile base can only travel about 30 kilometers per hour, they can travel about 700 kilometers a day without stopping.

Even though the place they started from is thousands of kilometers away from the country of Yan, but after walking on the road for more than a week, the two mobile bases were able to enter the territory of the country of Yan smoothly. After entering from Mongolia, they continued south.

Because it has entered the country, communication has naturally been restored, and the high-level officials also got in touch with Chen Xin and the others at the first time.

After a simple exchange, Chen Xin also understood the current situation.

Although the train that took Chen Xin and the others to Siberia took a longer detour, the speed was much faster, so they returned home much earlier than Chen Xin and the others, and now they have reached their destination.

In addition, the Haizhu has also returned to China, notified the senior management of the situation, and is currently under quarantine observation.

Another ship, Xu Gou, remained in the capital of Lucia, where the plague had broken out, even though some of its crew members were infected, in order not to bring the virus back to the country.

Senior management is currently discussing whether to provide support to Lucia.

As for the earthquake in the southwest region, the aftershocks have subsided, and post-disaster reconstruction work is also proceeding in an orderly manner.

Although the entire southwest region was severely affected by the disaster, and a large number of casualties and material losses made the southwest region fall into a rather difficult stage for a time, with the deployment and full support of high-level officials, the current situation has improved.

The worst-hit city where Chen Xin was previously relied on Titan’s help, but instead rebuilt the fastest.

Although other disaster-stricken cities did not rebuild as quickly, they have also carried out reconstruction work in an orderly manner, and the situation in the disaster-stricken areas is improving step by step.

This reassured Chen Xin a lot, but while letting go of his worries about the disaster area, he was also concerned about what decisions the executives would make regarding Lucia’s affairs.

For this point, the top management did not give an answer, but just asked Chen Xin to return as soon as possible.

Regarding the two mobile bases, the high-level officials also did not give clear instructions, but only asked the two mobile bases to send Chen Xin back first.

In the face of such instructions from the top management, the commanders of the two mobile bases and the officers leading the team would naturally not have any disobedience and discounts, and they continued to drive the two mobile bases without stopping.

However, the top management also learned that the two mobile bases are now running out of supplies, and specially sent two helicopters to deliver the supplies.

“What do you mean when you say high-level? Don’t you plan to support Lucia?” Standing in the hangar, facing the cold wind pouring in outside, watching the two helicopters land on the outstretched apron, Chen Xinxiang The officer beside him asked.

Since he received the instructions from the high-level, he has not let Chen Xin out of his sight. Except for Chen Xin to eat and sleep, he has been following.

Now hearing Chen Xin’s question, the officer thought for a moment and then replied, “Perhaps there are high-level considerations, to be honest, we don’t actually have much strength to rescue Lucia, and now is not before the disaster. , at most, send a medical team over there to study the virus situation, and then bring back the Xugou number stuck there, that’s all we can do.”

Chen Xin had no other opinion on the officer’s answer.

Indeed, in the situation as the officer said, the help that the Flame Kingdom can provide to Lucia is extremely limited.

Not to mention the shortage of domestic supplies and medical resources. Although it is not impossible to squeeze out at all, being able to provide a medical team to help Lucia may be the limit of what the high-level executives can do.

As for the Xugou, although the loss of an ark is heart-wrenching, and those compatriots who are infected with the disease and trapped in Lucia are also worth saving, saving the Xugou means risking the entire Yan Kingdom. If the admiral risks spreading the disease to China, Chen Xin feels that the high-level officials will make the right decision.

It may be cruel, it may be cruel, but in the face of the safety of the whole country, the individual is sometimes insignificant.

Of course, Chen Xin feels that things are far from this stage.

After all, according to the reports from high-level officials, although Lucia has spread the disease on a large scale, the fatality rate of this disease is not too high.

In the absence of medical care and medicine, the mortality rate of infected people on Lucia’s side has remained at a low level, not even higher than the flu.

Therefore, under the premise that the situation is relatively safe, the country is likely to send a medical team to Lucia, on the one hand to provide support to Lucia, and on the other hand to bring back the Xugou.

It’s just that although the fatality rate of the disease caused by the ancient virus that broke out in Lucia is not high, it does not mean that the virus is not dangerous.

On the contrary, for viruses, the high fatality rate is not as terrible as imagined. What is really terrible is the coexistence of high infectiousness and high fatality rate.

A virus has a high fatality rate, which can only mean that the human body is extremely incompatible with this virus as a host, and it is easy to cause the rapid death of the infected person.

The virus needs to replicate and spread itself. If the infected person dies quickly, even faster than the spread, it is very likely that a situation similar to that the infected person has died before the epidemic spreads widely.

In this case Although it is said that the infected person will die quickly, resulting in a very high mortality rate, the infection scope will not be very large.

A “perfect” virus should actually have a not-so-high lethality and high infectivity, just like the flu as we know it, this virus has high infectivity and The relatively low fatality rate makes it almost impossible for humans to eradicate it.

So it’s not scary for a virus to have a high fatality rate, because it doesn’t even have enough time to mutate, and it’s easy to be vigilant. Although it is very destructive, its impact is relatively small.

But highly transmissible viruses are dangerous, they are likely to spread rapidly in a short period of time, and then start to mutate because there are enough infected individuals.

With enough infected individuals, you can’t even imagine how many variants a virus can mutate.

Just like the epidemic before the disaster, the populous country to the south of our country revealed the news that 7684 variants of the same virus were found.

Under this scale of mutation, only God knows what the virus will look like. Maybe there will be a result like winning the lottery jackpot. A highly pathogenic, lethal, and easily mutated Spread the super virus.

As for the ancient virus that broke out in Lucia, perhaps the Yan Kingdom can ignore its influence by relying on the distance and the cold weather, but what if a similar situation occurs in the country?

Therefore, it is always good to send a medical team to Lucia to accumulate relevant experience in dealing with the spread of ancient viruses.

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