Doomsday Bunker Upgrade Chapter 217: Threats

Although Zhang Chengguang’s hands and feet were in a state of weakness just after he came down from space, and even walking by himself was a matter of gritted teeth, he still removed the data storage in the return capsule as quickly as possible.

In Zhang Chengguang’s opinion, the data storage is more important than himself or even with the other two astronauts. It is the entire observation data of the Blue Star that they have used the Tiangong space station in the past half a year. .

After the initial mission failed, they could not return to Blue Star, so they controlled the spacecraft to the Tiangong space station, which was previously an operational support base.

A large amount of fuel and supplies for this mission are stored on the Tiangong space station. Although most of the fuel has been added to the three spacecraft flying to the meteorite in previous missions, the above supplies are still Very adequate.

After they arrived at the Tiangong space station, they tried to use the communication equipment on the Tiangong space station to get in touch with the Blue Star, and indeed they contacted the command center for a while, and performed meteorological and other tasks on the Blue Star according to the requirements of the command center. Observations of the relevant data provide data support for scientists to analyze the impact caused by meteorite impacts.

But as the meteorite fell, the dust completely obscured the entire Blue Star, and their communication was severely disrupted, and it was almost impossible to get any contact with the ground.

In the following months, although they have been trying to restore communication with the ground, they have been unsuccessful. They can only receive a small amount of ground signals from time to time, but most of them are disorganized civilians. radio signal.

As for communication with the command center, it has never been possible to restore it.

In a few months, they gradually ran out of supplies in the Tiangong space station. In desperation, they decided to take the risk of using the return capsule to return to Blue Star.

This is almost a gamble to do everything, because they only have one return cabin, and once they start to return, there is no chance to do it again if they fail.

And the failure to land is just a dead word for them.

The three astronauts don’t care about their own lives and deaths. They were prepared to sacrifice for the country long before they set off for the mission.

It’s just that they have collected a lot of precious data from the Tiangong space station, but they have to find a way to give it to the country no matter what. It is something that is far more important than the lives of the three of them in their opinion.

That’s why they took the risk to choose their landing site in the densely populated area along the Yangtze River, rather than the traditional landing area in the sparsely populated northern desert.

On the one hand, this is to facilitate rescue after landing. On the other hand, they consider that if the landing fails, their wreckage will fall in this area. As long as someone can find the return capsule, the return capsule will be strictly protected. The data store can also be found.

In this way, even if they sacrifice, these precious data can still return to the blue star’s surface and be sent to scientists.

But they seem to have good luck. Although the shell of the return capsule has been hit by all kinds of debris and dust during the landing, so that the shell of the return capsule has been smashed to the ground, but it is not damaged, and it is still very smooth. sent them back to the surface of Bluestar.

However, the situation on the ground was worse than they expected. If it wasn’t for Chen Xin, who happened to save them, the three weak-handed astronauts would not be able to survive in this cold weather of dozens of degrees below zero. find shelter.

After all, even if they are strictly trained astronauts who have spent more than half a year in a gravity-free environment in space, it is impossible for them to travel long distances in a space suit that weighs more than 20 kilograms when they suddenly return to the surface. .

Not to mention that they have to face malicious survivors in the wind, snow and darkness, and hand over the data storage they brought back to the country.

Fortunately, they were really lucky, and they met Chen Xin who was able to help them, and at the same time had no bad intentions for them.

Zhang Chengguang quickly disassembled the data storage. Although this thing was originally designed to be cheap and disassembled, in order to protect the data storage itself, it was fixed very firmly, and more than one had to be disassembled.

Zhang Chengguang’s hands are a little weak. He can do anything easily in a gravity-free environment. It has taken half a year for his body to get used to the gravity-free environment. When he suddenly returns to the gravity environment, he can’t help but feel that everything is exhausting.

But now is not the time to care about these, he must remove all the data storages as quickly as possible.

Zhang Chengguang is not slow. He said that it took ten minutes, but it only took five minutes. There are only the last two of the data storage devices that need to be dismantled. At his speed, he can get it all done in three minutes.

Only at this time, the sound of the car engine came from Zhang Chengguang’s ear, and the four cars were already approaching.

This made Zhang Chengguang anxious, but he didn’t panic, he directly loaded the pistol that was placed aside, and then he continued to disassemble the data memory against the clock.

Chen Xin and the remaining two astronauts in the car were equally anxious. They saw the four cars that had entered their line of sight earlier than Zhang Chengguang.

These cars didn’t hide their intentions at all. The light from the headlights penetrated the night and shone directly, without any arrogant concealment.

