Doomsday Bunker Upgrade Chapter 414: Flesh and weak

Gene modification is a highly controversial subject, and the moral and ethical issues involved are enough to deter anyone who wants to study it.

Even with an unwavering determination to study it, someone will still ask you: “If a person has modified his genes, can he still be called a person?”

Similar idea conflicts and disputes are not uncommon in all kinds of science fiction works. Whenever, there will always be a group of so-called human supremacists who clamor for a “clean world for the sake of blue” jumping out to stop it.

In order to prevent the so-called crime of “tainting human genes”, they will concoct even more appalling and anti-human evils, and call it necessary sacrifice.

“…But, what can you really call a person? What is a person?” Chen Xin asked Qin Lan who asked the same question.

“This, isn’t human beings human? Humans are human beings because we are smart, intelligent and thoughtful?” Qin Lan had also seen some science fiction works under the influence of Chen Xin before, and he asked this question. Not that he couldn’t answer.

But this answer is obviously not comprehensive enough, at least not completely correct.

“It is true that we are human because we have wisdom and thoughts, but are wisdom and thoughts innate to human beings? The answer is not necessarily.” At this time, Chen Xin really behaved like a scholar, sitting In front of Qin Lan, he talked about it: “If a baby grows up in human society, he will naturally have the wisdom and ideas that can be called a person, but if a baby is far away from human society since childhood, even by If a beast is raised and raised, he will never have the wisdom and thought that a man should have.”

Qin Lan did not refute Chen Xin’s statement, but nodded in agreement.

In 1920, in a small town called Midnapol, northeast of Kolkata, India, two girls who were raised by wolves and called wolf children were found and caused a sensation.

The eldest of the two girls is about seven or eight years old, and the youngest is about two years old. The two little girls were sent to the orphanage in Midnapole to be raised, and they were given names. Kamala, the little one is called Amala. By the following year Amala died, while Kamala lived until 1929.

Through this incident, it was concluded that if the wolf child was not born with a birth defect, then this case shows that human knowledge and talent are not innate, nor are upright walking and speech. instinct, all of which are the product of acquired social practice and labor.

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“The reason why people can be called human beings and possess wisdom and ideas is because of the existence of the entire human civilization and society. If we lose these, we are not much different from beasts.” In Chen Xin’s view Come, the reason why people are called people comes from the mind and the soul, not the body: “If it is purely from the perspective of species, human beings are also Homo sapiens, just one of the species under the suborder Mammalia, the subclass, the subclass, the primate, the suborder Anthropomorphis. .

Even under the genus Homo sapiens, there are 16 other species in the same row as Homo sapiens. Although they are extinct, they can also be called humans from a biological point of view. .

So purely from the perspective of biological classification, there is no essential difference between humans and other animals. The so-called human supremacy is just the arrogance of human beings. “

“But even if there is no essential difference between humans and animals, humans are also a type of animals. Isn’t genetic modification still polluting the purity of human genes?” Mo Qingyan, who appeared on the side at an unknown time, suddenly interjected. He said, “And aside from other issues, Ah Xin, you used wolf genes to transform human beings. Is it a wolf or a human? Don’t do this kind of unethical thing? Before the disaster, the country was not Has an illegal gene editing crime been introduced? Ah Xin, your practice is already illegal, right?”

“That is the newly added provision of Article 336 of the Criminal Law, implanting a gene-edited or cloned human embryo into a human body or animal, or implanting a gene-edited or cloned animal embryo into a human body, It is considered a crime.” Because of the need to do related genetic modification research, Chen Xin of course also checked the relevant legal provisions: “Embryos implantation is a crime, and it is not illegal to study genes alone.”

“But even if this is not illegal, it is also against morality! Human genes are the perfect product of evolution, how can they be modified at will?” Due to his former professional habits, Qin Lan disliked Chen Xin’s lack of legal provisions. I can do attitude.

“Morality does need to be followed, but if there is ignorance and ignorance in morality itself, do we still need to follow social morality? In the feudal era, women’s incompetence was morality. This was the social morality at that time, but we can now Do we still need to abide by it? Society is constantly developing and progressing, and so is morality.” Chen Xin explained to Qin Lan and Mo Qingyan painstakingly, trying to convince them both.

This is just the two of them. If it was someone else, Chen Xin would have been impatient. How could he have the patience to explain slowly.

“Even if social morality needs continuous improvement and development, this is not a reason to modify human genes at will, right?” Mo Qingyan comforted Qin Lan, who was a little excited, and turned to Chen Xin and asked: “The human body It is a perfect masterpiece of natural evolution, even if there is something inappropriate, can’t we wait for human self-evolution? Why do we have to use such a radical method as genetic modification?”

“The human body is perfect? ​​Hahaha, Long Niang, I’m afraid you have read too many novels. Do you really think that human beings are innate Taoist You must first become human before you cultivate?” Chen Xin laughed as if his stomach hurt, until Mo Qingyan pinched him in dissatisfaction, then he put away his smile and continued to explain: “The reason why human beings are like this is just by constantly compromising with the natural environment. The result of human evolution is not the body, but the brain. From the perspective of biological evolution, the human body is actually very cumbersome and bloated.

And not just our bodies, but our genes are the same. There are countless redundant chains in our genes. Some of them come from the remnants of the past when we evolved from sea to land, and some are just Emergency mechanisms evolved to adapt to the environment of a particular period, but these things are all retained in our genes, redundant and useless.

It doesn’t matter if it’s just the excess garbage, but these complex and complicated genes are mutating all the time, and even self-collapse, forming life-threatening tumors in the body.

Removing the sanctity of human beings, purely from the perspective of the strength and weakness of the biological structure and the pros and cons, all human organs are not the best, and even many are outrageous.

Overlapping organ functions, vastly wasted neural conduits, blood vessels and neural networks that twist around like the most complicated labyrinth but not as straight as a straight line, and all kinds of abandoned and useless genes that exist from the beginning Information…

If human beings are regarded as an engineering creation, then this creation is completely a substandard product that can continue to work through various coincidences and external factors.

So with the development of human science and technology, and the progress of medicine and biology, it is inevitable to optimize genes and carry out genetic modification. “

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