Doomsday Bunker Upgrade Chapter 41: Conclude a deal

   “It’s been a long time! The ingredients!” Mo Qingyan hugged Chen Xin directly, holding him tightly with both arms, unwilling to let go, the expression on her face was full of excitement: “You’re all right. Great! I’ve been going crazy underground this month. I can’t contact you in the current situation outside. I’m almost worried! I’m relieved to see that you are fine!”

   “How many times have you said, don’t ask me for ingredients.” Chen Xin looked at Mo Qingyan who was excited, smiled and motioned for her to let go, and said with emotion: “I have also passed this month. It’s too bad, I haven’t received any news from the outside world for a whole month, and I almost cut off the water. In short, it’s hard to say.”

   Having said this, Chen Xin also greeted Mo Qingyan’s younger sister and best friend: “Long time no see, little sister Xin, Xiao Ding.”

   “Don’t let others call you ingredients, you don’t call me Little Sister Xin every time! How many times have you said that, my name is Mo Qingxin!” Mo Qingyan’s sister apparently treated Chen Xin to her. She felt a little unhappy about the title, but of course it was just a daily bickering among friends, and she didn’t mean to be angry, she even had a smile in the corner of her eyes.

As for Mo Qingyan’s best friend on the side, she was taking off the arrow from the crossbow and letting go of the bowstring to avoid accidental accident.

   After putting away the crossbow, she greeted Chen Xin with a bit of surprise: “Writer, don’t you store a lot of fresh water? Why is there water shortage.”

  Before entering the shelter, Chen Xin collected a lot of bottled drinking water and tap water in a pure bucket. Knowing this, Mo Qingyan felt strange to Chen Xin that she was almost short of water. .

   “You also said that those are drinking water. They are used for drinking. I can never take the drinking water to bathe and wash clothes and water the vegetables?” Chen Xin couldn’t help but shook his head when he said this. If there is no system, it is really difficult for him to solve this problem: “But fortunately the problem is solved, otherwise I will exchange fresh vegetables with you for fresh water now.”

   Speaking of this, Chen Xin also opened his car trunk, patted two plastic boxes filled with fresh vegetables, looked at Mo Qingyan and said with a smile: “Here are four hundred catties of fresh vegetables. , Long Niang, if you put it in the refrigerator, it will be enough for you to eat for a month.”

   Hearing Chen Xin’s words, Mo Qingyan and her two companions immediately gathered around, looked at the two large plastic boxes in Chen Xin’s trunk, and swallowed secretly.

Although girls often say that eating vegetables is like eating grass, saying that they can’t eat them, but as long as they are normal human beings, it is impossible not to eat vegetables.

It doesn’t matter a few days or even a week, because in modern society everyone can get enough nutrition from various other kinds of rich foods, but not eating vegetables for a long time will inevitably lead to malnutrition.

   But for the three Mo Qingyans who were trapped in the refuge in the last days, although the food reserves were quite sufficient for the whole month, and although the taste was not very good, they could still eat meat. Canned food and canned lunch meat, but there has been no fresh vegetables and fruits, they are very uncomfortable.

Now seeing two large boxes of fresh vegetables in front of them, the three young girls feel that they may just need to wash and eat them raw.

   swallowed, Mo Qingyan turned away from the two tempting boxes of fresh vegetables, looked at Chen Xin aside, and asked him: “Axin, what do you want to change?”

   Although she usually has a good relationship with Chen Xin, Mo Qingyan doesn’t have any idea of ​​vain prostitution. She even changed her name to Chen Xin to show her solemnity.

  In this apocalyptic era, the original morals and laws can no longer restrain human beings who want to live. Mo Qingyan, who has seen too many foreign apocalyptic film and television works when studying in the United States, deeply understands this truth.

  Under the doomsday, no matter how good the relationship is, it can’t stand the test.

Therefore, she prefers to exchange the 400 catties of fresh vegetables from Novice Chen, rather than relying on her past relationship to ask for it.

What’s more, I can ask for it this time, but I hate the relationship with Chen Xin, and the price I need to pay for getting fresh vegetables next time is not as simple as an equivalent exchange.

  In this apocalyptic environment, the exchange of interests has become more direct and explicit, and the relationship and affection in the past can only be exchanged for a little preferential treatment. If you still want to take advantage or simply want to prostitute, the end result can only be evil. With the original friend, he has become even more difficult to move in this end of the world.

In the apocalyptic world, only unity and cooperation can make everyone live together. Mo Qingyan deeply understands this truth.

   Chen Xin was also very satisfied with Mo Qingyan’s attitude, nodded and said, “Didn’t you just say it? Canned meat and wine, if you have gasoline or a refrigerator, it’s better.”

   “I have a lot of canned meat, luncheon meat and real canned meat, and enough wine, how much do you want?” Mo Qingyan agreed to the exchange terms proposed by Chen Xin without even a little stumbling. As for gasoline or refrigerator, she did not directly refuse: “I don’t have a lot of gasoline in my inventory~ If you don’t want too much, you can share it with you. For the refrigerator, there is a bar upstairs with ice wine. The big freezer, you can tow it away.”

  ”For canned meat, two boxes of luncheon meat or one box of real meat, and one box for wine, is that okay?” Chen Xin looked at Mo Qingyan, thought for a moment and said that he could accept it. exchange ratio.

Hearing the exchange rate offered by Chen Xin, Mo Qingyan thought about it and nodded her head. There was no bargaining. This exchange rate was acceptable to her.

   “In this case, I will give you a box of canned luncheon meat and a box of canned pork, plus a box of golden rum for your two hundred catties of vegetables, but the canned pork is a small can of 200g, is it okay?” Mo Qingyan looked at Chen Xin and took out her bargaining chip.

Chen Xin nodded, indicating that there was no problem, and moved a box of vegetables directly.

   “Let’s find something to pack, I’ll take this box back.” Chen Xin opened the box, and the breath of fresh vegetables emanated, making the eyes of the three girls brighter, and the sound of drooling Very obvious.

  Mo Qingyan nodded, looked at her sister, and said to her: “Xiaoxin, go and bring the cans, and bring a plastic box by the way.”

After she finished speaking, Mo Qingyan looked at her best friend again: “A Ning, go upstairs and bring a box of golden rum down.”

“I see, where’s the wine cellar key?” Ding Ning looked at Mo Qingyan and reached out to her for the wine cellar key.

Mo Qingyan tore the keychain from her belt and threw it to Ding Ning.

  After all this, Mo Qingyan turned to look at Chen Xin and invited him: “Axin, are you in a hurry? Let’s talk together?”

“It just so happens that I also really want to know the current situation in the city.” Chen Xin nodded and accepted Mo Qingyan’s invitation.

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