Chen Xin gritted his teeth. These four cars were no threat to him. His car was armored, even the windows were bulletproof, and there was a heavy machine gun on the roof. It can be said that Chen Xin Willing, we’ll fix these guys in minutes.

But the existence of the three astronauts made him full of concerns about exposing his heavy machine gun. If it was just a pistol or something like a weapon, Chen Xin believed that the three astronauts would not go into detail, but the significance of the heavy machine gun is It is completely different. Even in this doomsday chaotic world, this is not something that ordinary people can put on their car.

However, if it’s a last resort, Chen Xin won’t hesitate for this trivial matter. Four unscrupulous cars and three astronauts won’t let him take himself on for the sake of confidentiality.

“I’ll go down and help Lao Zhang!” An astronaut stood up and wanted to get off the car, but Chen Xin stopped him.

“It’s minus forty degrees outside, you’re just courting death when you go out like this!” Chen Xin’s tone was not polite, and another astronaut also cooperated to hold the astronaut who wanted to get off.

Forty degrees below zero, this is an extreme cold that the human body can’t bear at all. Without adequate protection, it only takes ten minutes to freeze a person to death, and it can directly freeze to death in half an hour.

That’s why Chen Xin gave Zhang Chengguang his protective suit to prevent the astronauts from getting off the car.

As for the space suit that the astronauts wore before, although that thing has very good protective performance, and the total weight is only less than 20 kilograms, it takes more than ten minutes to put it on, and it is too late.

Under this circumstance, Chen Xin started his car after thinking for a while, and placed the car body between the direction of the four cars and the return cabin, forming a protection with the car body to fight for Zhang Chengguang time.

However, Chen Xin did not stop the engine, but stopped the car body. At the same time, he also picked up the intercom hanging on the operating table and handed it to the astronaut beside him, saying to him: “This can be called to the outside, Say something casually first to scare those people away!”

The astronaut immediately understood what Chen Xin meant, and hurriedly followed what he said, holding the intercom and shouting to the outside, and Chen Xin also rudely turned the volume of the speakers outside the car to the maximum.

“Stop the vehicle ahead immediately! Stop the vehicle ahead immediately! This is the Yan Guo Space Agency, which is performing a confidential mission! No one is allowed to approach! Please stop immediately! Otherwise, we will take force measures to drive away!” Xin and two astronauts, but this astronaut still pulled out the banner of the space agency very seriously.

For ordinary people, the space agency and secret missions are all names that are enough to scare off some of their undeserved ideas. Even in today’s apocalypse, the state agency of the Yan Kingdom still has a full deterrent effect.

Sure enough, under the bombardment of the tweeter, the four cars that had rushed towards Chen Xin’s location all stepped on their brakes, stopped on the snow, and stopped at a distance from Chen Xin. A few hundred meters away.

Clearly, the deterrence worked.

The four cars parked in the distance seemed to be hesitating. If the other party rushed over regardless, Chen Xin could only pull out the heavy machine gun on the roof of the car and blow them up one by one.

And now they stopped, saving themselves and preventing Chen Xin from exposing the heavy machine gun.

But no one knows how long this deterrence will last. Maybe the next moment these people will take the risk, or maybe the name of the Yan Guo Space Administration can scare them away, but for Chen Xin and the three astronauts, All they need is to delay for a few Seeing that the four vehicles just stopped and did not withdraw, Chen Xin motioned the astronauts beside him to continue shouting, and at the same time launched the second drone , Used two drones to approach the four vehicles, putting on a threatening posture.

Chen Xin doesn’t know who these people are, but there is no doubt that his operation clearly restrained them and made them afraid to act rashly.

And Zhang Chengguang on the other side naturally heard the sound. He quickly removed the last data storage device, packed up the tools, and held the six data storage devices in his arms, ready to carry them away, but the heavy weight was too heavy. Not easy to take.

This made Zhang Chengguang suddenly anxious. He took off his protective suit almost without hesitation, and wrapped the six memories in the protective suit, while he climbed out of the protective suit and returned. cabin.

The cold air eroded his whole body in an instant. Zhang Chengguang felt a bit of icy cold, but it did not affect his movements. He quickly rushed to the front of Chen Xin’s car, and Chen Xinye who had been staring at this side He opened the door as he rushed over.

The two astronauts stood at the door of the car and saw Zhang Chengguang rushing over and hurriedly reached out and pulled him into the car.

Seeing Zhang Chengguang getting into the car, Chen Xin hurriedly closed the door, and regardless of the reaction of the four cars, he slammed the accelerator and drove away quickly.

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